Friday, August 23, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-23-24 Full episode B&B 23rd August 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-23-24 Full episode B&B 23rd August 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Stefy was horrified seeing Luna and Bill kissing. Stefy barged into Bill's to arrange their next one-night stand, her go-to when she is mad at her husband for offenses real or IMAGINED like this one.

    1. Stefy follows Luna to tell her Bill is off limits, so don't try it again. Bill is Stefy's back up, one night stand guy, and he must pine away for her only! No cute younger women allowed!

    2. Luna should be on guard about Stefy following her INTO her house! Stefy barges in to Luna's too! After following Her? Stefy used this for an excuse to stab sugar. Maybe Luna could do the same.

    3. This is a trial of intent that you are making... Steffy doesn't care about Bill. She sees through Luna and has understood everything but she is still the one at fault...

    4. Steff y forgot her bag at Bill's and dipped in quietly to retrieve it. BILL IS NOT ANY BACK UP GUY FOR STEFFY.So quit the foolish talk. She has now left her phone behind, so when it is found them they will know that something is wrong as she definitely will not leave her phone behind. From our previous comments it was "poor Luna" now a diabolical killer. It's now "poor Poppy". Preview for next week, Steffy is in a cage. I wonder if it's the same cage Justin housed Thomas??

    5. That would track, she and Poppy kept mentioning that the building was being demolished!

      The question is who will rescue her.

      Katie the genius has everyone looking in the opposite direction from Luna.

      I’m still wondering who rigged the paternity test. I mean that was sealed test kit that Li brought with her.

      This ploy has more holes than a sieve!

    6. Are you out of your mind WitchyPoo, most stupid comment ever 🤮🤮

    7. @Miss Poo, how old are you...5 🤣🤣🤣🤣🚨🚨🚨🚨 Miss Poo is an attention seeker 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 HUGE RED FLAG THAT YOU NEED MENTAL HELP‼️🤮🤮🤮 YOU ARE WORSE THAN YOUR BUDDY LYNN 🤣🤮you as vindictive as HOpe 🤣🤣🤣 The only reason you don't like Steffy is because she calls it like it is and she can read people like a book, then she gets persecuted for it ‼️

    8. Little u, you are truly a nasty excuse for a human. Seriously, how utterly delusional you are to think you have a right to come on here and disparage the posters!!! You’re nothing more than a cancer!
      Seek help….IMMEDIATELY!!!! L.O.S.E.R !!!!!

    9. @witchypoo you are such a witch!!!!

  2. Wow! Talk about a cliffhanger! Shelia could probably learn some new tricks from Luna! Wow!

  3. Thanks Bob. Have a good weekend.

    Wowwww. Is Luna!!!! She set her own mother up!!! Steffy can't die!!!!!!!!

    1. It looked like on the previews that Steffy ends up in a cage. Finn thinks she is out of town...

  4. Didn't see this one coming at all ..Geez Luna makes Sheila look tame. YIKES...She is flippin creepy

    1. Yikes indeed! Grandma Sheila is a docile cat, If compared to Sweet Luna.

    2. A 9-toed house cat 😺! Meow! 😻

  5. TY Bob. Have a great week end!

  6. Wow Luna is a lunatic like wow. I knew she would be the one to have caused the deaths of those 2 dudes wonder why she did it? And now she made a mistake doing that to Steffy. Sooner or later they will be looking for Steffy

  7. What the heck is wrong is Luna!!! Poor Poppy

    1. Who poisons the CEO of your workplace? Who poisons your boyfriend's sister? Unless Luna is under the influence of something, there is no good ending for her...


    3. Renee, it seems Luna no longer cares about the Forresters (Steffy or RJ), she's all about Spencer now.

    4. I guess she can always work for Spencer Publications . . .

  8. Before all the speculations start by others....Let's not forget that Steffy accidentally left her cell phone at $Bill's house.
    (therefore...Steffy never left town)

    1. Right. It will take them a while to figure it out. Maybe Douglas & can return & help find his Aunt Steffy...

    2. Yesss. Her phone left behind at Bills

    3. May be Sheila will be the hero to save Steffi and redeem herself.

    4. When they will find out Steffy’s phone, they will probably watcht the video surveillance and see that Steffy came back and left right after Luna…And Bill will be the one understanding what happened….

  9. I'm a little concerned about the actor who plays RJ.... He just seems a bit off somehow, hope he's ok.

  10. Jeepers didn't see that coming from sweet Luna.

    1. I am shocked 😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Hahaa, in all your beautiful faces. I TOLD YOU SO!!
      Cute Luna is the killer 🤣

  11. While figuring it all out, Steffy still kept drinking her iced tea... "you had so much to lose, too, right?" *sip*

    1. Right?! 😂 I was also like this 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️every time she sipped.

    2. I was shouting at my TV. STEFFY YOU ARE NOT THIRSTY ..

  12. Oh my holly sh......the sweet Luna, I didn't see that coming 😂😂😂😂 that why I never like sweet people 😀😀😀 So the new psycho is Luna well well good drama..

  13. i don't like the way bill just sits there and lets luna kiss him. he should pull away or push her away. it lacks realism. he should be shocked and act accordingly.

    1. Yes, Bill should respond the same way that Finn responded to Hope's kiss. Hope & Luna need to stop kissing people & get back to work at FC!

    2. Even Finn reacted too slow. If it was me, who was getting kissed and didn't want to be kissed, I would put my arms forward or turn away before their mouth landed on my mouth. Unrealistic.

  14. with luna just walking into her home and a couple of seconds after her steffy walks in how was luna able to put something in steffy's drink that fast and the kitchen is open from the living room so how was luna able able put something in steffy's drink witout steffy seeing it?unless luna already had some spiked drink made up .

    1. Especially since they haven’t been living there for a while. That was really odd.

    2. I think she had it already spiked in the fridge. I find it quite funny because she looks innocent and cute but xtremely lethal underneath.

    3. My question is, why was there even iced tea in the fridge? The place clearly has not been lived in since they moved into Bill's so, where did the iced tea come from and how long has it been there?

    4. Elle, the ‘freshness’ of the ice tea seems secondary to the fact that it was laced with poison. Lol

      Interestingly though, we didn’t see Luna reach into her bag of tricks to put the poison in Steffy’s glass. The whole storyline is a huge reach….so at this point we just may as well go with it. Lol.

    5. Lynn it's absolutely a huge reach like... Did she want to be his daughter (fixed the paternity test) or his lover (the kisses)... Or doesn't care as long as in his life, but that's so weird an creepy for such a young girl... I think maybe Justin never got over his appetite for Bill's fortune and also helped.

    6. Lynn, if the tea is stale, I know I wouldn't have been enjoying it the way Steffy was. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 But, I agree, it's a stretch, for sure.

      I suggested early on that Luna might have been a serial stalker obsessed with Steffy. It could be that she's obsessed with Bill. Finding out that her mother knew him made it much easier to concoct her plan. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    7. I am wondering how tiny little 90 pound Luna is going to get a ‘passed out Steffy’ into a cage all by herself?? If she is acting alone, then the already implausible story becomes even less believable. I assume the cage is in the apartment and she doesn’t have to drag a passed out Steffy across town with no one noticing. 😂😂😂😂

    8. Lynn - Justin, for sure! Unless they hit us with another twist and it's someone else... But I'm betting on him.

    9. she's passed out she can be dragged into a cage lol

    10. My comment was….the only way Luna could get Steffy into a cage was if there was a human sized cage in the apartment. There is no way she could move Steffy’s passed out body to another location. Since when has there been a huge cage in the apartmentt??

    11. Not to mention the dead weight at Steffy being passed out, Lynn. She'll be twice as heavy to move around. Luna is half her size. Lol.

    12. Elle, exactly! Dead weight is crazy heavy!

  15. Worst idea ever to watch this before bed 😂🙈🙈🙈 Luna will haunt me now all weekend.
    Could she be working with Justin? He liked putting people in cages too. I think someone was helping her, she couldn't have done it all alone.

    1. Milla, I thought of Justin too when I saw the cage. Why didn’t she just kill Steffy like she killed the other two?? Now there’s a loose end. Lol

      Hey D —- see Finn IS NOT Luna’s father! I knew it!! That would have been way too gross and disgusting!

    2. Lynn maybe she has another plan for Steffy... They need a main character to go through this danger but of course eventually someone will save her. Maybe it will be Liam 😀 someone in Bill's house will find her phone.
      I think I've mentioned that one of the weirdest things for me is that I always very much enjoyed the chemistry between my least favorite Steffy and my favorite Bill 😂so wouldn't mind if he saves her 😍

    3. Lynn---I wouldn't count Finn out just yet. Went out to the east coast for the past week, so just binged (skimming) through the last few episodes. Luna was a shock, in a way, but I think there is a lot more going on. We're being led to believe Tom is the father but is he? Poppy might have been extorting money from him saying he was the father. As a starving artist, we saw his talent, he wasn't good enough. A paternity test might have been done back then and that might have revealed who the real father was in some of Tom's letters. Bill is acting way to cool about all this. I think Justin was tailing Poppy and Luna, and are on to what ever this tangled web of deceit is about.

    4. D - it’s definitely not looking good for your Finn theory. So I don’t plan on having to sing Steffy’s praises anytime soon. 😁😁😁👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
      But it’s true that we don’t yet know if Luna is working alone. Either way though, I don’t think Li is involved in any of this. And if that’s true, then that rules Finn out. Your whole premise was that Li was trying to protect Finn with the faked paternity test. But now it appears that it was actually Luna who altered the original test.
      I’m guessing Tom is her real father. But since he’s long since been cremated, we will just have to trust what is revealed to us in coming episodes

    5. Not too sure about Li. When Poppy and Luna first turned up in LA, she was showing pure hatred towards both. Especially Luna when she saw her at Foresters. Now she's acting like a big sister to Poppy, and loves her niece and will take good care of her. Something is not adding up. So don't rule Finn out yet 😁

    6. D what would the extortion of Poppy even be? She's denying he's the father since day one, so what would she want from him? Plus you said yourself he's starving - what money would he have? I don't understand your theory.

    7. Luna couldn't let Steffy die because it would mean the killer was still out there and Poppy would have to be let go.

    8. Milla, that was a 6hr sleep in the past 48hrs theory. I had a train of thought at the time but it derailed.

    9. Ah no worries D 😀I thought I may be missing some detail that's why asked.

  16. I think Sheila is the one who is gonna manage to find Steffy. She can think like a psychopath because she has done a lot of nasty things herself. She might be the one cooking together that Luna is the killer and then they follow Luna to where Steffy is being held in that cage. But it might take weeks, for us at least, to see Steffy freed. If Sheila finds Steffy, Steffy will have to forgive or at least start fresh with Sheila. Anything else would be very ungrateful. I mean, she should have acknowledged Sheila for rescuing her daughter, maybe being rescued herself is what it takes for her to be properly grateful.

    1. I agree with you. Shelia having a major role in finding Steffy would make for interesting story line later. Also, it would help redeem the character of Shelia. Solving Tom's murder is also a way for Shelia to honor Tom as he led Finn & Deacon to her so she could be rescued.

    2. Nothing will redeem Sheila... NOTHING

    3. 😂😂 Awww, c'mon now. All she ever wanted was to be loved. 😂😂
      Shelia probably should just give that up & get a dog! 🤣

    4. Sheila is the best character on that show. And she will rescue Steffy.

  17. Game: Finding Stephanie Forrester:
    1. Bill & Lee: They figure out who benefits most from framing Poppy. They rush to Poppy's place to find Luna. They uncage Steffy.
    2. Taylor & Bill: Bill had arranged a shrink help for Luna, I think It's Taylor - the message Taylor got in her phone.. They get concerned when Luna doesn't show for the appointment n go looking for her.
    3. RJ: He feels for 'poor'Luna and wants to be there for her, but she isn't at Bills so he goes to find her at Poppy's. He rescues her sister.

    1. But what does he have to rescue Luna from? She's the villain...

    2. I think she means that RJ rescues his sister, Steffy.

  18. .. Rescues his sister, I mean..

  19. Replies
    1. Finn & Deacon will add Shelia to the mix & the 3 of them will find Steffy. All that is missing is Scooby Doo!

    2. Steffy is the Scooby Doo of the soap Renee 😂

    3. You are correct, Milla! Steffy is the Scooby Doo! She will eventually learn her lesson that every time she chases someone to confront them, something horrible happens to her...

    4. Renee 😂👏🏼👏🏼

  20. Poor RJ will be devestated over Luna..........he really loved her.

    1. Agreed. I think RJ needs to cut back on the working out a bit. He’s seriously looking like Popeye these days with those arms.

    2. Luna is his psycho Olive Oyl! 😂

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @Lynn, how old are have NOTHING nice to say about anyone 🚨 you are a bully who criticises everyone expect the HOgans....between you and your buddy Miss Poo, I don't know which one is the biggest bully‼️🤮

    5. Little u, with every comment you make, you just make yourself look even dumber. I don’t know how you could look any more ignorant, and then somehow you manage to take it to next level. 😂😂😂😂😂
      For your information, fool, RJ IS A LOGAN!! So there goes that theory. Pleas just crawl back under your rock and stay there. No one wants you here!!!!

    6. Lynn don't bother. It's obvious little u is not all there, look at how the comments are written always spewing the same thing on 5 different places and over all episodes. I also used to be annoyed but now more like passing by the comments, nobody cares/acknowledges them anyway.

    7. Lol this place is its own soap opera and Lynn is a Logan

    8. RJ is also a Forrester/Marone, Lynn. He's Ridge's child and carries the Forrester name.

    9. Agreed, he is both. But he definitely still has Logan blood in him.

  21. It would be a great scenario if RJ dies saving his sister by the hand of his girlfriend.... We would be rid of a Logan... Plus it would please mom, her beloved son dies like a little Saint...

    A cup of tea , my dear ? ha ahahahahaha

  22. Well played writers, we're perked up and out of the snooze fest. Keep it coming!!!!

  23. i knew it was Luna all along. sweet and innocent my @zz

  24. This is the dumbest story line ever.....

  25. When has anyone ever tip toed into someone's house, especially Bill's? 🤔 That's a new one on me. So unbelievable.
    Justin and Luna have hooked up to commit the murders. They both have a lot to gain. But don't underestimate Wild Bill, they won't put one over him that easily.
    I can't stand Luna's big fat face when she is starting to cry. It is disgusting. She has got a resemblance to Tom then, very similar.

    1. Oh please, she probably just wanted to grab what she forgot without having to chit chat or disturb Bill...grow are also bully, calling people names and body shaming them 🚨🚨🤮

  26. So Luna is a Lunatic, how appropriately named! Even though Steffy left her phone at Bill’s house Luna still lives with Bill and can find it. Luna probably intends on leaving Steffy in the old apartment to get killed when they demolish it. If Justine is involved with Luna, he could have easily gotten a sample of Liam’s DNA for cheating on the test. I think Taylor may know Luna’s past when she meets her and will figure it out and save Steffy.

    1. I love the theory with Liam's DNA. I hope they are that creative.

  27. When they will find out Steffy’s phone, they will probably watcht the video surveillance and see that Steffy came back and left right after Luna…And Bill will be the one understanding what happened….

    1. I'm sure Finn is bound to call and Bill will hear it.

    2. The phone, maybe Steffy left it there purposely. She knew Luna saw her in the mirror and left it as a clue. A Scooby-Doo theory.🙂
      Elle hope you enjoyed your vacay. Took your advice, had one too. Well worth it.

    3. Hi D. My vacation was very enjoyable. Glad you were able to get some time away.

  28. Replies
    1. Maybe Luna was so mad at her mom for putting her through this thing with Zende (considering it was her second time with a man) that's why she made that plan to ruin Poppy's life 😅🙈

    2. This probably has some backstory to it that has to do with Poppy's past (that Li is so secretive about) and Luna's resentment of her mother never wanting her to know who her dad was.

    3. Would be good but them writers seem too lazy to come up with something more from her past... On the other hand if it's something like the hit "sad little laaaadeeeeyyyyyy" 🎵🎵🎵 😂 I'd also rather they don't.

  29. Oh my God!!!! SO BIG DEAL because Hope kissed Finn, but when THEY did it it's stupid it's OK?? How many times did Steffy kissed Liam while married to Hope, How many times Ridge kissed Taylor while married to Brooke and vice versa, they all need to shut up and stop acting like they are all saints!!

    1. @Miss_Sushi, what are you on old are you....also 5 like Lynn and Miss Poo 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Steffy thought Luna was Bills daughter and was shocked to see her kissing her "father" she didn't know about the test being negative ‼️ anyways, are you tired of the same line, Steffy kissed Liam, just like a 5 year old 🤣 actually no I, Liam kissed Steffy and that is a FACT‼️ PLEASE also don't forget how HOpe slept with Liam when Liam was married to Steffy and HOpe fell pregnant so let's not be hypocritical here 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  30. oh great Luna, give Steffy some poison!

  31. I was annoyed at the typical Steffy self-righteousness, given her many transgressions. However, I was horrified as she put all the pieces together regarding Luna. Steffy obviously had the correction intuition about Hope but still seemed unsure about Poppi's guilt. She was pretty harsh with Finn, but now I see they needed an excuse to get her "supposedly" out of town while Luna hatches yet another evil plan. I know Steffy will be "saved in the nick of time" but, right now, I feel worried for her. I never saw the Luna storyline coming. Although, in thinking about the 2 kisses she gave Bill, she had this glimmer of coldness in her eyes. I feel very badly for RJ, Bill, and everyone else who trusted Luna and especially her relatives (Li, Finn, Poppi) and can't wait to see how the writers will wrap this all up. Really good plot twists, but sad at the same time to see that Luna was and is capable of such evil. Never saw it coming !!!

    1. @Avid Fan, that's why people don't like Steffy because can read people like a book and calls it like it is, they people turn around and call her a bully for it, she has a sixth sense about people, always had had.

    2. If someone is having a sixth sense about people in this show is Brooke. She is wright most of the time. She has a really good intuition and lecture of a situation. Steffy can be wright at times but it's not really about intuition it's more about her seeing what she wants to see and expecting everyone to agree

    3. Yep Lynn, I was right about you, you're definitely the Brooke Logan of this little group lol and look like her too lol!!

    4. Is that supposed to be a criticism? Brooke is my favorite character. So you lose! 😂😂😂

    5. Lynn that's honestly the best "insult" ever 😀👏🏼we should all be so lucky to look like Brooke.

    6. Milla, right? That cracked me up!! Oh poor me….i somehow resemble Brooke. Gosh, I’ll probably cry myself to sleep tonight. 😂😂😂

  32. Luna couldn’t kill Steffy with poison because then the cops would know the killer is still out there and it’s not Poppy. Funny all of a sudden when Luna first said about being friends with Hollis especially when you never saw them together except at the restaurant??? Was she seeing Hollis in addition to RJ? I don’t think she is as innocent sexually as she pretended. I doubt very much that she was a virgin before RJ!! And don’t really believe that Zende was a mistake on her part.

    1. Poor Zende was just another one of Luna's victims. Good thing he got out when he did. He dodged a big ole bullet!

    2. As I said a few times before, she knew that she did not live next door to Eric. I wrote about changes with Luna from a Spoiler, but I did not expect her to be crazy and evil.

  33. This is the Bill's story again, when he tried to blow up the building with Sally's grand daughter in it, but Liam was in it too. Steffy doesn't have luggage. That should make Finn think.

  34. The reason why people don't like Steffy is because she calls it like it is, she can read people like a book then people call her a bully for it. Instead most of you root for the HOgans 🤣🤣🤣🤮

  35. I told ya that Luna is the killer the sweetlittle face became devil to get what she wants but Bill will understand everything and I think is the one who will figure out where is Steffy kept under devil Luna eyes and he will save her.

  36. Spoiler... How is it, that Will is involved with Luna? When did he really meet her?

  37. Would you be able to reupload these episodes. I'm super behind and trying to catch up. Your blog is the best!!
