
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-19-24 Full episode B&B 19th June 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-19-24 Full episode B&B 19th June 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Get in there Katy and start bearing teeth!

    1. Katie needs to stay out of Bill’s love life and stay in her lane. She’s his ex wife and a coparent that’s it. She has no right to walk into his house anytime she feels like it and swan around like she owns the place.

      She has no right to be upset because Bill has his daughter and girlfriend living in his home. It’s not her business!!

    2. BBFAN, it’s clear Bill invited Katie over. He even commented that he was glad they had the time to really talk about things / share their feelings. He also told her to stay as long as she wanted!!
      A far cry from the way you describe it in your comment above.

  2. Steffi needs to shut up. She is nothing but a selfish spoiled brat.

  3. wow Li is so angry and bitter... she's never going to forgive Poppy. Life is too short to be holding resentment and grudges smh

  4. The only grownup in the room is Brooke. My god Steffy, could you act anymore like a petulant child??!!! 😂😂😂😂
    I’m glad Brooke said yes. And I liked everything she had to say! This ought to be interesting. Hope will get the opportunity to have a much stronger voice at FC now that Brooke is Co-CEO.
    The Poppy / Katie interaction was a bit tense. And it seems to be role reversal. This time Katie seemed to have the upper hand. You could just see Poppy’s insecurity on full display because Katie was at the house. I would actually like to see Katie and Bill get back together. And I think that’s a definite possibility. Katie may have had a change of heart when it comes to Bill.

    1. Lynn 🤗 Steffy should finally change out of that outfit. She looks like a slutty baby Darth Vader with those faces she makes and with all her hateful attitude. I was thinking the same thing you said. Brooke showed class, kindness and consideration even to the little miss "sunshine" throwing daggers at everyone. I'm so glad she said yes. It was obvious that she was far from desperately craving that role. Brooke has accomplished everything in her life and now everything else is on top and bonus.

      I can't wait for whoever will burst Poppy's bubble. She's super annoying and rude to Katie who has every right to have mixed feelings about two women now making themselves comfortable into Bill's life. Li is hiding something.

    2. Why should Katie be entitled to Bill for life? She’s his ex wife and she spurned his attempts to get her back. She is in a relationship with Carter so why is she sniffing around Bill?

      Katie is only upset because she wants Bill pining for her and can’t stand to see him with someone else, even if she doesn’t want to be with him. She’s being very selfish actually. She’s happy, shouldn’t she want Bill to be happy to.

      I’m sorry I don’t buy into the once a man has been with a Logan they own them for life.

      Katie is totally jealous that Bill has a daughter with Poppy. She always queened it over everyone that she was the only one to have a child with Bill and be in a relationship or have been married to him.

      Bill and Katie are toxic together. He always wanted Brooke and loved her more, Katie was always second to her sister.

      Katie can’t stand another woman living in Bill’s house , she literally walks in like she owns the place. It is very disrespectful of Bill actually. She wants to establish her dominance over Bill with Poppy, but I don’t think she will find it as easy as she thinks.

      I hope Poppy puts her in her place.

      I understand how Steffy is feeling but that said, Brooke handled the situation with a lot of grace. I was very proud of her today.

      Hope was acting like the entitled brat she is! She might be the face of her line but the designers are the ones who do ALL the work!! Hope swans around and acts like she’s an executive and she’s NOT!! She was deliberately stirring the pot today to try and drive a wedge between Steffy and her father.

      Hope was a total brat to Steffy years ago and that hasn’t changed.

      Steffy was right to tell Thomas to wise up that Hope was never going to love him the way he wants or marry him. He needs space away to get himself together.

      Hope is acting like that selfish princess she has always been. She knows her mum will always side with her if it ruins Forrester… that is why Logan’s were barred from being in the CEO position again… they ran the company into the ground.

      I think Steffy needs to ease up, but I get that Ridge always sides with Brooke so Steffy knows she’s is screwed if they disagree over something. He won’t upset his Lover. He will also support Hope over her for the same reason. She had a point that Ridge should have told her in private. He’s such a bloody infant, he was too scared to tell her.

    3. Brooke and Steffy would make a power house team if they could get along. I do see Brooke making an effort. I think the writers want Steffy’s world collapsing so they can set up her and Liam again and Hope and Finn yawn…. 🥱

    4. Good lord that's a lot of text. I'll only say that you would support anyone who is against a Logan, even a complete shady newcomer nobody knows anything about... This is not about Katie being entitled, but about everyone gathering more information about Poppy/Li and their secrets before automatically accepting them as part of anyone's family. Bill said to Katie himself that her place can never be taken.

    5. You see it as against a Logan. I see it as Katie feeling entitled because she is a Logan. Remember the conversation between the sisters where they were bragging that Katie is the only one with Bill’s child and doesn’t she want him back. Regardless of her relationship with Carter or Bill’s with Poppy! It’s the sense of entitlement to any man they formerly were with that I have an issue with!

      Katie was always miserable with Bill. She knew he really wanted Brooke!

    6. BBFAN , Katie and Carter are no longer together. An episode a couple weeks back told us that. Katie referred to Carter as her last relationship….as “in the past.” So I do think Katie is having second thoughts about getting back together with Bill.

      As far as Hope and Steffy…..Hope is soooooo overdue to throw some of that shade back Steffy’s way! And Ridge has backed Steffy over and over and over again. It was nauseating to the Brooke fans to watch it. So it’s wonderful to see him stand up for his wife for once!!!

    7. That isn’t what she said, she last as in she’s with him and isn’t going to be with another man!

    8. Brooke and Ridge are NOT married! She’s not his wife. She was telling him to put a ring on it recently… he always backs Brooke!

    9. BBFAN, I’m pretty certain you are incorrect. I think Katie and Carter are just friends now. And everything we’ve seen lately supports that fact. And I did not take Katie’s comment to mean what you stated at all. I think she meant he was her last (as in most recent) relationship.

    10. My mistake “Brooke his destiny, mother of his child, the woman he lives with”…..not his “wife”. Lol

    11. Lynn that's exactly what Katie said and it has been discussed in the (relatively) reliable soap site with the previews how Katie and Carter obviously broke up off camera. But even if she was with him still, she has the right to be exactly the way she is being in this situation.

    12. When was the last time any of us saw Katie and Carter together in a romantic way?? It’s been a very long time. Also, Carter didn’t act jealous that Katie was acting jealous over Poppy. And it would be normal for the “new boyfriend” to ask Katie if he had anything to be worried about. Did she still have feelings for Bill?? But nothing like that happened. I think that relationship dissolved and the writers simply didn’t put it on blast.

    13. Lynn you're right. My last comment didn't post but it's been discussed also in other forums that they obv broke up off camera.

    14. Milla, “Slutty baby Darth Vader” 😂😂😂😂😂 Hilarious!!
      I am liking Poppy less and less these days. She definitely rolled in and got comfortable in her new digs way too fast. Plus I don’t like the way she acts toward Katie. Katie didn’t have 5 seconds to digest the news before Poppy was already wanting Katie’s blessing. Give the woman a minute for goodness sakes!!!
      And Katie’s comment about Poppy being stuck to Bill like glue even got a chuckle from Bill. I see this turning into a cat fight over the man as I stated earlier. And I’m rooting for Katie!!

    15. Milla, I’ve had success lately with closing the browser and reopening when my comments don’t post. Nothing more frustrating than writing a 3 paragraph response to have it all disappear. I’m now in the mode of copying my comments in case they don’t post.

  5. Wow Brooke in high manipulation mode so we guess Brooke will be running the company because Ridge will look to Brooke first
    A war is coming!
    Stephanie must be turning in her grave
    And Hope stay shut hun you are nothing!
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  6. Steffy has every right to be angry cause ridge didnt even discuss it with her or even thomas who are his kids. Once again hes choosing a woman over his kids, hes a useless father. As for Hope someone outta slap the smirk out her face. She contributes nothing to FC if it wasnt for thomas helping her twice her line would have been done for. Maybe steffy and brooke would surprise everyone if they get along.

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  7. Now I understand more how Katie feels. I don't think it's that she wants Bill back. She has a lot of memories in that house with Bill and their son. Now Bill is moving a new woman and a new child into that same house. I don't think it would be as difficult for Katie if Poppy and Luna lived together somewhere else. Maybe a house next door or down the street.
    Katie is having a sentimental moment, and Poppy walks in and asks "Katie, what are you doing here"? Maybe a more polite thing say would be "Hello, nice to see you. I guess you're here to see Bill". I'm starting to dislike Poppy more and more.
    I wanted to see more of those flashback clips of Bill. I've always thought he was so handsome, even decades ago when he was on Y&R.

    1. Put yourself in Poppy’s shoes… Katie walks in line she owns the place and demands to know what she and Luna are doing in Bill’s house and make catty comments about her making herself at home. Then tries to establish her dominance. Poppy showed her respect and asked for her blessing as Will’s mum and Katie refused!

      Then Poppy comes home and finds Katie sipping coffee on her sofa line Queen of the manor… how would you feel?

      Katie is rude and dismissive of Poppy… why? Katie is NO better than her. I see Poppy recognising Katie’s sense of entitlement to Bill and all that is his.

    2. Just my opinion, but I think Poppy is the one acting like "queen of the manor". And too soon. And it should have been obvious to Poppy that Katie was invited over by Bill. No one would break into someone's house to sip tea and stare at photos above the fireplace.
      I think Poppy will come off looking petty and insecure if she makes an enemy of Katie. That is a sure way to make Bill back away from a relationship with her. Katie has the advantage over Poppy because she has more history with Bill. Poppy has one night decades ago, and the last few months. Bill has no idea what (or who) she has done since that one night. I think Bill was too hasty moving her into his house. 🤷‍♂️

    3. Forever 36 that's exactly what I think about Poppy too. Nobody knows enough about her to support her blindly off the bat. Katie has been around for decades and Bill can trust her with his life. That's why he wouldn't dream to tell her anything disrespectful like to mind her own business. He cares about her too much and knows whatever she's saying is coming from a good place. Poppy is acting way too entitled for someone who just appeared into their lives and that makes her even more suspicious and unlikeable.

    4. Forever36, yes!! Your comment was so funny and true!…...“And it should have been obvious to Poppy that Katie was invited over by Bill. No one would break into someone's house to sip tea and stare at photos above the fireplace.” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    5. i agree with forever36. i don't think katies' jealous. she was there cause bill and her needed to discuss will. katie feels something off with poppy. as do i. she is staking out 'her' territory and making sure everyone, especially katie, knows it. her and bill have no chemistry. i like luna but there's something shady about poppy. she's giving katie those 'bill's mine now' smirks. on another note...i miss jack.

    6. M, everyone was supporting Poppy "blindly off the bat" when it was her against Li. There was a lot of defense for Poppy who noone knew.

    7. I personally haven’t supported her Elle. I was against Li‘s blind hate without saying what’s her issue. That’s not supporting Poppy. Just wish as always to know the truth. Same as now.
      Glad you’re back! :)

    8. Thank you. Haven't been watching the show. Been extremely busy. But I'm anticipating Thomas' return.

    9. You didn't miss anything - Luna is (supposedly) Bill's and Hope is now falling for Finn. Here two months summarized 😅
      I'm also anticipating them dimples to return ☺️😀

  8. I love all the Steffy bashing and how soon everyone forgets that along with Eric they each own 37.5 % of Forrester! Ridge only has 20% and Thomas 5% so she is a majority shareholder and has a right to be consulted and weigh in on major decisions like adding Brooke as Co-CEO.

    Honestly, if Ridge hadn’t been so high handed she probably wouldn’t be so upset about working with Brooke. He went behind her back and showed that he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks and made a decision that should have been taken jointly.

    I think Brooke will be a good addition if she and Steffy team up. However, Hope is going to make as much trouble for Steffy as possible. Hope shouldn’t have even been in the meeting at all. It’s none of her business! She’s not an exec just another head of a line she doesn’t design for !!!

    1. Eric would always be on the side of Brooke being hired. So if shares are any factor at all in this decision, together with Ridge, they seriously outnumber Steffy, even if she teams up with Thomas 😁😁 the only one who looks very determined to be difficult and make trouble is spoiled hateful Steffy.

    2. The point is he didn’t even tell her just sprung it on her! She had a right to know before the meeting!

    3. Hope is spoiled and hateful too, she is just better at disguising it!

    4. You call it better at disguising, I call it better raised to not yell, judge and push around everyone. The result is that Steffy is obnoxious. I always always call out Hope when she deserves it, I don't twist myself into a pretzel to supoort bad behavior only because she's a Logan.

    5. Milla, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    6. BBFan, Eric actually only owns 20%. Donna got his 25% after she divorced from him, which she sold to Bill and which he later gave back to Steffy. When Stephanie died, Eric got her 20% due to her giving Thomas 5%.

      In addition to Steffy's 25% which she got from Bill, Taylor split her 25% and gave 12.5% to Steffy and the other 12.5% to Ridge. Both Ridge and Steffy own 37.5% and this was the basis for both of them becoming co-CEOs of FC.

    7. Nice to see you back, Elle. Looks like you and Thomas are returning at the same time. Coincidence?? 😁
      I read he’s supposed to make his grand re-entry on Friday’s episode.
      But what I really wanted to comment on is your breakdown on the stock shares listed above. How in the world do you know that? That’s an incredible amount of detail, and I was laughing as I read it….thinking WTH??!!! 😂😂😂
      Seriously though, how could you possibly know that?

    8. Elle that's some serious knowledge on the stock distribution and history behind it! So Eric 20 and Ridge 37.5, all the rest is as BBFan says. It's terribly sad that apart from Eric, no (actual, sorry) Forrester owns shares - no Thorne, his sisters, Rick, Bridget. And do you guys remember that Eric adopted Donna's son Marcus? He's the last one to demand shares, of course, but still Eric's son. Or did anything change in that adoption during Eric and Donna's breakups?

    9. Haha Lynn, coincidence indeed. I read since last month that Thomas was to return sometime in June however, I did not know when exactly. I was browsing here this morning and just decided to comment when I saw Milla's post about Poppy. I had no idea that Thomas was returning this week. Thanks for the heads up! Very exciting news!

      Regarding the distribution of shares, this was all explained in various episodes of the show over the years (e.g. when Stephanie gave Thomas 5% of her shares to set Brooke up, or when she left her remaining 20% to Eric when she died). Then, when Steffy got the shares back from Bill, the distribution between her and Ridge, and the decision to make them co-CEOs, were also explained.

      Admittedly, I could be a little off with the percentages (except for Ridge and Steffy - they both own 37.5%), but with respect to how the shares changed hands and the people who benefitted, it's all accurate.

    10. Gotta say…..round of applause for you Elle!! I could never remember that level of detail from decades ago. Not even in my own life, much less a soap opera!!! 🤣🤣🤣
      Well welcome back! And maybe Colly will be joining us shortly too! We lost some key bloggers while Thomas was away. 😊

    11. Mmysh, I am missing you too! Hope you come back to the conversations soon, friend! 🤗🤗

  9. So happy Brooke said yes...especially enjoyed the look on Steffy 's face 😆😆... Poppy is annoying... don't trust her at all..and I think Li..Is covering the real trith Luna's bio dad... thank you Bob 🥰❤️

    1. Steffy's face this week is the main reason I'm watching 😂it looks like she's being regularly smacked with a wet towel in the face. So satisfying. And yes I also believe Li is hiding something around that paternity.

    2. Totally agree with you Ariel. Weird timing Li shows up at the Spencer house to administer the bogus test, Li is covering up something and weird a new actor will soon be on as a lab tech.

  10. Brooke : This is not what you’re thinking. This is NOT Forresters Vs Logans. This is Logans and Forresters united!

  11. Steffy became such a hater...

  12. Oh Katie please!! All the time Bill was of no interest to you..leave him alone
