Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-21-24 Full episode B&B 21st August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-21-24 Full episode B&B 21st August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Wow amazes me how Hope logan thinks Finn wants her lol Brooke saying about getting inbetween lol nope she just upset Finn
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. and old HOgan knows full well her HOpe WILL do it mother like

  2. Steffynright rin is making steffy look weak

  3. Thanks Bob.

    Love Steffy: Don't mention my husband Finn name from your mouth. Stay away from my husband!!! That's right Hope, is Steffy husband!!!

    1. CC she's force to be reckoned with and she is SICK AND TIRED of the HOgan's wrecking everything the Foresstor's have.....I LOVE STEFFY TOO.....

    2. It never stopped Hope before! She’s always felt entitled to go after Steffy’s husband when she was married to Liam and Brooke always cheered her on! This is just a continuation of Hope’s selfish entitled behaviour!

      It’s utter rubbish the she got swept up , couldn’t help herself etc. We saw her thinking about how Steffy said she couldn’t hurt her. Hope for that look and then went after Finn at the party.

      Her hanging around in lingerie telling Finn she was attracted to him etc was not an oops or! She’s targeting him and has been for months according to Brooke! So she is so full of it! She knew exactly what she was doing going after Finn and kissing him! She is delusional! She thought one kiss would make him fall out of love with his wife and fall at her feet! 🙄🙄🙄🙄

  4. Fin is making steffy weak hope and fin desever each other cause he knows the drama between steffy and hope liam the back and forth why still lead on hope after his wife told him to stay make steffy single the show aint all have to be about couples

  5. I dont blame hope i blame fin all those head stuff he been touching her up male her thinks something could go on between them and thats how he made herfeel cant blame someone to show what they are feeling and sometimes hiding feelings cant hurt you inside worst tha a cut on the finger

    1. Yh yh i know he is a doctor and thats his job but come one doing those thing could actually lead for her to fall for you when you be to friendly things like this cam happen

  6. Brooke was yelling at Hope so loud, I can't believe Taylor and Ridge didn't hear her 🙈

    Steffy taking "space and time" from Finn sounds like a good idea because otherwise she'll keep blaming and yelling at him. I can't stand this "I told you to stay away from" bla bla bla. Maybe if she calms down it will get better.
    Or maybe it will get worse 😅🙈

    Taylor has to set up her practice for a few months every time she returns 😅 who even wants to be a patient of a doc who keeps disappearing?

    Steffy and Hope's catfight is a bit boring. Brooke and (real) Taylor had much better ones.

    1. Milla, guess who’s gonna get ‘close’ while Steffy’s away??!! Lol.
      Hope telling Brooke that something like that WOULD NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!….just means that it for sure will!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Taylor # 3 serves no purpose. She is just going to be a fly in the ointment like Taylor # 2 was. Boring.

    3. Lynn I wouldn't be surprised, I was actually expecting that 😅 that's why I added "maybe it will get worse"... It would be funny if Steffy goes to Paris now too, exactly when her mom returned. And yes Taylor is a very ungrateful role for any actress... Always served only as the obstacle between destiny couple. And now even more with those actresses who have no history with any other character.

    4. I agree Milla... Taylor has always been a thorn in everyone side...they need to stop bringing her character back always with the same purpose of stealing Ridge from Brooke...if they need to have her back, give her at least a good storyline for a change...

    5. @Lynn, like you serve NO purpose

    6. @Lynn, you sound as vindictive as Sheila, do you REALLY think that Finn is THAT desperate to hook up with! need to check yourself, you seem to thrive on other people's misery......sad really!

    7. BOB, I am asking you respectfully to check unknown's comments. They are always hostile towards people ON the blog and otherwise contain only ugly disrespectful worss and no actual value. Lynn is only discussing the show like all of us, NOT attacking any actual people here. There's absolutely no justification to allow attacks like the above towards her.

    8. Milla, honestly……I feel a bit sorry for little u. What a sad and lonely life she must lead if she has so much free time to troll people. Sad and pitiful.

    9. Lynn that's without a doubt. But I am still disappointed Bob is allowing these trolls with their awful language.

    10. Hahaa Lynn, that 'friendship' is gonna be welded with a fire red while madam Steffy is on vacation.

    11. Pheebs, I hope so!! 😁😁😁😁

  7. Finn needs to find out that Liam kissed Steffi twice and Steffi never said one word to him about it at all. Steffi needs to shut up.

    1. Yh thats why i say steffy dont deserve fin cause she did not say a word about that

    2. Okay than Finn don't deserve Steffy and Hope dont deserve Finn all she does is use men to her will like the hoegan she is. Her mom and aunts did it for a living for yrs. Finn is a pussy always trying to be everyone's savior instead of minding his own business.

    3. Steffi just likes to boss Finn around. How could anyone be happy with a spouse who's constantly bitching and threatening them? I think Finn would better off away from her toxic attitude.

    4. Steffy’s indignation is completely hypocritical. Not just because of the kisses she shared with Liam not that long ago, but also the time she and Liam got drunk together after the mannequin debacle when Steffy slept with Liam who was married to Hope!!! Give us a dang break, Steffy!! You SCREWED married Liam and didn’t even know whose baby it was when you found out you were pregnant! Hope definitely needs to throw that up in Steffy’s face!!!!

    5. Great point Lynn. They never bring up Steffi's sordid past. But she sure as hell brings up everyone else's! She is the worst

    6. Just like Hope SCREWED Liam every time he was married to Steffy! Steffy did it once and it was initiated by Liam! Hope did it REPEATEDLY and it was initiated by HOPE!!!

      Hypocrite much.

    7. Wasn’t watching then, BBFAN. Only ever saw Steffy SCREW Liam.

    8. That "just like Hope..." is getting old and irrelevant when it comes only to the marriage of Steffy and Finn. It's hardly any consolation to Finn what Hope did 20 years ago with Liam when it comes to how HIS wife is treating HIM.

    9. @Lynn, rather get your facts straight before you give your two cents! HOpe slept with Liam when he was married to Steffy and miss got you watch ALL the is what happens when you ONLY SEE WHAT YOU WANNA is just that....a HO....

    10. @Angmid36 why did Finn NOT tell Steffy that HOpe put the moves on him in the dressing out that Finn is dishonest too!

    11. Milla, the justification for Hope is Steffy kissing Liam 20 yrs ago when Hope was a teenager with a crush so that goes both ways. It’s always been an excuse for Hope to chase and sleep with a married Liam and have NO negative comments and Steffy be a villain.

      Neither of them is perfect and NONE of it justifies Hope making moves on Finn!

      Finn didn’t come clean about Hope and the lingerie at Forrester! She straight up propositioned him and was way over the line!

      He had no business shutting the door and being alone with her in an office when she was refusing to put clothes on and telling him she had a thing for him.

      He didn’t rush home and tell Steffy then. He’s a Dr and an intelligent guy. She was willing to come on to him and not back down he had to know she would escalate it!

      The fact is, Steffy knows Hope and her pretend innocent act while she target’s Steffy’s husband!

      Hope did it for years when Steffy and Liam were happily married and she ALWAYS felt entitled to Liam because she was dating him first!

      That is an immature way to look at it! She had no right to Liam, especially after SHE broke her own engagement! Steffy didn’t owe Hope to let her come in and pick up Liam after he moved on with Steffy!

      No one forced Liam to marry Steffy.

      Steffy owns her mistakes in the past! Hope never has! She doesn’t see that she did anything wrong in being a homewrecker which she 100% was! She pursued Liam relentlessly when he was married to Steffy. She slept with Liam while he was married. She spent hours telling him she was better blah blah the SAME rationalisation she’s using to justify trying to steal Finn!

      This isn’t new behaviour for Hope! It is just because it isn’t Liam that Brooke suddenly sees it’s wrong! It was wrong all the times Hope did it before too!

      Steffy isn’t perfect and unlike Hope she doesn’t pretend to be!

      I don’t agree with a lot of her behaviour recently. However, how could anyone not see that Hope kissing her husband, the one man in her life that is devoted 100% to her is such a betrayal.

      Hope is bitter because Liam was never committed fully to her because he was in love and still is with Steffy! He was the same with Steffy.

      Finn has always been all about Steffy. Hope knew it would destroy Steffy if she put her hands lips whatever on her husband! That is why she did it!!! She wanted to hurt Steffy, again!

      Hope talks about Steffy interfering in Her relationship! She never owns that she ALWAYS interfered in Steffy’s relationships!

      End of the day, throwing shade on Steffy doesn’t negate Hope being toxic and she is!!!

    12. Lynn, your not watching the show doesn’t change the history of what happened! Hope chased married Liam, threw herself at him. Gave a married Liam her virginity while moralising to her HFTF followers! She got caught out and almost lost her line because they called her out on it! Hope cheated with Liam on his wife Steffy too many times to count!

      So sorry she is no innocent and it doesn’t justify Hope targeting Finn and actively trying to destroy Steffy’s marriage!

      For the record, Liam ran to a Steffy after mannequingate, he lied to his wife, he refused to leave and go home and talk to his wife ! But you put it all on Steffy!

      Hope cheated with Thomas again it was Hope!

    13. BBFan it's exhausting to read all this and I can imagine it's even more exhausting to write it. Bringing Hope at every word doesn't change anyone's perception of Steffy. People see her and who she is in HER relationship with Finn. But like I said below, it's of course your prerogative to write walls of text about Hope in vain.

    14. Milla Steffy gets compared to Hope who supposedly has morals and Steffy’s past behaviour didn’t happen in a vacuum.

      Whenever we write something about Hope’s current nasty amoral behaviour we get a mountain of Steffy bashing and excuses for Hope. I guess it is only okay to point out facts if you are Hope fan.

    15. BBFan - In this thread people are only talking about Steffy and how she treats Finn. She was not "being compared" to anyone. YOU are the one who brought up Hope as if whatever Hope has done with Liam changes anything about Steffy and Finn. It doesn't.

    16. BBFAN, you have lots of enthusiasm in your comments. So it’s clear you are determined to lay out and rehash those very old episodes. But I’ve been watching the show for 6 years. That’s enough time to talk about what’s relevant. And during my 6 years of watching, I have only seen Steffy sleep with someone’s husband….not Hope. So I stand by my Steffy comments…..she’s a slutty hypocrite.

    17. @unknown, yeah, I too have issues with the dress room seduction. I think Finn should have told Hope off that very moment and then go tell his wife abt it.

  8. Steffy have a bigger secret with liam and fin gonna be mad i herd fin and hope gonna get together when he finds out the writters destroying seffy marrige piece by piece

  9. Hope is so fucking delusional to think Finn will ever love her the way he loves his wife Steffy. Like that wench she needs to get smacked down like today. She says one thing to her mom then says another to steffy. Ya seeing how fake hope is now. She faker than 2 left shoes on a 3 legged man. And I'm glad Taylor returned to back her daughters up from brooke and Hope.

    1. Brava 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. @NOEMI, totally agree, HOpe is still wet behind the ears, her and her mother BOTH use their Labido to attract mask is sliding off HOpe's face just like Steffy said......HOpe needs to grow up!

  10. Good for you Steffy, Hope has no morals

    1. And Steffy has morals? She kept the 2 kisses with Liam from Finn... can't wait for that 💩 to hit the fan 😆

    2. And Hope had morals cheating on her husband with Thomas? Or sleeping with him while he was married or Steffy?

  11. Maybe Brooke should have closed the door before saying something that big and shocking.
    When Steffy told Hope to keep her husband's name out of mouth. Am I the only one who thought about Wil Smith and Chris Rock at the Oscars?🤭

    1. bwaahaahaa @Forever......i thought of the exact same :)

    2. Close the door before telling a big secret at FC? Never 😂

  12. Steffy you're really asking Hope how she could kiss Finn?!?!
    Maybe think back and recall how you could sleep with Liam.
    Wishing that's helpful and you're welcome! 😆

  13. i think steffi is way over reacting. and i don't like the 'new' taylor. she's too young to play a middle aged womans mother.

  14. Steffy is running away.... Again... Acting like finn's mother not wife

    1. especially leaving her children like that. Oh Kelly can stay with Liam, Hayes stays with you and Li can take him, goodbye.
      Can't believe Steffy. And why would she bring up Poppy, even Finn found that weird.

    2. And when is Hope ever taking care of Beth? She’s too busy chasing a married man? Beth is always with Donna or a babysitter or a friend’s house.

      Hope never thinks about her daughter unless it is to use her to try and get closer to Finn!

      But yes she is soooo much better!

      Steffy should stay and fight for her marriage! She’s playing into Hope’s scheming by running off.

      I think Steffy is very upset and need space to get herself together so she doesn’t do something reactive and give up on her marriage.

      She has had to deal with her dad shoving Hope, who has been horrid to Steffy and trying to steal her husband, down her throat! Ridge is a fool and can’t see what is clearly happening under his nose!

      Why is Hope and her failing line the future of Forrester? Oh because she’s Brooke’s daughter, not because she has earned anything! Please , Steffy has every right to be upset.

      I’m glad Taylor is back so Steffy has an advocate for her idiot father!

    3. BBFan you can't address one thing about Steffy without bringing Hope into it... It makes it pointless to try to talk to you. People are focused on Steffy - only her and her ways of dealing with her husband. It seems like a waste of energy to write so much about Hope when people just don't care and are looking at Steffy only. But it's your decision.

    4. Yet you being Steffy into every conversation about Hope’s nasty behaviour ! So it’s okay to bash Steffy and bring up pas happenings with NO context, yet see allowed to bash Steffy as nauseum in defence of Hope?

    5. No I definitely don't. I wouldn't call you out if I was bringing up Steffy to a conversation that *originated* about Hope, everyone was talking about Hope and I decided to jump in in the hopes of detracting to Steffy. That's your MO. I generally don't jump into conversations bashing Hope at all.

  15. Steffi Is a hypocrite of the highest order. She's just looking for any reason to dump Finn. She doesn't want a husband, she wants a mindless fool who she has total control over.

  16. Steffy needs to give Finn a little credit for telling her what happened with Hope. If the worst possible outcome happens when you share info, why bother to tell her anything in the future? Just be like Steffy & keep the secret...

    1. 👏🏼👏🏼 perfectly said, especially last sentence!

  17. I can't believe that Steffy had the nerve to bring Poppy and Luna up.
    Since Finn met Steffy he:
    pulled her through a drug addiction,
    married her after she cheated on him,
    put up with Thomas' mental problems and saved his life,
    took a bullet for Steffy when she followed a psycho into an alley playing tough girl,
    put up with Thomas and Steffy's little parent trap,
    put up with Thomas' CPS call,
    had to refuse to testify against the woman that shot him because of Taylor's attempted murder mess,
    had to come to grips with the fact that his wife had previously had sex with her own father-in-law,
    put up with Steffy attacking his birth mom numerous times for no reason while putting his family in danger,
    having to come to grips with thinking that Steffy had killed his birth mom,
    saved Eric's life when other doctors had given up and
    put up with Liam constantly sniffing around Steffy.
    I think Finn has had to endure more drama from the Forresters than Steffy could from Poppy and Luna. Of course, to the Tridge family, Steffy's feelings are all that matter.

    1. Thank you!!! (I'd only also add the paternity drama her cheating led to). I also couldn't believe she had the nerve to bring up Poppy and Luna. Steffy has lost any sense of what's normal, just dumping on Finn everything that comes to mind. And worst is it doesn't even come to mind for him to bring any of this up, he just looks guilty next to her 🤦🏻‍♀️

    2. Joy, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  18. Thank you Joy! Great list of all the crap Finn has done for Steffi. Yet all she does is whine about how he doesn't put her above everything and everyone and worship her. She truly does not deserve Finn. I'm not saying Hope does either (before all the hope haters come for me). He should get the hell away from this whole bunch of he ever wants a normal relationship 😂

  19. I can understand Steffy, she warns him and he goes against her feelings, her fears and her obsessions...

    He must not love her to act like this and put his marriage and his son in jeopardy...
    Finn don't love them enough to let Hope enter into his marriage knowing the past... He did it on purpose or what...

    I'm the first to get angry because you warn in advance and he does something stupid...

    Personally, after everything that Finn put her through, I think that I too am taking some time to think and know where I am... I would have a hard time forgiving... And what's more, she doesn't doesn't know a tenth of the stupid things he did behind her back... Knowing that he massaged her, complimented her excessively, denigrated Thomas so that she would leave him (nice, compassionate doctor ???? my ass!), visit nocturnal for a low fever...
