The Bold and the Beautiful 8-27-24 Full episode B&B 27th August 2024
Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link
- Days of our Lives
Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link
- The Young and the Restless
So the writers gonna claim both Hope and Luna got brain tumor!!!!
ReplyDeleteCan't stand lame Liam!!! Oh yea Hope kiss Finn!!
Hope and Liam deserves each other both lame and annoying!!!!!
You got people like Lynn and Milla and witchypoo that hate steffy but kiss hopes asshole all day every day. Knowing damn straight Hope in the wrong for kissing finn and lusting after a married man who clearly don't want her at all.
DeleteFinn definitely does not want Hope. Little slut Hope should just hush her mouth. The only time i like and agree with Brooke is she telling her daughter Hope to stop thinking and talking about Finn!!!
DeleteNoemi : Hope is degusting !
DeleteHow can defend a capricious kid like Hope... who does break up a family twice... Why is she jealous of Steffy? She had Liam, Steffy gave him her ring and this loser... Now that Steffy has rebuilt her life, she still wants to break up his marriage... so yes, she is the worthy daughter of the slut of the valley...
I add that she harasses a married man who loves his wife and who does not want Hope's dirty ass!
She does not understand that No means No, she forces again and again! She is a harasser and Finn should almost file a complaint because she is crazy...
She could have had a man all to herself, who loves her and who shares the same interests, Thomas had all the qualities but she refused to get married...
Steffy's haters are not objective, they even remake history to their advantage... And you are right to put them in their place from time to time. Thank you for that!
DeleteThere is ABSOLUTELY NO ONE PUTTING ANY OF THE HOPE FANS IN THEIR PLACE!!!! You are all delusional!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteOh and FAKE PICTURE NAOMI - It’s you losers who kiss Steffy’s butt!!!!
DeleteThe Hope fans are perfectly capable of calling out Hope when she behaves badly! For you to call Steffy out when she behaves badly - you’d be calling her out ALL DAY LONG EVERY DAY!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
I don't get why Luna didn't just give Steffi enough poison to kill her. Why would she make sure tom and Hollis died but then not give Steffi a lethal dose? I know the show wouldn't kill Steffi off, but that's a major plot hole
DeleteI said the same thing the other day, Hilary…..Steffy is a loose end! Maybe Luna should shut her up for good!! Lol
Delete@NOEMI, you are 100% correct regarding the fake Barbie profile pice of Lynn and her cronies, filled with hate and LOVE tramps like HOpe lol
DeleteOh little u….one of the oldest trolls on here. I’d love to see what you actually look like. 😂😂😂. Probably 🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌
DeleteThat would be perfectly fitting. Barbie pic? Nope, not hardly. It’s just a pic from the weekend when I was out with friends. You know, that thing that you don’t have any of. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You are an embarrassment, you ALWAYS repeat everything that i a tad up with your own words, don't use mine....lmfao :D
Delete@Lynn You are an embarrassment, you ALWAYS repeat everything that i a tad up with your own words, don't use mine....lmfao :D
DeleteLynn, we ask you to soften up a bit towards Steffy from time to time. To leave a little room for more sensitive and reserved people. Don't always spam the same thing...
DeleteAnd no, for Hope, I can say nice things when she got dumped by Thomas and they took little Douglas away from her to give him to Paris (the third mom since 5 minutes), the insipid...
Paris = Unpopular character and stopgap...
Meli how is it Hope's fault that Thomas moved to Paris, took her son and found him a new mommy? Hope never wanted them to move away so I don't get your point blaming her for Douglas. If anything, moving to Paris was Steffy's idea (which Thomas chose to follow).
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Deleteit's disgusting to tear a son (even an adopted one) away from his mother (even his adoptive mother Hope)
DeleteParis has no right to Douglas, she doesn't even have a past with this little one.
And no, Steffy is not responsible for Thomas' choice to stay in Paris. But he is responsible for tearing the little one away from his adoptive mother.
100% agree. And what you wrote shows me that it's not Hope's fault. It was Thomas' decision.
DeleteAnd Paris's mistake of letting the little one call her "mommy" when she's only known him for 5 minutes to please her new guy.
DeleteLittle u - I repeat NOTHING YOU SAY. Why would I want to repeat anything a loser like you says??!!! You’re a TROLL!!!!
DeleteCalling Paris "Mom" in front of Hope was an unspeakable cruelty. I can imagine the pain of a mother seeing her child call her mom, the new mistress of the man you love no less.
DeleteMeli - I was NEVER a Thope fan. I hated those two together. I couldn’t wait for that disgusting relationship to end. I was one of the few on this blog that was convinced they had no future together. And now they are done…..thank goodness!!!
DeleteAs far as me “softening up on Steffy”….why would I do that when all we hear every episode is what a whore / slut / flat chested / loser blah blah blah Hope is. Our comments are nothing compared to the foul and toxic descriptions some of the posters on this blog feel the need to say about 50 times per episode. I think you have selective reading skills if you think I need to dial it back. Besides, I could care less what vile things your little buddies say about Hope. But your team feels the need to make disparaging comments about the people posting comments. And I will not stand for that for even a minute!! I will ALWAYS fire back!!!! Look at the chain of events on this episode as an example. Naomi brought my name into her comments. She can leave my name out of her comments if she doesn’t want a pissing match. And you were right there encouraging the behavior. What about that is OK?! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! So as I said, I WILL ALWAYS DEFEND MYSELF AGAINST TOXIC POSTERS!! And little u is another waste case that just needs to disappear!
Yes Douglas calling Paris "mom" was not okay - not to him, to Hope or even to Paris. It didn't become clear whose idea it is (Thomas or Douglas), but Douglas has a mom and her having to hear this was unnecessarily painful.
DeleteCalling a part of the community a Troll is also not acceptable.
DeleteYou can insult a character from time to time but all the time, it goes around in circles and annoys in the long run..
I add, I love Thope but Hope ruined everything. She lives in jealousy. Thope could have built herself in forgiveness and also accept that she gets along with someone who has flaws but who loves her, and only her. He could have given her a family and a loving home. But she stupidly let go of the rare pearl who could have satisfied her.
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Delete@Lynn, there we go again, playing the victim like slime ball
DeleteOnce again Lynn nobody cares about your opinion yet here you are inserting yourself where you are not wanted. Take your botched looking ass out of here cause no one wants to hear your steffy hate rant. Go and kiss hopes ass somewhere else. And im not bot you hick
DeleteNoemi, as I said below - get used to me! You want to show the world how tough you are….well you are NOTHING! You wanted a war - you got one!!!
DeletePost a picture of yourself - cow!! Do it you coward….hiding behind some stupid magazine picture!! You’re nothing but a FRAUD!!! A trashy coward and fraud!!!
You aren’t ‘bot’. Actually, you probably are a ‘bot’!!! That would explain a lot. You’re nothing but fiction. 😂😂😂😂🧌🧌🧌🧌
DeleteYou’re not ‘bot’ ??? Actually you probably are a ‘bot’!!! That would explain a lot!! 😂😂😂😂😂
DeleteSorry, loser….we don’t have “hicks” in So Cal. That’s what they have in whatever backasswards state you come from. Your mama and papa are probably brewing up some moonshine in the shed as we speak!!! HILARIOUS!!! Is your cousin also your brother?? 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Meli Melo - a rare pearl?? That literally had me on the floor laughing. The only thing Thomas is to Hope is her abuser. Hope should have had nothing to do with that man. He’s twisted!
DeleteAlthough, he has gotten better as of late. But doesn’t change his horribly destructive past with Hope.
They were never going to be the future power couple.
Liam has some cahoonas, showing up at Finn's to bash him about kissing.
ReplyDeleteBut he is right to consider if there were "signals" to Hope.
Hope, it's time you not only "recall" the mistakes Steffy made in her lifetime but throw them in her bratty face when she starts going on and on. Woman up!
So Luna did it all alone? Really? No Justin or Jack. That's ridiculous and physically impossible. And only now that she's 20+ and working for Forrester - now she's thinking of "what kind of future Tom could provide for her"? And she honestly thinks Bill can jump from seeing her as his kid to sleeping with her?
And why didn't she think of that backpack when she was there for Tom but thought of it later? Either way she's pure evil...
Milla, I agree with what you said about Liam in both instances.
DeleteAnd yes, Hope needs to do a much better job of reminding Steffy about her slutty / cheating behavior. Why she hasn’t brought up specifics about all those many Steffy ‘mistakes’ is beyond me!
Steffi's hypocrisy know no bounds. She's always been a tramp, and yeah, so have a lot of other characters, but at least they admit it! Brooke openly admits her past. Steffi and her Taylor both pretend like they've never had an affair or even told a lie or committed any crime against anyone, which we all know is bull.
DeleteHilary, sooooooooo true!!!
DeleteLynn do you notice that the trolls are obsessed with Hope and with us? They just can't post about anything else apart from Hope hate and us. It's sad and a little funny. No discussion, no critical thought and of course the level of words is 🤦🏻♀️😂
DeleteAs for Steffy... Probably the explanation would be so that the police doesn't find her and realize it's not Poppy. But Luna could have still given her the same dose and brought to the building which will be demolished. It's not like the police will be doing any work to find her. I wonder what Luna did with her car.
Milla, the funny thing to me is…..we NEVER mention their names in our comments. We only comment on the show and the characters in the show.
DeleteBut every single comment from those trolls - they call me / us out by name. What a juvenile bunch of obsessed trolls - just like you said!!
Seriously, we take up space in their little minds all the time. Man, they seriously need to get a life!!!!!!
I will say this….when someone on this blog disparages me out of the blue….I will absolutely respond and defend myself. But I never start this shit with those losers. If Naomi and the lot of them think we are just gonna take it, they’ve got another thing coming. What’s truly hilarious about all this…..since their Queen Steffy is such a bully, they must think it’s their right to be bullies on this blog as well. 😂😂😂😂😂
Hey ladies (and I use that term loosely)…’s a MAKE BELIEVE SHOW!!! So get a damn grip!!!!
Lynn even the French girl said so in the other comment seeing the rants... It's very bizarre this obsession. And what is even the goal - to convince everyone to love Steffy and hate Hope? To get us to stop posting? To sink to their level and engage in a hate match on personal level? None of these things will happen.
Delete@Fake Barbie Lynn and Milla, you ladies bully EVERYONE on this Blog, your name calling and bullying others ALL the time....just look at Lynn's comment's and i quote 'should have poisoned steffy' calling people 'trolls' calling people 'losers' calling people 'sluts' calling people 'trash' YOU ARE FILLED WITH HATE IN GENERAL AND you hate Steffy because you prefer to be a BIGGER bully than she is Lynn, she makes you feel bet you live in a trailer Lynn because you sound REAL common! Shame, now you have little Hilary on your side too calling people names too! Classy bunch aren't :D the ONLY one that needs to be banned is YOU Lynn.....seems like you are the ONLY one entitled to an opinion and it's been like that since day ONE.....leave people alone.....when they say something STOP replying to them with 'NO, that's NOT how it is.....for God's sake, LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE, let them have their OWN bloody opinion......YOU are the reason that there is always a fight on this blog, can't you see it, are you THAT blind. Just go down to where BBFan comments then you come back with a reply 'no, i dont' think she's jealous' then someone else comments on BBFan and you come back with 'NOPE SHE ISN'T" just mind your bloody own business and LEAVE people to their own opinions then people won't fight with you.....GROW UP FAKE BARBIE, you act like a 5 year old :P
Deleteunknown you need help... You're just as obsessed with us as the others.
DeleteMilla, look at the book that she posted. Apparently little u is dumb as dirt. Because all that little troll needs to do is go to the first comments to see who started this. But sadly she has a little brain that clearly doesn’t function properly.
DeleteShe absolutely needs help. But if she wants to spend all that time typing - so be it. Like we said, we live rent free in their heads. They must think about us day and night!! Too dang hilarious!!!!
There's something wrong in those guys', heads that's for sure. And little u has a particular fetish with you from day one 😅 checking your photo and all... It is funny, I must admit.
DeleteExactly!! I wonder if she printed my pic so should hang it on her wall ? Maybe she throws darts at it. I’m sooooooo under her skin. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
DeleteThat's the rules there, some are allowed to do everything they want and others can't. That's the difference between the good and the bad character. The good one knows when he does wrong, admit and assume but the bad one never admit, never assume but is the first to call out the others when they do the same, except that they think they have a free pass. Steffy saying to Luna that "she's not going to get away with this" how so ? Like your mom never pay for shoting a man ? Or like you killing 2 persons and never been questionned at the police station for it?
Delete@Lynn, i will act like you....and say the following Nope, you are not under my skin, i'd rather puke in my own mouth! and by the way, why post a profile pic if you don't want people to see it, i can't help you are trying to look like Barbie....bwaahaahaahaa....oh hell know, fetish, never, i repeat, i'd rather puke in my own mouth! You Lynn, are just hateful and YOU Lynn are the cause of every single argument. Why don't you TRY and just let people have their own opinions and test it, if you allow them their own opinion they won't bother you.....try it, i dare you! Let's see if i'm right.....go on, i dare you, give it a go and mind you own business when it comes to other people's comments. You comment back on purpose to push their are a looney as HOpe!
DeleteMiss_sushi I'm with you. Especially on Taylor since her two crimes (Darla and Bill) can't be excused, no matter how people try to twist it. And she and her daughter are the ones that bark the loudest against others. But like I've said before, it's actually hilarious because nobody listens to them. Ridge is with Brooke no matter how much they whine about it. And Hope won't listen to Steffy anyway because she's no one in her life.
DeleteLittle u - your “Barbie” comment falls flat! If that’s supposed to be an insult, you need to work on your delivery. I’ll say it again….you’re a troll that probably looks exactly like you act. 🧌🧌🧌 So if I were you, I wouldn’t post a pic either. 😂😂😂
DeleteHere’s what’s true….i never address you first because you are dirt under my shoe. I couldn’t care less about you. But you feel the need to bring my name up in your comments constantly. And all that proves is that I’m pretty much always on your mind. Please be reassured - you are NEVER on my mind. And the only time I address your sorry ass is when you come on this blog and bring my name into your comments. Otherwise I completely ignore you! Because you are nothing to me!!!!
So if you don’t want anything to do with me….then by all means STOP MENTIONING MY NAME and stay in your own damn lane!!
@Lynn, there we go AGAIN, copying what i said when i said YOU ARE NOTHING IN MY LIFE AND YOU ARE IRRELEVANT, how childish and pathetic are you to copy EVERYTHING that i say.....bwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa :D you are getting chest pains, clearly i am making an impact...lmfao
DeleteI think Luna didn't take the backpack when she was there to kill Tom because she thought there was nothing interesting inside, she was probably afraid to find his old underwear so she didn't even open it lol. I guess she just didn't think that out of all the things in this world, he would be carrying those letters around with him.
DeleteThat killer outfit of hers...
Unknown - you’re nothing more than a gnat! An annoying little gnat who needs to be swatted!
DeleteAhahah Koyasha the old underwear 😂🙈 but then how did she figure out she needs to get the backpack? And why not get rid of it directly (after she offed Hollis). If it wasn't for that backpack, nobody would think she's not Bill's daughter (except for Katie but Bill wasn't listening). Being Bill's daughter would secure her for life while being his lover - who knows if months? I guess she wanted to send her mother to prison more than anything...
DeleteLynn on one of the last comments here on this post I suggested we make peace with Noemi and she agreed. I would extend this also to unknown if I believed she would agree.
Delete@unknown - you're also not benefitting of this exchange of insults. Isn't it better to talk only to the people you like and agree with and leave the rest alone (that includes not insulting them in other conversations because otherwise it's pointless)?
Milla, I made that suggestion long ago. But these people can’t help themselves. They bring my name / your name and others names into their comments. This episode was a perfect example. It started all the way at the top of this string of comments. When they stop saying my name in some snarky manner, I will gladly stay away from them. Clearly they are not worth the time.
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DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteLynn I will trust Noemi since she agreed black on white not to comment on our posts and not to insult us in others. I don't think she enjoys this negative exchange that much. I hope unknown agrees too.
DeleteWe will see. I would like nothing more than to not get pulled into these back and forths. It’s a total waste of time and energy.
DeleteLynn I agree. We are all grown-ups, this bickering is absolutely pointless.
DeleteThank you Bob xxxx
ReplyDeleteHope shut the fuck up with your flat chested ass. If you were in Steffys place you'd be saying the exact same thing to steffy to stay away from your husband you hypocritical kunt. Aint no wonder no man wants your raggedy ass tacky ass. Need to go do something about that shit you call hair cause it's just as tacky and cheap as that clothes you got on. Steffy will get out of this regardless of what you steffy haters think or say. Go and kiss hopes ass see how that helps ya. As for Luna she aint gonna get away with this and we all know it.
ReplyDeleteI think Hope will dissapear from the show
DeleteMais est ce que vous êtes normale NOEME??? C est 1 soap! On dirait que vous vous croyez dans la vraie vie ..
DeleteAllô, c est de la fiction !🤣🤣🤣
Noemi 👏🏻
DeleteYes NOEMI 👏👏👏
Delete🤣🤣🤣Ces filles sont trop a fond dans ce show. Parfois même elles se disputent comme si c'etait dans la vraie vie. J'ai l'impression qu'elles oublient que ce n'est pas la réalité. Je lis juste les commentaires, je n'ai même pas besoin de regarder l'épisode parfois.
No, it's not real life! But I think Noemi is reacting to months, even years of Steffy's "bashing". Where those who didn't like Hope and loved Steffy weren't given a chance to speak! I can understand that she's releasing her frustration and I say BRAVO to her!
DeleteSteffy is a character who is appreciated because she is human and who has made mistakes, she is beautiful and she is spicy.
While Hope is the worst nightmare for a married woman...
Naomi is PURE TRASH!!! And Meli Melo - get a damn grip! No one was keeping Steffy fans from posting. Naomi is just a total trash mouth loser that feels the need to come and this blog and throw her low life cuss words around like she is some badass. What a scared little immature child she must be! Get some frickin help you lunatic!!!!!
DeleteI agree Lynn , she sounds like some uneducated psycho who is WAY too invested in a soap opera blog😂😂 Get an actual life. No one is impressed or intimidated in the least.
DeleteMeli since I see you show actual thought process maybe you will understand - the fact that a group is talking between themselves about the show does NOT affect any other person or group or stop them from posting. We don't even engage with you, because we don't care, but when I glance at the posts, all I see is hate about us. Why are you guys so obsessed with us? Create your own group, have your own discussion about the show, nobody is stopping you. The vomit of cuss words and the nastiness are unwarranted and, yes, make some of you look like attention-seeking trolls.
DeleteNo need to insult, thank you ! i am correct me..
Deletei talk who i want ! you do the same when i writte on this board :) !
DeleteMeli Melo - you absolutely can talk to who you want to talk to on this board. But participating in / encouraging trash talk about the other bloggers is NOT OK.
DeleteKeep the comments about the characters on the show. Anything beyond that is unacceptable. And Naomi uses the nastiest language on this blog. Bob should block her.
@NOEMI, i'm afraid to say, HOpe is thick skinned, lol......she is as obsessed with Finn as Thomas was with Hope, Hope just doesn't get it, does she REALLY think that Finn still wants to be her 'friend' this point Hope is MORE psycho than Thomas just shows how shallow Hope is (like her mother) Finn is upset and he was raising her voice at her out of disgust yet she still stands there saying that he is her 'friend' bwaaahaahaa......aaah, the Hogan's mentality, she will TRY use s#x
Delete@Milla, obsessed with YOU and FAKE BARBIE LYNN.....bwaahaahaa...lmfao.....nah, we are NOT that desperate. Lynn's a narcissist and plays the victim (LIKE HOPELESS DOES) AFTER she TELLS people what they SHOULD think and say.....she's turned you into one too :P Old fake barbie Lynn needs to STOP telling me NO, you can't think like that or say that, NO, it's not true, who the hell does she think she is.....she needs to grow up and leave people alone and i can guarantee you they will leave her alone! It's not rocket science, surely. Lynn watches too many soeapies......she's starting to play victim like HOPELESS and Milla you are going to end up like OFB :D
DeleteTiny u - have you seen your own posts? Have you ever written one that isn't hate? All you and the other trolls can talk about is us and Hope. That's called obsession. That's why you need help. Or stay down there in the dirt and keep spewing more. That's the last thing I'll say to you and the other trolls here. I support Lynn and the others who stand up to you, but a bigger part of me believes that you are worthless of anyone's time and energy.
DeleteLynn, we ask you to soften up a bit towards Steffy from time to time. To leave a little room for more sensitive and reserved people. Don't always spam the same thing...
DeleteAnd no, for Hope, I can say nice things when she got dumped by Thomas and they took little Douglas away from her to give him to Paris, the insipid...
Paris = Unpopular character and stopgap...
I don't encourage anyone to insult, but being called a Troll etc... can irritate more than one... and that understands their annoyance... I also agree with the stranger, who expresses himself in a less virulent way.
Just try to be a little more objective about Steffy, she is a strong woman, who fights against the hypocrisy and manipulation of some unscrupulous women. She is not perfect and that is why this character is so popular, she has a big mouth and she stings. She has no tact and is very stinging!
Sorry copy past cause many comments XD
Meli I know your comment was towards Lynn but since you seem like a reasonable person, I'll allow myself to respond to you. If you stick around longer, you'll see that we give Steffy credit when we feel it's due. Just recently we applauded her speech to Brooke at Eric's and her outfit (JMW is a stunning woman and generally a fantastic human being that I follow on Instagram).
DeleteI was the one who used the word trolls (not to you though) because the posts of these people contain literally nothing but hate and hate towards actual people. And that's been going on for weeks if not months. People who only discuss among each other and with other reasonable ones which are often of opposite opinions (like BBFAN, we but heads often but have generally a respectful conversation) are being called buttlixkers. That's troll behavior. I have never seen Lynn attack anyone personally first but she is being attacked personally daily.
Meli - proper decorum on this blog is very simple actually. People can have their opinions about the characters on the show all day long. How many hundreds of times have we heard the term HO..gan, among other things?? Who cares what the Hope haters think? Anymore than you or anyone should care what I think about Steffy. I think she’s a total narcissistic bitch. And I probably always will. And again, who cares? You will not find me bringing poster’s names into my comments and saying nasty things about them unless they come at me first. So I’ll say it again….go back and read the comments. I did not start this back and forth of name calling. But I will absolutely fire back and that’s exactly what I have done and will continue to do if my name is brought into the toxic shitstorm of comments.
DeleteOnce again Lynn you always got something smart to say and even telling bob to block me. This is called freedom of speech if you dont like it leave. And if you dont like what I say then don't effing read my comments and scroll down but you won't do it cause your an attention freak and calling me names makes you the biggest fraud on this damn blog. All you do on this app is insult the steffy character and call her ugly names it's utter trashy and appalling. And aint nobody obsessed with your raggedy ass.
DeleteAs I already said Naomi, you’re TRASH!! I don’t know who raised you….a truck driver from the backwoods who thinks women should swear and use foul language every other word??!! It makes you look uneducated and trashy! So I’ll keep saying it….you’re TRASH!!!
DeleteBob absolutely should block you.
Oh and newsflash - I’ve been on this blog a hell of a lot longer than you….so get used to me….because I’m not going anywhere!!!
And I’d say you absolutely are OBSESSED with me - otherwise you wouldn’t bring my name into your comments!! Poor Naomi, thinks about me all the time….😂😂😂😂
You try sooooo hard to look like a hardass on this blog. But truth is, you’re nothing but a sniveling little coward!!!!!!
TY Bob. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteThanks again Bob for making my B&B addiction possible 🌷
ReplyDeleteSomething told Luna was the one shady woman. But I think its sad how the writers always ruin nice characters.
ReplyDeletei really really can't stand liam. finn should just tell him to mind his own business. and the camera pausing on hopes' 'thinking face' is getting annoying. she does the same look time after time.
DeleteThank you Bob 🌻🌼❣️
ReplyDeleteHope is so jealous of Steffy’s life. It came out in her petulant little tirade and pity party.
ReplyDeleteSteffy gets to make decisions of funding on lines because she’s CoCEO which she had to earn by the way.
Hope is so envious because Steffy has finally found a loving husband who only loves and wants her! Hope refuses to accept that she cheated on her husband, she threw away her relationship with Thomas, that she is actively lusting after and actively trying to seduce a happily married man. Hope blames Steffy for everything because she’s immature, vapid, and narcissistic!
Liam was correct on one thing today, Hope is deliberate when she does something. She thought Finn would fall at her feet if she kissed him. That he would forget his love for his wife and children and abandon them because she’s just so perfect 🤢 🤮.
Hope kissing Finn was deliberate just like her kiss with Thomas in Rome!!!
Again all the times she kissed and slept with Liam when he was married to Steffy weren't wrong in her mind. She felt entitled because she saw Liam first and he was her property ever after.
100% agree!!!!!
DeleteBBFan, I agree with you
DeleteI agree BBFan, I mentioned at the beginning of this whole fantasy with Finn, it's not Finn she's obsessed with, it's Steffy and what she has, her lifestyle, a man that adores only her and power. The whole Thomas thing was a game, but she made it believable to Thomas (and too me at the time) but knew it would piss Steffy off.. Liam? He's just as stupid to fall for, Hope wouldn't do anything like this, you must have given her mixed signals. She's the innocent one. Finn should have said, get the f out and mind your own business.
DeleteWell said, BBFan and D! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
DeleteI don’t think Hope is jealous. I think Hope is sick and tired of Steffy’s arrogance and always deciding how everything is going to be - ‘World According To Steffy.’ Hope’s had it with her!! That’s not jealously, that’s just disgust.
DeleteLYNN : Hope is jalouse as hell ! she is a bratz !
DeleteNope she isn’t. She has never tried to emulate Steffy. She simply thinks Steffy is nasty, controlling bitch who doesn’t respect her husband. It’s not complicated. Hope simply wants Steffy to stay in her lane and Steffy finds it impossible to do that. Steffy feels the need to control every situation. Even situations that don’t concern her. That’s not jealously. Hope has simply had enough of Steffy and wants to put her in her place!!
Delete@Fake Barbie Lynn, STOP it, just look at the above, telling people 'NO' like YOUR bloody opinion was asked for....YOU ARE THE ONE CAUSING TROUBLE HERE>>ARE YOU BLIND.....find a job if you are THAT bored!
Delete@BBFan Hope is green with jealousy of Steffy, Hople knows full well that Steffy was Liam's true love and it pains little Hope :D Hope's line is NOTHING without Thomas.....bwaahaahaa....her line will crash and burn and i CANNOT's going to be wonderful to watch her cry and blame Steffy when her line is :D
DeletePoor sad little u. Are you gonna dream about me too?? Obsession is not a strong enough word to describe your hyper-focus on me. Does my name come up in your therapy sessions too ???!!! LMAO!!!!! are irrelevant in my life, you are a NOBODY! lol
Delete@BBFan, shucks i just watched the full episode, you are SO right, out of Hope's own mouth 'Steffy gets to be the boss' 'Steffy decides which line gets funding' Steffy decides which line gets pulled' shame, poor HOpe.....jealousy is actually not even the word, it's beyond jealousy, HOpe is obsessed with Steffy....bwaahaahaa....her jealousy goes back to Liam's day's when deep down the poor HOgan knew that Steffy was the love of Liam's's no wonder Hope is on the edge of a mental breakdown, can't wait for her to crack.....bwaahaahaa....her and Thomas deserve each other, they are both NUT
@Lynn....there we are now using LMAO....first time EVER, only because i just used dear OFB, YOU ARE OBSESSED WITH ME......lmfao :D
DeleteYeah, little u….you made up LMAO. I’ve been saying that for about 20 years. But sure, you made it up. Delusional beyond delusional you are. What a sad little troll you are.
Delete@Lynn, i never said i made it up, shit, you can't read either.....i said just because i used it today now you are.....copying everything i obsessed with me....bwaahaahaahaa :D
DeleteUnknown Lynn is a looney like Luna she name calls people then when we name call her back she acts the victim. Like she literally in my comments section talking shit like she is one of the worst bloggers on this site completely unlikeable.
DeleteLoser Naomi, yes….you should definitely befriend little u. You have so much in common. Both total losers!!!!
Little u - I use that acronym all the time. Maybe it’s you who can’t read. Just be gone little gnat!!!
DeleteLuna does the evil thing really well. I hope Finn reaches Steffy.
ReplyDeleteFinn please find Steffy soon!!!
DeleteWho fin if anyone deserve to fi d steffy is liam
DeleteLuna really was a shock and plays the part well. I think it will be Bill that finds Steffy. It looks like he already had Justin tailing Poppy and I don't think he fell for Luna's kisses as a traumatized respond to what is going on in her life. He's way to calm about the whole situation.
DeleteD I hope you're right about everything.
DeleteHollis death don't make sense because they didn't show him having a conversation with Luna. He just said you, and we did not see that in Luna's flash back
ReplyDeleteWe need to count Luna's toes . . . . . . . . .
Delete@Renee.....bwaahaahaa.....classic lmfao :D
DeleteSheila cannot be Luna-tick’s mother, Luna is oriental and Sheila is definitely not. And Luna could not kill Steffy using drugs because as I said days ago, it would prove Poppy is not the killer and that the killer is still out there. So Luna-tick is going to leave her in the building that is getting ready to be demolished and that settles getting rid of Steffy. Someone needs to find Steffy’s phone before Luna sees it at Bill’s.
DeleteEarlier, I mentioned a Spoiler that said, that Poppy stole Luna from Sheila at birth. Maybe, she was pregnanted by an oriental guy. And that this is one reason Li is so upset.
Deletewow haha, I don't believe what that spoiler said.
DeleteIt's true that Sheila does not look oriental, but sometimes kids take after one parent. A girl in my class was half-Korean as was her sister. The girl in my class looked oriental whereas her sister looked like the white version of her.
If Lynn hadn't have to deal with all those trolls already, I'd add that maybe Sheila is Luna's grandmother :-p But she's had enough for today :-*
Sheila will save Steffi and get the redemption
ReplyDeleteI am a B@B fan, sometimes I am on one side, sometimes on another. The way Hope is acting is silly right now. She is delusional. And Liam, give me a break... he has NO right to lecture Finn at all. Did Steffy give HIM any signals that it was okay for him to kiss her the two times he did that lately???? No, but he still did it. It wasn't Steffys fault, but HIS. Same with Finn, this was all on Hope. But, no... here Liam comes, holier than thou, to lecture Finn about something he did himself. Sometimes, I just wanna shake the characters silly lol....they are brainless
ReplyDelete👍so agree.
DeleteRJs sweet little innocent virgin girlfriend. remember when she did that pregnancy test? I think she was tryng to secure a meal ticket with her rich boyfriend by getting pregnant for him. only, the test came back negative, So plan A, secure a rich boyfriend, wasnt working so Bill Spencer, became the plan B, ha. Luckily Bill never got around to adopt her. "her mother bounced from men to men and so now she is following in her mothers footsteps, we seeing a lot of like mother like daughter on B&B lately. Your children are watching you, and these are the end results. Hope is all over the place going after a married man and now Luna wanting a rich sugar daddy. I cant imagine ones own daughter framing them for murder. And get this, Luna knew about her mothers drug habit all along and also knew about Tom being her dad. So did she intentionally took her mothers drugs to sleep with Zande or did she even took those drugs. She knew Zande was interested in her and probably came up with this lie that it was her mothers drugs that did it. This little poor girl wanted in so badly to be rich. This is going to hurt RJ and Poppy the most. But hey, what is Poppy story? Lee despises her for being a gold digger. Did they both come from humble beginnings and Lee worked herself up in becoming a doctor and Poppy decided to get her wealth through dating rich men? The sins of the parents fall on the kids and money is the ruth of all evil. Beth and Kelly is watching Hope and Stepphi, so I suspect we will be having a third generation of Logans vs forrrester, i hope not because the two sisters are gettng along very well as kids, but their mothers actions can ruin all of that. heavy sigh, soap opera's world. Lets keep it right there. smiles
ReplyDeleteThe most shitteat story line ever ... seriously!! Stuff that
ReplyDeleteHOpe needs therapy, she is as mental as Thomas, both obsessed and it makes total sense why her labido overpowered her when it came to Thomas, the connection they had was their mental instability :D
ReplyDeleteThomas was accused of being a stalker towards Hope...
ReplyDeleteBut Hope is worse in my opinion, she is like a narcissistic pervert, she manipulates, harasses, passive-aggressive and places herself as a victim to make Steffy look like an executioner! Her real victims are Steffy and Finn...
She live in jealousy and want the life of Steffy...
She is also a Harasser who does not accept "NO"
I hope this story line will net take long as i cant here steffy yelling so much
ReplyDeleteCertainly wish you guys would quit fighting on the blog about Steffy and Hope. You are making it all about yourselves and ruining it for others that are really wanting to discuss the show!! If Bob should remove anyone, he should remove all of you haters. This blog is not about you and your name calling, so think of all the others that have their discussions ruined by your in-fighting. It’s only actors and not real.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you but whenever I post something you got people like Lynn, witchypoo and Hillary coming into my comments section being disrespectful and attacking me first. So I have every right to defend myself back. I'm a steffy fan and if anyone has a problem with that all well.
DeleteOh my gosh, I was thinking the same! Some of the comments are quite toxic and unpleasant. Usually enjoy the comments section when there is NO cyber bullying or keyboard warriors trading insults. And why do people have to get personal though? It's just a soap opera with very good actors who portray their characters well, that's all. Thank you Bob
DeleteNoemi how about you agree to stay away from our posts and not talk about us from next episode on and we agree to do the same? It will be all about the show like most of us want here and no personal attacks. Then we will see who sticks to the agreement.
DeleteMilla good enough for me. Just stay away from my posts and don't comment and we will be fine. I don't need no one commenting on my posts that are rude and negative. We will see who keeps that agreement.
DeleteFrom me you have a handshake 🤝🏻
DeleteNaomi, you started this war. Do yourself a favor and scroll to the very top of the comments. It’s a comment from YOU calling out myself and Milla!! If you don’t want a battle then LEAVE OUR NAMES OUT OF YOUR COMMENTS!!!!!!
DeleteWhen you start shit - you get what you get!!!
Just because Tom says he's Luna father doesn't make it true unless they did a paternity test back then which I highly doubt. He was obsessed with poppy and would say anything with his crazy bum looking self. According to Luna her mom was with different guys so it could be any one.
ReplyDeleteAs for Liam he shouldn't even confront Finn after kissing Stepphy while she was married to Finn.
Liam is a complete loser and he gets on my nerve and needs to mind his business once and for all. What steffy and finn do or not do is not his business. I never liked his character all he did was use hope and steffy to his liking.
DeleteLeannalove that's true. That's why I'm still not counting Finn out yet as the father. It's still just hearsay that Tom is the father. Li, Jack and Justin all turned up at the restaurant that night. Why?
DeleteI'm hoping for a big twist nobody sees coming.
I don't get why Li was just sitting there when Tom collapsed. She is a doctor, she should have jumped up and tried to help.
DeleteAt this point, I am not sure they are going to make anyone other than Tom the father, I think their main focus is on Luna's psycho vein from now on. But you never know
This is so immature. You guys don't even know each other, yet you're 'fighting' it's like swinging at air