The Bold and the Beautiful 6-3-24 Full episode B&B 3rd June 2024
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- Days of our Lives
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- The Young and the Restless
Li is probably going to tamper with the results I bet we'll see if Poppy is right or wrong...
ReplyDeleteLi will tamper with the DNA test but so will everyone else. They will have to show different hands switching them.
DeleteI would not trust Li.
DeleteLi wants to safe poor upstanding Bill from gold-diggers. Bill usually wants to defect ownership to Liam. Katy wants to save Bill's estate from adding them to it, and his will. She doesn't want to split anything. How dare these skanks waltz in here and try to mine her treasure trove! Bill pretending he cares so much just wants to nail one or both of them. The way he looks a them and hugs them isn't fatherly. (If Luna isn't his daughter she's fair game too.) Poppy and Luna display the phoniest bs when Poppy tried the old , I've loved you for ever. Yeah yeah yeah yada yada yada. They may have come here at first to get money out of RJ and Zende. The whole "mints" debacle. Planned yet possibly abandoned scheme.
DeleteThen realized that was chicken feed, compared to conning the old con. No one easier to con than another con. Poppy has a good and a bad angle on camera and looks very evil on the bad side. Li shouldn't care and be really sick of overage philanderers getting stuck like pigs.
Hope's question about what contributions Steffy has made was goldddddd 🥇😂 I guess bitching, paper shuffling and strutting should count, otherwise.... Nothing.
ReplyDeleteI hope this leads to us seeing more of Brooke, like actual storyline.
Poppy and Co were practically waiting for Li to show up. Bill repeating 30 times the same thing. I somehow like Li's idea (however forcefully suggested) to do a proper test. Too bad all of them so far done at hospital have been manipulated.
Milla, yes, Hope’s comment to Steffy was classic!! 😂😂😂😂
DeleteAll I ever hear or see Steffy do is have very brief conversations with suppliers / customers and she always says “Ciao” at the end of each conversation. So apparently they are all in France. 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
I hope they do the test at Bill’s house….I got the impression that’s what they are going to do. That would make it nearly impossible for either Li or Poppy to manipulate the test. Li seems pretty sure of herself, so it goes back to the idea that perhaps Poppy had an affair with Li’s husband, Jack. And that’s why Li is acting so sure. But again, if that were the case, I can’t imagine Li and Poppy wouldn’t have discussed it by now. Maybe Li is determined to keep the affair under her belt because she is so embarrassed. What was interesting to me is that Li actually showed an ounce of concern for Luna on today’s show. Li said to Luna……”I’m sorry you are caught in the middle of this.” That was by far the kindest Li has ever been to Luna.
Lynn I hope you're right about the test and they just do it under Li's supervision 😀 just knowing our fav writers and how they deal with paternity tests I can imagine it going also the "falsified results" way. Technically only Katie seems to be really invested in Luna not being Bill's but would they give her that storyline to tamper with results? Let's see.
DeleteHaha Steffy 😅 I liked what you wrote somewhere that finally Ridge is not blindly supporting her latest hateful whim but tried to react somewhat objectively like his role supposes. Steffy has no excuse for really not contributing anything noteworthy. Brooke also wasn't a designer but gave them the most important innovations at the time and she had to fight to the blood to implement each one of them. Steffy is a mediocre co-CEO - apparently she's not bad, but she's in absolutely no way special that would justify her obnoxious attitude (not that any level of contribution would, but hers - never).
Milla, according to the spoilers we are supposed to find out Wednesday who Luna’s father is. But if somehow the test gets manipulated, we still may not know. They have milked this storyline to the driest of teats!!! Lol. Hope we find out the truth once and for all!
DeleteYou know Steffy had to be thrown for a loop when Ridge didn’t back her decision. She is sooooooo used to getting her way, it’s ridiculous!!
DeleteI can’t wait to see the Queen’s reaction when Ridge tells Steffy that Brooke is going to share in the responsibilities of FC. Steffy is gonna lose her SH*T!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Yes brook is not a designer
DeleteBut the formula she created worth millions in this industry
And according to of them including thomas
Men‘s line also was her idea and project and she worked and fought for it while it was a strange idea to FC to also have men as a target back then
Plus her line
Alot of celebrities these days have thier own brands and clothing lines while the are not a designers
Its about the name too
And if i was ridge or eric i would have steffy fired or at least remove her from such delicate positions
Because she failed big time at her position since according to her its her job to make sure the company isn’t losing money but she is the reason the company is
But as usual let us blame hope
Im sure if thomas comes back tomorrow and he wanted his job back she will be begging or forcing him again on hope
She is such a hypocrite
Indeed lynn
DeleteShe even told ridge are you gonna take brook and hope‘s side
Instead of saying are you gonna take keeping the line‘s side against the company best interest
Its not about the company for her its about just hurting hope
And her being the hateful bully she has always been
They have really made Li unlikeable to me...
ReplyDeleteMe too
DeleteMe too, I cant stand her at all. Even if she may be right about her sister (well I truly want Luna to be Bill's daugther) the way Li act is beyond bitter
DeleteI wish that Katie would keep her mouth shut.
ReplyDeleteTY Bob. Have a great week!!
ReplyDeleteWhen you look at it, Bill only new Poppy for one night. His feelings for her is probably based on attraction. She came back to town and they just started dating. He really doesn't know much about her. Does he even know she was on drugs for most her life. Does he even know she ended up drugging her daughter causing her to unconsciously sleep with another man other than her boyfriend.. Bill knows nothing about Poppy. He sees an angel.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed. I always laugh when someone says they "have known each other for 20 years". This couldn't be further from the truth.
DeleteThat doesn’t change the fact that he MIGHT be Luna’s father. They both have a right to know! Poppy was embarrassed that she didn’t know who her daughter’s father was.
DeleteLi keeps saying things but she only cites one actual instance when a surgeon at the hospital was dating her sister who didn’t know he was married until his wife found out and got her fired!
She blames it all on her sister not the man who deceiving her sister and cheating on his wife.
Li is bitter and hateful. So I take everything she says at face value.
Poppy has clearly made mistakes but that doesn’t mean she is being deceitful about Bill possibly being Luna’s father and they did have unprotected sex so technically it’s possible!
Li acts like she was there with them please 😂😂
I DON’T take that is
DeleteI agree with you bbfan
DeleteAt the end they can do like 2 or 3 tests and know the truth
End of story
BBFAN, agree. I actually don’t think Poppy is trying to pull a fast one. Bill may or may not be Luna’s dad. But I think Poppy is on the up & up in trying to find the truth.
DeleteHe could or could not be her father. A test will show. Doesn't change the fact that he doesn't know Poppy. He knows Li better, as a matter of fact.
DeleteSo sick of Steffy's bad acting, lift of the eye brow, facial expressions and body language are so unbelievable. And, Ridge's constant tilt of his head at the end of most of his scenes, like a dog tilting it's head. Brooke, Hope, Sheila, and Deacon are the best actors. Miss the great comedic timing of Wyatt.
ReplyDeleteThat must be why Jacqueline aka Steffy keeps winning those Emmies, because she is such a bad actress lol! 😝
DeleteBBFAN, I know Jacqueline won multiple years in a row. But who won this year? I honestly don’t know the answer. Just that Steffy wasn’t even nominated. I don’t see Jacqueline as a bad actress. She works with the very poor writing of the show, just like all the other actors. I just see her character as very vindictive, spiteful and nasty these days. She is so transparent!! Thank goodness Ridge finally stood up to “Her Highness”!!! It’s been a long time coming.
DeleteWell she is an amazing actress and so talented but actually not in today’s episode
DeleteAnd for emmy‘s sure an actor or an actress will win so many times when they nominate themselves every year
Lynn i think the actress playing donna won this year
DeleteThanks, Mmysh!
DeleteYou are most welcome dear ❤️❤️
DeleteIt's sad as Hope has her mother and aunt's to run too and Steffy have to fight alone, no one to take her side. This is really the LOgan show
ReplyDeleteTotally agree!!!!!
DeleteI agree, the meeting supposed to be about hftf not Brooke's accomplishments. Hope used her mother to get Ridge on her side and on another note I agree with Li, Poppy is not to be trusted.
DeleteSo true, they always get their way.
DeleteKeeper brava 👏🏻
DeleteSteffy’s motives are disingenuous. And 99% of the time Ridge gives Steffy her way. It was wonderful to see her knocked down a peg for once in her life!!
DeleteIts not hope‘s fault that steffy mother keep abandoning her
DeleteAnd she send her brother overseas which make her more hypocritical and as a co ceo should be fired because she is so dumb in business strategies
And its not the logens fault that she is so nasty and hateful 🤮🤮🤮
Mmysh excellent point - sending off the lead designer without any regard of what happens to HFTF and then putting it on Hope is a terrible co-CEO move. Steffy wouldn't even dream to at least take *some* responsibility for this.
DeleteThomas and Steffy started in the mail room just like Ridge and Thorne did !
DeleteHope was handed a line because she was popping pills and unhappy and Brooke wanted to give her perfect trust fund princess something to keep her out of trouble!
Hope wasn’t the saint she pretended to be and got caught out by her fans!
She keeps talking about the message what is that anymore?? We haven’t gotten an answer on that in years. Her line is very expensive so I’m not sure how it empowers women etc.
End of the day it was aimed at teenagers and Hope is way past that age… her line has struggled for years.
Steffy has been unkind but it doesn’t change the fact that HFTF isn’t viable anymore. So start a different line for Hope to stick her name on etc.
The fact is that Hope also has a huge sense of entitlement and SHE said it was a vendetta against the Logans to get Brooke on board! Steffy didn’t say that, Hope manipulated her mum and Aunties knowing they would fight to the death to defend her, regardless of what is good for Forrester!!!
That is so not true, BBFAN! HFTF had been doing GREAT and very profitable before Thomas left. The whole time Thomas and Hope were working on the line together, they were seeing tons of orders. Not sure why you are saying otherwise??
DeleteIndeed 😂😂 the line only became "unprofitable" once Steffy came back to work this week after Hope and Finn were at the wedding and Hope and Steffy had been arguing the past weeks. Never during that time did Steffy mention anything about being concerned, let alone close to the decision to stop the line. She came on the next workday and slammed her latest genius decision in everyone's face. That's why everyone was in shock. Of course, in the past months, Steffy was only at work to rant about Sheila, talk with Liam and melt down because of her own miserable personal life, not to do actual work 😅if Ridge is looking to save money, he can start from his unhinged, incapable and wildly biased co-CEO. She makes decisions based solely on her (usually extreme) personal feelings about what is happening in the moment - Hope and Thomas, Hope and Finn, not based on business acumen. She is only saying that "she would have funded the hell out of HFTF if the numbers were great" because they are NOT great 😅seriously, let the woman go and send her on a long retreat.
DeleteOr back in the mailroom, maybe to restart learning what she missed in those years when she was focused on Hope's boyfriends.
DeleteStill milla there wasn’t such thing started in the mail room
DeleteShe was responsible for the shipping and has her own office like alone
And her line
Dose not look starting from the bottom to me
And as you said maybe ridge needs to send her back tvere to learn something or two but being a good person and a nice one is something if it isn’t in her she will never gonna get it
I will not actually bother discussing the things mentioned about hope
Mmysh I believe you about the shipping but actually doesn't even matter. People started from different places and like you said - it can't change them out of their real nature. Steffy is as envious and bitter now as she was in shipping, only her business decisions now based on her personality and feelings have much bigger impact. One that she's not even aware of or doesn't care - equally bad.
DeleteTotally agree milla
DeleteBut im so tired of these untrue statements that we keep reading to make steffy and thomas look good or hope look bad
Steffy came back in 2008 and started as shipping department which is pretty important and huge one
And in a good position not a warehouse worker
And thomas wanted to start as a designer and he did at sally‘s spectra’s company
Then to go finishing college then to fc international then to being a designer
There was no mailing room in his career until of course they found out about him lying about him and brook having sex after his evil grandmother used him (long story short)
And she still got her own line just like hope
But hope‘s line was with a massage because of hope and her choices and values back then which make it unique and special which steffy can’t afford
So the company was making profit because of who hope was not the other way around
So FC were investing in hope not hope being handed things
Indeed I remember those events.
DeleteI think the logans are getting too big for their boots!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Bob xxxx
Oh definitely. They think everyone needs bow before them!!🙄
DeleteRJ should have stopped Katie before she said anything to Li. He knows there is so much bad blood between the two sisters. And then Li storming into Bill's house. I would not trust her test either. Bill is supposed to be so rich and powerful. He should not let his infatuation with Poppy and his feelings about Luna cloud his judgment. A so-called shrewd business tycoon would be smarter. He has a private jet. He could fly the three of them to a lab in another state to make sure Li can't interfere with the results.
ReplyDeleteAs far as a turn around for HFTF, I don't see that happening considering RJ says he will never work with Zende again. Does this mean Thomas would have to come back and save HFTF?
I read Thomas will be returning to the show in June.
DeleteSteffy... Eat your Hat 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
ReplyDeleteKarma is a bitch isn't Steffy??😂😂😂😂...and for once Li stepped in at the right time...I don't trust pill, popping Poppy either... can't wait to see the results... thank you Bob 🥰
ReplyDeleteSteffy suddenly abandoned her Sheila witch hunt and now back onto Hope. It's sad to be that young and yet bitter and ugly on the inside, she's nothing but a bully. She'll certainly get what's coming at her, like always. Finn is slowly but certainly starting to see her true character and she will eventually push him away.
DeleteI think Hope has been completely manipulative in this situation! The truth is HFTF has been having issues for YEARS!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is why Hope was so stressed before the big preview when Liam wouldn’t come to support her. She was going to lose her line if the buyers didn’t place huge orders! Then again the line flopped after Thomas was fired and Eric and Zende tried to design and they had to bring Thomas back to rescue it! They needed Rome to be a success or it would have been cancelled! It consistently underperforms and the only reason it isn’t being cancelled now is because Hope is Brooke’s daughter!!
Hope went crying to her mum and Aunties and played the victim so no one would look at the numbers !!! She knew her Aunt Donna and mummy would make sure that Ridge and Eric would side with Hope! It isn’t the first time. Not only that, she knows that Ridge won’t cross Brooke so screw Forrester just to appease her!
Hope doesn’t do anything either where does she get off? She didn’t earn anything it was handed to her on a platter! In fact when she took off to Italy the line was shelved for years!
Steffy has worked her entire adult life at Forrester and earned her position! She had to earn her way, because Eric and Ridge believed their children had to earn their way. Hope had it handed to her to make her mummy and Aunties happy!
I don’t like Katie’s sense of entitlement with Bill!! She’s in a relationship with Carter and she is divorced from Bill. She has no right to interfere in his love life.
Li is so full of rubbish, her sister has lived very simply so how does that make her a gold digger?? Katie was a complete gold digger and has used her son to manipulate Bill for years! She made many millions off her divorce not mention her massive mansion next door to Eric’s estate.
End of the day, Poppy said Bill COULD be Luna’s father! So she isn’t lying if he isn’t! Li is jealous of her sister because she gave birth to her daughter and Li in all her perfectionism couldn’t do that! She hates her sister for being happy with a simple life and can’t stand to see her happy. Li is all about prestige and doesn’t want to be embarrassed of her sister who isn’t as good as she thinks she is!
I agree Brooke did a lot as an employee at Forrester but so Ridge, Thomas, Thorne, Eric, etc. Brooke modelled for the Bedroom Line but WASN’T the designer ! So giving her all the credit is ridiculous and again what does that have to do with the performance of HFTF??
They will have to bring Thomas back to save it again… a bunch of interns aren’t going to be able to produce the level of designs that would be needed!
Goes back to the fact that Steffy pushed Thomas out of town. He would have never come to that decision on his own. Steffy made her bed, now she’s making it Hope’s problem!
DeleteI don’t recall steffy or thomas started cleaning toilets
DeleteThey started in good positions
So they were privileged like anyone else in the family
Thomas being punished was because of his own doing not because he was earning his way
And sorry didn’t steffy got paid for her work or she was doing it for free
Big difference that male a real profit for the company
And if hope‘s line was created because oh hope‘s mommy and auntie why the forresters kept it
Yeah because it brought millions taking advantage of how hope chose to live her life
And yeah the line started to sink when thomas character needed a storyline
So know if hope were handed everything so does steffy and thomas
And stating facts its not manipulative
Actually ots all steffy’s fault that the line is doing bad because she needed thomas to leave because its the only way she can break them and hurt hope
So from a business perspective steffy is the most stupid dumb employee
Since she care and her job was the company profit why she didn’t thought of that when she convinced thomas to drop everything and leave without even a notice or a contingency plan
But sure let us blame the logens or anyone else if the logens are not related
But sure its not steffy‘s
Just typical
And when an employee can leave and come whatever they want its play ground not a company
DeleteBut yeah that’s only applies for certain people
And steffy used to have a line of her own too while she is not a designer and can’t design
DeleteSo how come its ok for her and not for hope
She also got this line handed to her because she is steffy forrester
Its not hope‘s fault her line was bad
And the irony it was a lingerie line and she used to model for it but only brook got bashed for that I guess
Hope pushed Thomas out of town by stringing him along! She was using him to bolster her ego and when he wanted a commitment she turned him down, twice and expected him to stay around and fawn over her until she found someone else.
DeleteSteffy was right to send her brother off so he didn’t get obsessed with Hope again and stay in a relationship where he was being used daily. Hope was totally selfish it was all about her. It was hurting Douglas too.
No way, BBFAN. Hope was clear that she needed more time. Thomas said he would patiently wait, but then decided to bring up marriage multiple times after he told Hope to take all the time she needed. That’s on Thomas. But regardless, Thomas never ever would have thought on his own to fly off to Paris with Douglas if Steffy hadn’t brainwashed him. Not in a million years would he have done that on his own without butt-in-ski - Steffy….butting in where she doesn’t belong! That was all Steffy’s doing!
DeleteAnd weren’t you one of the ones who said Hope was “in love with Thomas”? Now you are saying she was only keeping him around to fawn all over her until someone else better came along?? Sounds like something I would say. Because I never ever thought Hope was truly in love with Thomas. And to this day I don’t believe she was. She loved him, but don’t think she was ever in love with him. How could she be??!!!
DeleteSo now hope is the bad guy
DeleteI remember all of you were cheering for her for being with thomas and for being disrespectful to brook (tjat was empowering according to you guys)
But as i said and saying it it again
Hope is back being a logen again
Happy my point got proved right
And lynn wasn’t enough for him her being in his arms 😂😂😂
DeleteI think I need to take the writers out for a drink!! Really?
ReplyDeleteLi, let it go.... you're out to hurt your sister cause she conceived and you couldn't. Damn, I wish all women could be gold diggers!!
Katie, aren't you with Carter?
And the problem lies where?
Steffy, personal vendetta!!
You know Hope has had a relationship with one Step brother, why not another!!
Hello, Fin!!
And let's not forget back in the hey days Brooke head Ridge before Taylor came along.
Did we all forget that Taylor had a relationship with Brooke's son Rick as did Steffy!!
Aren't there anymore men and women in LA?
Come to Australia... there's heaps!! Haha
It will be her fifth i guess
DeleteI hope if its true the actress will have a baby girl this time
She already had the fourth one and laughed at people asking if she’s going to have a fifth. She isn’t planning on anymore.
DeleteLots of rumours again. She just posted lots of sweet family time with her boys.
why have I the feeling that Li the witch is going to interfer with the results ???
ReplyDeleteSomeone has to and she looks the most inclined to do it. Even though we still don't know her motives to hate her family so much.