The Bold and the Beautiful 8-20-24 Full episode B&B 20th August 2024
Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link
- Days of our Lives
Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link
- The Young and the Restless
Thanks Bob.
ReplyDeleteI have to say Steffy is right. Finn hasn't been listening to Steffy sheila and hope; and it always have bad outcomes. I surely hope Steffy and Finn can pass this. They love each too much. Steffy and Finn forever!!!
The new Taylor is ridiculous... She looks like she's only 25
DeleteShe looks great. So refreshing to see a woman in her Fiftys look that good. I know I wanna look that good when I'm 40.
Delete🙈 In what universe was I thinking Steffy would appreciate Finn's honesty enough to make her think of her own situation and reciprocate with honesty too. She's worlds from that, not only not appreciating, she's actually yelling at him 🙉. And almost mocking him for being "too kind and too compassionate"... Yes Steffy, we know those are foreign words for you. You are lucky to have a husband so blind to your nasty nature and you don't even realize it. That marriage is in trouble.
ReplyDeleteI somehow like new Taylor. To me she's not really Taylor, she's this pretty new lady. She has no business in FC and questioning Ridge's decisions but we can expect her to spend all her time there anyway.
Brooke is so right. Hope is spiraling since she kissed Thomas and it is concerning.
Steffy shouldn't have gone in so hard on Finn, but she is right about him ignoring all her concerns, And yes she did not tell Finn about Liam, but she definitely told Liam several times to back off. Which is a huge difference between how wishy washy Finn has been with telling Sheila to back off, then next day being in her wedding. It's the equivalent of Steffy telling Liam to back off, then the next day making out with him. Which hasn't done. Finn hasn't told Steffy about what Hope told him in the dressing room even if he thought she was joking. That was the first sign of it being an inappropriate "friendship" but Finn kept giving Hope "massages". I do agree that Steffy should also be honest but again, she still stood her ground with Liam.
DeleteKae agreed
DeleteI don't think there's a parallel between Liam and Sheila, completely different relationships. (But Steffy was right to ask Finn to stay away from Sheila.) Finn certainly crossed some lines with Hope, but he regretted it and ran to tell Steffy. She shouldn't be yelling at him, that won't help her marriage. And I know better now than to expect her to see something wrong in her own hiding the same thing from Finn. It's definitely not her style.
DeleteMills I actually agree with you. So disappointed in Steffy’s reaction and refusing to come clean with Finn. That would have been the perfect time for understanding and confessing that Liam had done the same to her and she doesn’t blame Finn.
DeleteMilla sorry autocorrect
DeleteWhy thank you BBFan 😀👏🏼I was actually now thinking that maybe, MAYBE the ship hasn't sailed completely. Maybe after Steffy pours her wrath on Hope and calms down, she'll see that she's in a good position with an honest man and something will prompt her to be honest herself. Let's see!
DeleteWe can only Hope! Honestly Finn should have shut down the friendship when Hope was propositioning him in lingerie at the office. But he told her straight up he loves and is committed to his wife etc.
DeleteI can’t (honestly I can) believe how Steffy treated Finn when he told her about what happened. She ripped into him.
DeleteHe is always thinking of offered, lol. Oh my god - ya think!!!! He is a doctor, that is his life’s work. Steffy you praise your mother for this. Finn was honestly trying to help Hope with her stress/tension. Gave her suggestions on what to do about the pressure points he gave the relief to.
They helped each other try to figure out what to do with Deacon and Shiela.
Finn was sent for pizza and waited for it.
He was taking a call for work Steffy, he didn’t just show up to the Forrester home to take the call because Hope was there - he went because you were there.
She is lucky he didn’t walk right out the door (again) when she started berating him.
He should tell her to be alone.
He’s far too good for her.
I like the new actress too. She brings some fun and whimsy to the character without acting silly and childish.
DeleteI think Taylor wanted to remind Ridge that in his desire to elevate Brooke he hurt his daughter and excluded her from business decisions based on his personal feelings. She didn’t say he was wrong to bring Brooke on but he went about it a crappy way. Which is true and expressed concerns for their daughter, which is fair enough.
Hopefully we will see Taylor living her best life and get a fella of her own for a change. As well her seeing patients instead of propping up Ridge and Brooke storylines.
Liam had a clear, clear and precise Stop from Steffy!
DeleteThat doesn't relieve HOpe of wanting Steffy's husband! And no matter what happens, she will never stop harrassing Finn until she gets the prize! She wants him, she'll get him! what does it matter if she destroys another family!
Oh Steffy, a timeout for Finn seems in order. He directly disobeyed an order from mommy - Steffy. 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteLook at her sitting there all pious like she’s beyond reproach.
Hey Steffy, where’s your honesty with your husband about the kisses with Liam??!!! Such a HYPOCRITE!!! You’re a bitch and a hypocrite!!
I hope Finn realizes he deserves much better and dumps her nasty butt!!
Milla, I agree….Hope’s spiraling downward all started with Thomas. I made that point just the other day. Hope is NOT the person we like. She has turned into something / someone else. I hope she can find her way.
I totally thought Steffi was overreacting. Fin should have just kept it to himself. Steffi Is and always will be a bossy bitch. I hope her and Finn do split, not only because he's too nice for Steffi, but also because they have no chemistry in my opinion. Please please please don't let Taylor be after ridge again!! I don't think I can live through another round of Taylor/Brooke/ Ridge triangle. There's got to be a different direction to go with Taylor's storyline.
DeleteLynn Steffy has always been the biggest hypocrite on this show. And the most judgmental one. If she was only one of those things, it would be one thing, but the combo is nasty. She really treats Finn like a child and every time amazes me with her inability to look at her own past and actions while yelling at people. He forgave her actual cheating where she was a willing participant. She hasn't had a baby with clear paternity. She knows (or should know) her husband and how honest he is and instead she freaks out on him like he was somehow shamelessly flirting with Hope. She's unable to appreciate that (unlike her in much worse and more frequent situations) he immediately told her.
DeleteI really feel for Hope and hope she gets some help (please not from the newest edition of Dr Hays though!)
Milla, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
DeleteJust because Steffy says what's on her mind doesn't mean that she is mean, she can read people like a book! Every time she 'calls something' it happens, Brooke, Hope / Thomas, Sheila and now Hope. Steffy is like her grandmother, she has a sixth sense about people. She's done nothing but try and protect her children and family from Sheila, she's a fantastic mother and wife, she is like a Lioness when it comes to her family but that doesn't meant that she is cruel or evil, she gets into a panic and she can't control her panic. The hypocrites commenting on top forget she's a recovering alcoholic and recovering drug addict, it must take major will power from an unknown source to stop her from turning to her addiction again. All she wants is to be happy and live a normal life but between the HOgan's and Sheila they make it impossible for her! Everyone makes Steffy out to be the bad one, why not just leave her alone, they push and push and provoke her....just like HOpe....every chance she can get she throws her mother who parades around in her underwear in Steffy's face, provoking her day in and day out! And by the way ladies, you clearly don't know what yelling is......she might have raised her tone a bit but that was FAR from yelling.....Steffy is a powerhouse and a force to be reckoned with, like her Grandmother......she will fight to the death for her family....why is it SO wrong for the nasty people commenting here to see!
DeleteTiny u, nobody is reading all that, let alone responding to your rants. Go away to the hater comments where your "Hogan" may be seen as original. Here it's just idiotic. Go adore your Steffy, go hate Hope, you can't convince anyone here.
DeleteHilary I'm so glad you're back 🤗 I absolutely agree they need to learn and stop with the love triangle with Taylor nobody wants that (especially with a new actress that has absolutely no history with any of the characters). And Steffy yeah... She's being her own worst enemy right now.
DeleteAgreed, Little u…..go away!
DeleteSo entirely sick and tired of your HO…gan. It wasn’t funny the first time you said it. Now after seeing it about 50 times, it’s even less funny. Get some new material!! You act like a child! And so does Steffy! That’s probably why you like her so much…..even though she’s a bitch on wheels!
I agree with Milla, Lynn.
DeleteAS said on earlier posts: I don't like the way she parades that Finn. He'sa grown man, and her husband for God's sake.
With that said I still think Finn indulged Hope just alittle bit. He kind of likes the attention from Hope.
Hope & Finn would be a beautiful match.
Pheebs, absolutely.
DeleteThanks Bob for the fast video,
ReplyDeleteSteffy should appreciate that Finn came clear and pushed Hope away when she tries to kiss him. Brooke is right to be worried about Hope's behaviour. I don't understand why Taylor always acts like this with Ridge, specially after what happened last time she was in LA. This storyline is really confused and strange to me...
ReplyDeleteI think Hope is just showing the person she’s always been in a more public way. But Brooke is right to be concerned.
DeleteAlthough have to say, Brooke in the past always encouraged Hope to try and take Liam away from Steffy during their marriages, even when Steffy was pregnant with Liam’s babies!
So, Finn has to grovel to Steffy for forgiveness, but Steffy has still not told Finn about Liam's multiple kisses and professions of love to her. Steffy is such a hypocrite. How many taken men have Steffy laid her lips on? She was kissing Bill while he was married to Katie, she kissed Liam while he was engaged to Hope she made a for Oliver while Oliver was in a relationship with Hope, and she made a play for Owen while Owen was in a relationship with Jackie. Today just proved that Finn cannot have a mind of his own, he has to always obey mommy wife Steffy to keep the little psycho happy. Steffy just cannot understand someone having compassion for another person.
ReplyDeleteOmg I forgot about Oliver 😅wasn't she even telling him to pretend she was Hope 😅🙈🙈
DeleteAnd Hope slept with Liam and chased him every time he was married to Steffy! What a joke she wouldn’t chase a married man please! 🙄🙄🙄🙄.
DeleteThat said I’m so disappointed in Steffy! She of all people should understand Finn’s position and should have told him about Liam kissing her twice after he caught Hope cheating on him.
She should have out the blame on Hope which is where it should be.
She has a point about Sheila but Finn really didn’t invite Hope’s obsession with him.
Hope is being dishonest with Brooke again. They showed her thinking about her conversation with Steffy about there not being anyway she could hurt her. Then we see Hope go to the party and kiss Finn. She’s been saying Steffy doesn’t deserve him blah blah… that’s the same things she said when Steffy was married to Liam and she was trying to convince him that she was better for him than his wife.
Hope even said she thought the kiss would make Finn realise that she could give him everything Steffy can’t. She has no clue about their marriage and makes all these assumptions because she’s jealous and entitled!
Finn did invite it it by massaging her head and hands, giving her compliments and telling her she deserves better then Thomas. He also didn't say anything when she was in lingerie In the dressing room. He been leading that bitch on for months and the thirsty hoe has the nerve to think Finn would leave steffy for her nasty ass.
DeleteBBFan, Steffy got the whole ball rolling by going after an engaged Liam after his daddy dumped her. Steffy has always gone after taken men since she was a teen and has had the morality of an alley cat. Now she acts all saintly because someone did it back to her. She didn't mind that Hope's lips had kissed Liam when she went after him.
DeleteNoemi, if Hope is a nasty then Steffy is even nastier. Steffy not only slept with Hope's husband, but she also slept with her father-in-law. That is gross enough, but she jumped right back in Liam's bed immediately. I guess Bill and Liam could trade ideas about what Steffy likes best.
DeleteAnd Hope slept with Steffy’s husband and even moved in with him so how is she better? Just saying! They all made mistakes in the past. Hope ended her own engagement so that was on her. She was a teenager and had no business getting married that young anyway!
DeleteSteffy has been a good wife to Finn for years while Hope cheated on Liam with Thomas and has been trying to steal Steffy’s husband. Saying that because Steffy kissed Liam over a decade ago that entitles Hope to cheat with yet another of Steffy’s husbands is ridiculous’
Deletenoemi, finn could be like my ex husband. he was very handsome but he was oblivious to other women flirting or coming on to him. he truly couldn't read women that way.
DeleteJoy you're absolutely right about Steffy. I think she is justified to be mad at Hope. Nobody's expecting her to be chill that Hope made a pass at her husband only because Steffy has been unfaithful to her men in the past. But she should be more graceful to the man who has 1. forgiven her actual cheating 2. hasn't done anything in this situation 3. immediately came to her to tell her. She herself always tried to hide her much bigger indiscretions and only confessed because she got pregnant. Just a little self-awareness and less judgment would go a long way in this situation if her marriage is more important to her than her pride.
DeleteMilla, yes Steffy has a right to be upset and you are right, she should have more self-awareness. Steffy always overreacts in situations. Sally kissed Liam so Steffy has sex with Bill. The sitter takes Kelly to the restaurant where Sheila works, and Steffy goes to Sheila's home and attacks her. Sheila saves Kelly's life and instead of being grateful that her child was alive, Steffy was mad because Sheila was at the beach and came in contact with her child. Steffy lets her hatred override her emotions.
DeleteJoy 💯💯💯
DeleteJoy. You nailed it!
DeleteSteffy never told finn liam kissed her twice but she did shut liam down told him never to kiss her again and everything that went on with finn accepting Sheila Carter is why steffy didn't tell finn Lee's adopted son liam bills son kissed her
ReplyDeletePlease guys give the new taylor a chance she is my mum
ReplyDeleteI like her 😊
DeleteI absolutely LOVE the new Taylor, she's cute and bouncy and down to earth
DeleteIf that's true, you are 9 years old. Too young for the adult content on this blog
DeleteThe new Taylor is Young and so beautiful. I like her, the problem is that It doesn't look real for me as a viewer that Steffy is her daughter while she looks abt 6years younger than her/steffy.
DeleteFinn should have stayed away from hope when steffy asked him too and the moment in the dressing room that's when it became very inappropriate and Finn should have said something then and he didn't now look at what it's led too. Everything steffy said to Finn was on point he always trying to be someone's savior like Finn just stop. And hope has the audacity to think that one nasty dry ass kiss Finn would leave Steffy she'd nothing but a delusional piece of crap and needs to be fired asap. And the nerve of brooke to sit there and say oh steffy gonna start the fued again. I'm like no mam that would be your slutty ass daughter kissing finn. If hope didn't want that heat she shouldn't have put her nasty ass fish lips on Finn.
ReplyDeleteI dont blame Steffy Lets recall Finn did side with Hope on her line giving Hope green light in her mind I noted Hope didnt tell Mom Finn recoiled and rejected Hope so Brooke saying dont do it again Brooke Finn thinks nothing of Hope
ReplyDeletePlease dress Tayor brighter she emerged into the sofa
Thank you Bobxxxx
TY Bob. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI understand Steffy being upset, but she was scolding Finn like she was an angry parent. And he's a teenager. Reactions like that make a person regret being honest. Hopefully on tomorrow's episode she will be more understanding. Especially considering she never told Finn about Liam kissing her. Maybe she will have a flashback memory that will cause her to change her tone.
ReplyDeleteMaybe there is something medically wrong with Hope. Like a brain tumor or something.
Ridge should not have to explain Forrester business decisions with Taylor.
Steffy was really harsh with Finn, I don’t like that way she reacted. I too hope she will tell him about Liam’s kissing her.
DeleteWhy do you want her to talk about this past, she put an end to Liam's hopes, since then he has left her alone.
DeleteLiam is not like Hope to harass a married person!
HOpe won't stop harassing Steffy's husband. She will never take no for an answer! She will go all the way.
I totally agree about Taylor nosing into Forester business. It is nothing to do with her, so she needs to stay in her lane. She just showed up and is already bitching about Brooke. Please give Taylor a life that doesn't resolve around ridge and Brooke
Deleteand there you have it, the haters reverse the situation... It's almost Steffy's fault if Hope wants her husband... We think we're dreaming...!
ReplyDeleteThe difference is that Liam arrived without warning and forcibly kissed his ex-wife, mother of his daughter...
Finn encouraged her to hope with his compliments, his massages, his visit to her house for a small fever which was resolved by going to the emergency room or to a good doctor...
@Meli Melo, 100% agree with you on all of the above!
ReplyDeleteYour Hope also got pregnant with the brothers but no one comes to bring up a past that no longer exists.
DeleteSteffy didn't steal Liam from Hope... when they got married and had Kelly, he was single, Hope didn't want him anymore at the time. He rebuilt his life with the one he always loved, Steffy!
Meli Melo Steffy knew that Liam was in love with Hope when she accepted Liam's used wedding ring fresh off of Hope's finger. Steffy was so sure of his love for her that she had to lock Hope in a gondola while she rushed her surprise ambush wedding. Liam and Steffy were separated and had signed separation papers when Liam and Hope slept together, and Beth was conceived. Steffy was rolling around on the bed with Liam right before Liam married Hope in Italy. In fact, Steffy hid in the bathroom to keep from getting caught.
DeleteActually Steffy hadn’t signed anything when Hope slept with Liam and got pregnant with Beth! She had been chasing Liam and spent hours telling him how Steffy didn’t deserve a chance etc. Lest you forget, Liam forgave Steffy, sent all those roses with wee messages on them and was planning on moving home! Then Bill had Justin stage a fake romantic night at the office and lied to Liam saying he was having an ongoing affair with Steffy which was 100%. Lies! Remember that Wyatt knew and was being bribed by Bill with the sports car to keep quiet? Then Hope had her own ambush wedding to keep Liam. Hope actually moved in with Liam while he was married to Steffy and slept with him. Hope slept with Liam when he was engaged to Steffy after Kelly was born. End of the day, Hope never thought chasing and sleeping with a married Liam was wrong! She felt entitled!
DeleteNo one forced Liam to marry Steffy! He CHOSE to marry her 3 times! Well 4 actually but trap Baby Beth ended the last engagement because Brooke and Hope demanded he abandon his fiancé and newborn daughter so Hope could have a perfect pregnancy!
Hope has a history of going after Steffy’s husband so it is NO shocker that she is stalking Finn now. Hope is being who she’s always been ! Entitled and utterly selfish only thinking of herself! How about being a mum to Beth instead of chasing a married man who doesn’t want you?
Deletei really think the new actress playing taylor was bad casting. she looks more like steffis' daughter than mother. i know it's only been one scene but she has no charisma with ridge. just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteSlow push off from Finn as soon as hope leaned in he should've pushed his face back . Hope needs to join the sisterhood and stay away from men since she can't help herself. Steffy will retaliate by pulling hope's line . Steffy did worst so give your husband a break
ReplyDeleteThank you Bob 💕😘
ReplyDeleteOk, Liam news to step up and tell Fin that he kissed her in Rome and back home!!!
DeleteThe reason Hope is going after Finn is all about Thomas. Thomas is tall, dark and handsome, as is Finn. She's projecting.
ReplyDeleteI like this Taylor. She's right to be concerned about Steffy. Ridge has always put his kids on the backburner for the Logans. I also think that Steffy has had to deal with a lot of late - Sheila, Brooke, and now Hope. It has simply been too much, which is why she let loose on Finn. I don't think she blames Finn, it was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
Elle, in one of their talks Hope explained to Finn (basically) that Liam was a good man, but not always devoted. Thomas was devoted but not always good. And in Finn she sees both goodness and devotion. It's deeper than physical features for her.
DeleteGood that you're back!
Elle welcome back! You’ve been missed! Agree!
DeleteThanks gals.
DeleteM, I agree that it's more than physical features, but I also believe she's spiraling because of Thomas' rejection. She loved him and didn't want things to end so after he left, she started this obsession with Finn. His similar appearance to Thomas is what might have started it but it goes way deeper. Maybe when Thomas returns, we will see exactly what it is. At least, I hope so.
Elle I'm only going by what Hope has said. If she says something about Thomas and how it's actually him she sees when she wants Finn... Then I'll agree. So far I've only seen her reject Thomas and that didn't change even when he took Douglas to move to Europe.
DeleteShe didn't reject Thomas, only his marriage proposal.
Delete😅 that's usually more than enough.
DeleteNice to see you, Elle!!
DeleteI personally don’t see any similarities between Thomas and Finn, but that’s just me.
After Brooke has made thousands/millions for FC with the new Brooke's Bedroom line it looks like she is not going to get any appreciation from Stuffi or mummy dearest.
ReplyDeleteTaylor walks straight into the office and is all over Ridge like a cat on a hot tin roof. Complimenting Ridge, acting flirty. Who does that with their ex husband while his current wife is in the next office? Then have the audacity to call Brooke names
As for Stuffi, talk about DOUBLE STANDARDS. I can't stand how she thinks she is so much better than all other females except her mother. Fair enough she did not instigate the kisses from Liam but be truthful to your husband and tell him like he told you about Hope. Stuffi is definitely borderline narcissist. Look at me, I'm always right. It's my way or the highway. 😠
She is still the mother of Ridge's daughter and son... She will always stand up for her children... like Brooke does!
DeleteAs for Finn, if Steffy has to confess the past... HIM, he has to confess to the massages, the excessive compliments, the nighttime visit for a low fever at HOpe... etc......
Ridge and Brooke are NOT married! He never asked her to marry him again. I think she was hoping he would propose in Monaco.
DeleteIf he’s so smitten with his Logan why hasn’t he proposed again? Brooke even told him recently, again, to out a ring on it lol.
Brooke is called names for the very things you accuse Taylor of. Or have you forgotten how many times Brooke went after Ridge while married to Taylor? Or went after Bill while married to her sister? Who does that? Brooke! That's who.
ReplyDeleteListening to what mommy HOgan was saying it's almost as if she was saying 'it's ok that you kissed Finn honey' her mother needed to shake her.....NONE of the HOgan take responsibility for their BAD behaviour, it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.....people saying 'HOpe was drunk when she kissed Finn' she most certainly was NOT drunk, maybe tipsy but NOT drunk.....ALWAYS excuses for ALL THE HOgans!
ReplyDeleteI couldn’t believe that Brooke said Steffy was going to start up the feud again! Hope is the one trying to sleep with Steffy’s husband and kissing him! But it would be Steffy’s fault!
DeleteHow about holding Hope responsible for once in her entitled little life!
BBFan, when Brooke said that, I was like "what the heck?" Wasn't it Hope that kissed Steffy's husband? Or is Brooke deliberately overlooking that fact? If the feud starts up again, it will be because of Hope, not Steffy.
DeleteTaylor told Ridge she's back to LA because their daughter needs her. Well, I think she took this opportunity hoping to intrude on Ridge and Brooke relationship, one more time. And I'm quite sure that, one more time, she'll go back somewhere because hurt and we won't see her for a while.