The Bold and the Beautiful 6-21-24 Full episode B&B 21st June 2024
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- The Young and the Restless
Well........helloThomas!!!!!!!! He is back!!! Hooray!!!!!!! Let the romance between him and Hope carry on!!!
ReplyDeleteThomas brought Paris as his fiancee.
DeleteUm.......that will not last long. I don't think they will make it to the alter.
DeleteBill is so happy to have this daughter? How come after his and Stefy's one night stand that created Kelly, he changed Kelly's DNA test results to name Liam as the father when Bill was the father. He knows he has a daughter. He threw her away. He was the one who changed the DNA results!
DeleteWhy would Bill show up to Sheila's workplace? He can't tell Poppie, we need to go someplace else? Reservations can be changed, they blew off the reservations yesterday. Oh well maybe we can start some trouble.
DeleteThe way Poppie and Tom look at each other, might be because that's how he ended up in the homeless position when Deacon found him. Could Poppie have stolen Tom's home or bank accounts?
Deletewitchy poo bill never changed the results to make liam the father ..liam is the father of kelley. im not sure where you got that idea. steffy wasn't sure but they did dna and people thought bill would do it but he didnt
DeleteHope's smile say it all!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteParis is back... -_-
ReplyDeletelol! But her hair looks better than most of the time.
DeleteThomas! ❤️🥰 but noooo, anyone but Paris. This Tom guy I think knows something else about Sheila. And now Poppy? He obviously knows her and didn't seem to excited to see her and the feeling was mutual.
ReplyDeleteThomas! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
DeleteElle , ❤️❤️❤️❤️ for sure. He gets even better looking after not seeing him for awhile. And Douglas has really changed since the last time we saw him.
DeleteFinally...what a great friday cliff hanger..Poppy and Tom...hmmmm.Does Luna know Tom?? And Thomas is back...could feel their chemistry from just hello...suck it up Thomas haters...
ReplyDeleteyeah but he is engaged to paris
DeleteOddly that even makes it better
DeleteTY Bob. Have a great week end /
ReplyDeleteCould this Paris thing be similar to Thomas' engagement to Zoey back then? It took about the same time to develop and it became clear it was all an act. Thomas has known Paris forever and never had any interest in her as far as I know. And she's always wanted to land a Forrester. Something smells fishy.
ReplyDeleteFinally some insight into Poppy's past. Could Tom be Luna's actual father? Very interesting.
🤣🤣🤣 that's hilarious. Poppy must of been really high if she slept with him. Maybe back in the day he was worth a lot of money.
DeleteM, Thomas showed interest in Paris when she and Zende were just starting out. It was when he gave over his apartment to her. She blew him off though because of Zende.
DeleteOmg Elle yes and they even lived together for a bit, no? But was there anything romantic between them? Or only on his side... We all know this will be one of those weddings that don't happen, the question is who will ruin it 😅
DeleteNothing romantic happened between them but yes, they did live together for a bit and remained friends. Paris was the one who first told Thomas that Hope had a crush on him.
DeleteAnd of course, we are very familiar with the wedding almost happening only for someone to crash it. Who will it be is anyone's guess! 😁🤣
DeleteMilla, I’m thinking the very same thing. This is all about Thomas scheming and trying to make Hope jealous. As you said, he did the same with Zoe. He isn’t even creative enough to take it outside of the family. Too funny. Why is Thomas soooooo desperate to get married??? Good lord, it hasn’t been that long since he took off to Paris. Maybe 6 months?? And the love of his life - the one woman for his one woman man philosophy is already flushed down the toilet?? Come on, Thomas….who are you trying to fool with your manipulations??!! 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteYes, Tom is now in the middle of multiple scandals. At least it’s gonna get interesting. Hopefully the writers don’t turn Hope into the jilted ex. I hope she holds her ground and doesn’t get engaged to Thomas. Paris is just another one of Thomas’ pawns. Cuz that’s just what Thomas does!!! 😂😂😂😂
I don't think Thomas is scheming to try and make Hope jealous, or desperate to get married. He's just trying to move on since Hope rejected him again. Just like Hope is doing, but with a married man, and Steffy's husband
Deleteof all people. We'll see where this goes. Hope hasn't figured out yet what she wants. Maybe she has a brain tumor. It would explain the headaches. 🙂
D - Hope was clear again in today’s episode, she is NOT ready for marriage to anyone at this time. She also said she would never again settle for any man who had a wandering heart.
DeleteSo now Thomas is engaged. Firstly, to me that just screams desperation on Thomas’ part. Clearly he did this to “get over” Hope or to make Hope jealous. Neither are mature moves. Paris seems like Thomas’ rebound chick. But you don’t get engaged unless you’re playing games. He’s loved Hope his entire life. They break up, and 6 months or so from then, he’s engaged to Paris?? Ridiculous. And getting married to forget about Hope is simply reckless. Either way, Thomas does not come out looking good here.
Why would Hope have a brain tumor??
Elle So it is still strange this sudden love story between Thomas and Paris. He's been gone for 3 months and already engaged... I'm not buying that he fell in love with her.
DeleteLynn it would be really exciting if it is some kind of ploy again 😀 very Thomas style. Also to see how Hope will handle now her feelings - both Thomas and Finn! 😂
The show is getting my hopes up again with these storylines, just hope they don't get dropped.
Milla, Hope alternating her fantasies between Finn and Thomas would be interesting for sure. Get that girl a puppy! She needs something to love! Lol. It’s funny because she told Thomas she wanted to focus on being the best mom she could, and yet Hope seems to never be with Beth (except when the child is sick.)
DeleteAnd you’re probably right that Thomas has only be gone for 3 months(ish) in soap time, because they mentioned how bad of a quarter HFTF had while Thomas was away. But I gave him the benefit of the doubt when I guessed 6 months. If he’s really only been gone 3 months and already engaged to Paris, then that is even more absurd. It’s such an obvious ploy on Thomas’ part. And Paris will be his victim this time.
Lynn you could be right that in soap time it's longer, tbh I was only counting our real life time. But either way it's been way toi a short time to be in love to be engaged. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Maybe Paris is not a victim, but maybe they have a plan together to pretend to be engaged and make Hope "realize" she does want to get married? Even though Thomas certainly doesn't look at first sight like he's plotting, but still it's all too strange. I'm really glad he's back in any case.
DeleteOh I hadn’t even considered that….that Paris could be in on it in an effort to make Hope come around on the marriage idea.
DeleteNo matter what’s going on with that Paris / Thomas engagement, it’s definitely not the real deal. And it just means that Thomas is back to his old tricks and manipulations. I’m OK with him being back. Just hope that Hope doesn’t get easily pulled in. She is just all over the place these days. Not the Hope we know, that’s for sure.
Indeed... Hope used to be a solid stable character. Ever since Thomas she's erratic, anxious, as if something really isn't okay with her (I truly hope they don't go that way). And since Thomas, she can't recognize herself. Still she's a great woman and I root for her to calm down and feel and act like herself again.
DeleteMilla, do you know where Mmysh has been? And if she’s OK? It’s just weird that we haven’t seen her comments in such a long time. I miss her. Hope she’s alright.
DeleteI haven't Lynn :/ I hope she's just busy or even better - decided to take a break from B&B and enjoy a long summer vacation.
DeleteLynn, I wonder if Hope will end up with something medically wrong that will explain the headaches & out-of-character behavior. Of course, Finn will save her just like he did Steffy after her motorcycle accident. It leads to a relationship. The writers often repeat storylines...
DeleteRenee, that sounds plausible. And yes, they repeat storylines a lot! Honestly, I would like an explanation for all of Hope’s odd behavior.
DeleteLynn, your comment to me, I wasn't talking about Hope. I was referring to your comment about Thomas, scheming and sooo desperate to get married. And is Hope acting mature? Or ridiculous and reckless with her way of handling the break up. Hope also doesn't come out looking good right now. IMO. The brain tumour comment was maybe that's why she is acting "odd".
DeleteLynn, I wasn't referring to Hope about marriage. I was referring to your comment about Thomas scheming and why he's sooo desperate to get married. Is Hope acting mature? Or reckless and ridiculous with the way she is handling the break up? Hope also isn't coming out looking to good right now. The brain tumour comment, was maybe that's why Hope is acting "odd".
DeleteWe have said hundreds of times that Hope is not acting normal. That doesn't address in any way the statement that Thomas is acting weird and suspicious. But it's no news that his fans would never admit or address this, but respond with "what about Hope?".
Delete"Elle So it is still strange this sudden love story between Thomas and Paris. He's been gone for 3 months and already engaged... I'm not buying that he fell in love with her."
DeleteM, as I would usually do, I will hold my comments until we see more. So far, we only saw Thomas return at the very end of Friday's episode. Then we saw a 2-second preview of an apparent engagement between him and Paris. I'm not sure what it all means so I'll reserve my opinions for later on. Maybe, we will see more on today's show. Definitely, by the end of the week, we will see what is going on.
Also, based on what I've seen over the past year regarding the Thomas character, he seems to be done with the scheming and manipulations. Hope's last rejection of his proposal has made him open his eyes to the fact that he may never have what he wants with Hope. In this regard, I agree with D that Thomas is probably just trying to move on.
DeleteWe see it all the time without it meaning that any scheme or manipulation is involved. We most recently saw Ridge rush to get engaged to Taylor in a heartbeat. We also saw Carter rush to rekindle his relationship with Zoe after his affair with Quinn was found out. After Zoe left, we saw him rush to be with Paris. Liam is a master "rush into relationships" type of guy. People tend to move on pretty quickly on this soap. This is nothing new, and it certainly does not mean that there is any scheme or manipulation in place.
Elle, may as well be! All I'm saying was that the response "what about Hope's behavior?" to Thomas' supposed moving on is like saying nothing.
DeleteYeah M, I understand, but I don't think we can get away from that. It is done all the time. Many times we may say something about Hope, Brooke, Sheila etc and the response is always "What about Steffy? She slept with Liam while involved with Finn." Or, "what about Thomas? He killed Emma." Or, "what about Taylor? She shot Bill in the back." And on and on it goes. Lol.
DeleteElle true but we can at least try to also address the bad behavior of the person it is originally being talked about. And not just think that asking what about X in any way changes anything about the first person. I try to point out the behavior of Hope's that is not okay.
Deletehmmm...looks to be an interesting couple of weeks. intrigued by the poppy/tom connection. as far as thomas, he may be engaged to paris now, but i don't think it will last. at least it might keep hope from sniffing around finn for now. i keep wondering where are sheilas other children? you'd think finn was her only child. would love to see one of them show up and start some sh*t.
ReplyDeleteThomas and douglass are back thats good. He should never have left because of Hope. I hope that Thomas is the one to find out about Hopes feelings for Finn and tells Steffy and Finn.
ReplyDeleteGlad Thomas and Douglas are back..I read that he was going to bring someone back...but not Paris 😳🥴😖....This is going to bring Hope even closer to Finn(I think)...and what about Tom and Poppy🤔🤦🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️.... can't wait for this story line to play out 😉... thank you Bob 💕...have a great weekend 😘
ReplyDeleteTom should have said to Shelia....
ReplyDelete"if it wasn't for me, you probably would be dead!
Maybe that was the the mistake"
For sure! Sheila owes Tom for sending Deacon & Finn in the right direction in their search for her.
DeleteIt seems that Li is right about poppy
ReplyDeleteYes! Today's episode was entertaining. The Tom and Poppy connection. Thomas and Douglas coming back. And the previews for next week. Is Thomas engaged to Paris? That will be interesting. Hope will be so upset she will need a friend to console her. Of course she will run into Finn, and he will say all the comforting things to make her feel better. That will lead to more fantasizing. 😞
ReplyDeleteThe Poppy & Tom connection is interesting. Prior to being hired by Deacon, Tom spent all his time hanging out in the bad part of town. He told Deacon & Finn that he never forgets a face when they showed him Shelia's picture. That probably means that Poppy has spent some time in Tom's neighbor-"hood". My guess is that Poppy was either a drug buyer or seller in that area & that is the reason they recognize each other. Poppy has to be concerned that Bill finds out & leaves her...
ReplyDeleteRenee, I think you may be onto something. Poppy had her drug habit and Tom is a recovering alcoholic. Tom talked about “making amends” and that’s a term that’s used In Alcoholics Anonymous. So maybe there is some connection between the two of them due to their substance abuse issues.
DeleteThe clue here is Homeless Tom's battered guitar.
ReplyDeleteI reckon he is a long lost rock/folk singer who spent a few blissful nights with the insatiable Poppy.
Li knew who Luna's father was but rather than show Poppy up, she tampered with the DNA test to point Bill out as the father. Can't have princess Luna having a worn out crooner for a dad, now can we?
Oh, that would be an interesting twist! Remember when Bill approached Poppy for the first time & there was no recognition on her part of him? Ironically, at the same restaurant (what are the odds?) Poppy & Tom meet & clearly know one another.
DeleteBlackBetty, love that theory.
DeleteCan’t believe the writers are going to put us through more of this goofey Paris BS. Paris seems to want everybodys seconds. She was after her sister Zoe boyfriend, Carter. Then Zende. This must be a Thomas game to get Hope back.
ReplyDeleteAgree. No more Paris. It would have been better & more realistic for Thomas to have paired up with one of the FC models.
DeletePoppy sure makes enough comments about Bills money and his position to really let us see the Gold Digger truth in Li’s opinion of her. Now, what’s her story with Tom, the plot thickens!!!
ReplyDeleteI liked the fact that Sheila went up to Tom to talk to him (not exactly how she said it, though). She might as well have tried to set him up and make him look bad in front of Deacon. We will see where this goes.
ReplyDeleteToo much eavesdropping at Il Giardino lately.
Thomas engaged to Paris, come on.
He looks like he's gained a couple of pounds, it looks good on him (or maybe it just looked that way, but he looked good :))
Poopy and Tom, can't wait to see what this is all about
Elle welcome back we have missed you! How’s wee grandbairn keeping??? Anyone heard from Colly?
ReplyDeleteYes, nice to see some friendly faces back. Last I talked to Colly she was really busy, had a lot on her plate. I'm sure she'll pop in now things are maybe getting interesting again> seems alot of viewers lost interest over the past few months. Hasn't been alot to talk about.
DeleteThanks BBFan! Grandbairn is doing great! And getting so big. He'll be 1 soon.
DeleteNot all my comments are showing up.🥺 I'll wait a bit and try again.