
Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-12-24 Full episode B&B 12th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-12-24 Full episode B&B 12th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. ALL of you people have a history Steffy -_- Brooke, Hope has something wrong with her... get a new man for Hope

  2. Thanks Bob.

    Hope get yourself a man but not Finn!!!!!

  3. Katie is a class act, apologizing to Poppy as is right. I can't imagine Steffy apologizing to Sheila for crying catch the killer so loud and having her arrested. Poppy is also a classy lady to acknowledge Katie's feelings. She shouldn't blame herself for Luna.
    Taylor is not only optically unconvincing but in her acting as well. Real Taylor would yell at Brooke and show how much she hates her. This one has the expression of a startled bunny.
    Steffy will never believe her dad, no matter how much he tells her in her face that he wanted Brooke and HE left her mom. She'll repeat the same old crap till her last day... Yawn.

    1. Steffy, Phoebe and Thomas were young children when Brooke was wreaking havoc on their family. For Steffy, I don't think it's about who left who at the end but about Brooke's desperate need to have Ridge. When Ridge and Taylor were together, they were completely in love and, more than that, Ridge was completely devoted to Taylor. Brooke tried and tried her darndest to get him away from Taylor. That's why, as soon as Taylor 'died,' Brooke swooped in while Ridge was in grief over the loss of Taylor. Ridge only wanted Brooke after Taylor was gone. That's when he and Brooke truly started to connect.

    2. And yet when she was back, Taylor couldn't get him to love her to save her life. It's not just about before Taylor "died".

    3. And PS what havoc was she wrecking for Steffy and Thomas, if Ridge was that "completely devoted"?

    4. That's what I'm saying, M. It was after Taylor died that Ridge and Brooke started to connect. By the time Taylor came back, things had changed. Ridge had already started falling in love with Brooke. And yes, Ridge was completely devoted to Taylor every time he rejected Brooke when she tried to seduce him - and it was a lot! Ridge even used Brooke's desperate need to have him by pretending to be in love with her when he wanted to get BeLief.

    5. Steffy is clearly upset about when Ridge left her mom. She's not upset about that time he was "completely devoted". And he left when Taylor returned and he just didn't love her. If Steffy wants to be mad at someone, she should be mad at that prince who took Taylor. Because as per your theory if she hadn't left, he would have stayed devoted. But she's so blind with hate she can't separate the events and what caused what.

    6. And PS Taylor (real) herself acknowledged that Ridge always desperately wanted Brooke but Stephanie hated her (and liked Taylor) and he couldn't let go of his mother's apron strings. Which I kind of agree with.

    7. @Elle, if Ridge was THAT devoted to HOgan he wouldn't be rubbing her leg, neck and shoulders 🤣 he is a womanizer and loves TWO woman. The only thing keeping Ridge coming back for more is HOgan's libido ‼️

    8. @unknown That I can agree with. Ridge was/is a womanizer! He got that from Eric who taught him well. Thank goodness Thomas did not inherit that womanizing gene.

    9. Milla, Steffy is upset because Hope is trying to steal her husband, just like Brooke tried to steal her dad from her mom. Steffy is upset because her mother never stood up to Brooke all the times that Brooke shamelessly tried to seduce Ridge and she vowed to Hope that she is not going to make the same mistake. Nowhere did I hear Steffy say that she is upset because her dad left her mom. It is all about Brooke and her homewrecking ways and now, Hope trying to emulate Brooke.

    10. Exactly Steffy doesn't realize (or doesn't want to) who is the only person who had the power to break up their family - Ridge. If he had stayed devoted nothing Brooke would have done could have changed that. She's blindly hating Brooke. And btw it's not true that Taylor never stood up to Brooke. Some of the best TV moments of this show are of their catfights.

    11. I will never forget Brooke telling Taylor to stay dead after she escaped Prince Omar! Brooke knew Taylor was alive and hid it from Ridge! I remember Brooke faking a pregnancy and miscarriage when Taylor returned to keep Ridge from being with his legal wife!

    12. There is a lot of history there. It gets triggered when things happen.

      Hope is wrong telling Steffy to just forget her kissing Finn. Hope did a lot more than that, that Steffy doesn’t know about!

      You know that day Hope threw herself at Finn in the dressing room reminded me of when she was making out with Liam during the HFTF show… while his Fiancé and daughter where waiting at home for him!

      Hope always lured Liam that way even when he was married so she expected Finn to do the same!

    13. I'm definitely not getting into another let's hate Hope conversations. You have walls of that already on every episode including this one. It's boring and it's been discussed to death what Steffy has done and what Hope has done. I don't get the urge to go to literally every post here and try to turn it into a Hope hate-fest. It won't work.

    14. Calling Hope out for trying to steal another woman’s husband and acting like butter wouldn’t melt isn’t hating. It’s just stating facts! Everyday is hating Steffy and calling her a bi$&& because she is fighting for husband and marriage! She has a right to do that! If the roles were reversed you would be praising Hope for standing up for her marriage and calling Steffy every name in the book!

      I understand that anyone who doesn’t worship at Hope’s feet is denigrated and silenced as much as possible. I am not hating here just giving an other side to this long story.

    15. Silenced? You literally write walls of hate about Hope on every episode, nobody can silence you or other haters. All I asked is that you don't do it on my post where I wasn't even talking about Hope, but you're obsessed with bringing her up at any chance.

    16. Of course we all know that Milla. Those were the good old days of Brooke/Taylor fights. Haha. I was just repeating what Steffy said in today's show about her mother not standing up to Brooke all those years ago.

    17. Yes Elle I know ❤️ I didn't mean that you're wrong, but that Steffy is. Her ("real") mother gave as much as she got 😀

    18. Given the personalities of Steffy and Hope, they would have some good fights. I wonder if the show will give us that? We haven't had a good fight in ages. And I'm not counting that silly paint fight between Brooke and Taylor recently.

    19. Elle I think the last really good fight was the cake fight 😂😂 omg that was delicious! (And you're right the paint fight was lamooo)

    20. I applaud Katie as well. The talk between the two ladies was very respectful and kind. Poppy saying she still loves Bill won’t be received particularly well by Katie I’m guessing. And I doubt Bill’s and Poppy’s relationship survives this Luna mess. But we’ll see.
      Taylor got one right….Hope has changed….first Thomas, then Finn. Both are out of character for Hope.
      But it’s clear as day that Hope is still wanting Finn. So this isn’t ending anytime soon.

    21. It's not ending its going to proceed in one very well known direction.

    22. Lynn do you notice the difference between how an ordeal like Luna affects Poppy and Steffy. Poppy used to be all "I'm lady of the house" and now is humble, reflective, respectful and mature. Steffy is the same bulldozer that she always has and always will be.
      Yes Taylor is right, we can all see Hope's changed. I'd like to see some more reflection from her too.

    23. Milla, really good point on the differences in how the two ladies handled things. Steffy’s hate of the Logans runs deep within her. She was always be vengeful and nasty when it comes to Hope.
      And Hope still seems determined to go after Finn. The whole thing is very boring at this point. The writers need to move this along soon.
      There is very little going on in the show right now.

  4. Are Brooke and Hope serious? Steffy should be grateful that Hope took responsibility for kissing Finn? Really? What woman is going to stand by while another woman is making moves on their husband and be okay with it just because the other woman admitted she was wrong? People can call Steffy what they want but she is absolutely right to put Hope on notice! Hope slept with Liam while he was engaged to Steffy and got pregnant and what did she do? She relentlessly went after Steffy telling her to set Liam free. And she expects Steffy to be grateful? I think that just might be the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. Lmao!

    And kudos to Taylor for letting Brooke know that something is wrong with her daughter. Because it seems Brooke is not taking a close enough look.

    1. @Elle 💯% correct, the home wrecking victim HOgan's. They just NEVER take accountability for their DESPICABLE behaviour, they give good woman bad names‼️

    2. Totally agree Elle. Here’s the thing that is nonsense to me. Brooke always encouraged Hope to go after Liam when he was married to Steffy because Hope was better, Hope deserved Liam more than Steffy, Hope could give give him what Steffy couldn’t (still haven’t figured out what that is), etc. For over a decade that is all Hope heard from Brooke. So how can Brooke be shocked when Hope is saying and doing the exact same things she’s always done and rationalised???

    3. At least with Brooke, she owned her homewrecking ways. Hope is pretending that she cares for Steffy, all the while stabbing her in the back. Hope might want to be a replica of her mother however, she is doing a very bad job at it.

    4. So true, BBFan. Brooke created, nourished and unleashed the beast that is Hope. So so so true. Well said.

    5. Spot on Elle!! Bfan, 💯 correct!

  5. Had to share this it’s an outtake with the cage scenes where the actresses playing Luna and Steffy are dancing! Enjoy!

    1. 😂😂😂 loved it. I bet the cast have a lot of good laughs when cameras stop rolling.

  6. Not so long ago HOpe told mommy that she never wants to be like her now she's upset when Steffy says it 🤣🤣🤣 can't believe how HOpe stands there and plays the victim...lmfao. wow, congratulations HOgan, that's the First time you've slightly raised your voice at HOpe...with a smirk on your face‼️ HOgan is encouraging HOpe to go after Finn by bad mouthing Steffy, I can't believe how the HOgan's always pretend to be the victims when they cause the trouble 🤔
    HOpe was NEVER sorry that she kissed a man who is NOT interested in her.
    HOpe is only sorry that he does not reciprocate her feelings.
    Steffy did not "attack" this middle school CHILD. Steffy stated that she is not playing anymore like their back and forth with Liam. Steffy has moved on and Hope needs to, as well.
    The audacity for Hope to think that SHE is better for someone else's spouse is really the icing on the cake. Especially when the spouse does not want her. It really is a comedy show for sure.Soon HOoe will have a maniquin in her closet like Thomas had of HOpe...ten crazies belong together 🤣 can't get over that HOpe expects Steffy to say thank you for the apology she did NOT mean ...this child is Cray Cray 🤣

    1. I was really flabbergasted by Hope (and Brooke) today. But the truth came out when Hope said that she should take Finn as revenge for all that Steffy has done.

      And you're so right about Hope playing the victim. She actually blames Steffy for Thomas walking away from her when she was the one that turned him down over and over. What? Did she think he would stay by her side and take her rejections? Hope needs to take a deep look at herself and what is really making her act this way. She can't suddenly go from "not wanting to be like her mother" to behaving exactly like her mother.

    2. I hope Steffy walks in on Hope saying the shit she saying to Brooke and I hope Steffy knocks her the hell out. Like Finn don't want and never will want your raggedy tacky ass Hope. Move on or suffer the consequences of your actions hoebag.

    3. Hope has NEVER been held responsible for her behaviour in all the years in the show. Brooke or her Aunties or Ridge always fixed it for her! She’s always gotten her way eventually and has long held the HFTF over Steffy because Ridge ultimately decided to give Hope that line instead of Steffy’s proposed one and it was 100% about his choosing Brooke’s child over his own.

      Hope always resented Steffy which is a laugh since Hope unlike Thomas, Steffy and Phoebe got to grow up with Ridge and Brooke and RJ in their posh estate. Hope was utterly spoiled and indulged and had Steffy’s dad with her 24/7. His own children got crumbs of his time and attention.

      For sure they never wanted to anything material but he was never there emotionally for them and gave preference to Brooke’s kids over his with Taylor over and over through the years.

      I don’t blame Steffy. Hope just wants her to forget that she’s still actively targeting Steffy’s husband and marriage.

      Steffy went through that for over a decade with Liam so she knows first hand that Hope will do anything to get what she wants!

      Hope was completely disingenuous about why she was there.

      Again she uses her perceived persecution by Steffy as an excuse to NOT be responsible and work on her line!

      They are at work and Steffy as CEO is telling her to get to work fixing her failing line! She’s doing NOTHING to get HFTF back on track! She is counting on her mum and Ridge giving her a free pass as always!

      Hope blames Steffy for everything and what about all the years Hope targeted Steffy’s marriage to Liam?? Hope forgets about that and it’s been years since Steffy was interested in Liam! Seriously! Hope GTFU and act like an adult!

      Hope is deliberately targeting Finn and has been all along!

      Steffy knows Hope is NOT in the least bit sorry for kissing Finn!

      Oh and the rest of them don’t even know about her openly propositioning Finn in the dressing room at FC, or throwing herself at him in his office!!! Hope is NOT innocent here at all!

    4. Also watching their mum being sucked in and used by Ridge and then he waffles and goes back and forth. Like Liam did to Steffy and Hope… Steffy is refusing to allow Hope to do that with Finn and their family!

      The ONLY reason Hope is targeting Finn is for badness! She wants to hurt Steffy and ruin her life! Hope seeing herself as a victim is a JOKE!! Hope has ALWAYS gotten her way!!!

      She couldn’t believe that Liam walked away after her cheating with Thomas! She couldn’t believe Thomas had enough after she rejected 3 marriage proposals. She couldn’t believe Finn turned her down when she tried to get him to cheat on his wife!!!

      The saddest thing is she doesn’t see what an insult her behaviour is to Finn! She is showing zero respect for him or his marriage. She’s telling him that she believes he’s a man without honour who would just cheat on his wife because Hope looks his way!!!

    5. Hope is really spiraling. When this new actress took over, I really liked the maturity she brought to the character. Seems she's regressing to what she used to be in the past. Selfish and entitled!

    6. It doesn't matter how "in Love"soap couples are, they always end up cheating and moving on to someone else. It's just a matter of time till Steffi and Finn split up and they hook up with other people. They may loop back around to each other at some point, but they're not going to stay together indefinitely. Every time Steffi and Liam were together it was sappy as hell, and everyone thought they were the be all end all couple, but that didn't last. So there's no reason to assume that her and Finn are going to. I'm betting he does end up sleeping with Hope. Why else do they keep dragging this out? It may take a while, but ole Hope will get him in the sack eventually 🤣🤣🤣

    7. It could be just to show Hope's state of mind, Hilary. I, personally, don't think it will reach to Hope and Finn sleeping together. I can however, see Hope doing something to make it appear that they slept together. Another one of her mom's old tricks! Lmao!

    8. It's interesting Hope was fed-up from Liam because of his connection with Steffi and she started a good relation with Thomas who assured that he is a one woman man and the chemistry between them was great, but still she turned him down multiple times. And now she is targeting a man who is married with a child and who loves his wife my question even if she gets Finn is he going to love her and only her or the old scenario will repeat itself.
      I hope the writers bring back Thomas to heal Hope.

    9. @Odys @Elle @BBFan @NOEMI, all 100% spot on.....@NOEMI, you especially make me the raggedy tacky ass bit...bwaahaahaahaahaahaahaa lmfao :D I can't wait for the meeting which i HOPE happens tonight where they all get together to discuss the farce of a line hypocritical line......can't wait for it to crash and

    10. @Odys Excellent point! I will also add, if Hope manages to get Finn away from Steffy, will she even want him? She keeps talking about how good and devoted he is but she had complete and total devotion in Thomas but did not want to commit to him. I also agree that they need to bring back Thomas to save Hope from herself.

  7. Replies
    1. She won't because she wants revenge for Steffy's supposed injustices toward her.

  8. For the love of God Hope move on with your life. Finn will never ever love you the way he loves steffy and also finn never saw you like that either. This woman is straight up delusional. Katie shut up you the one that got poppy arrested. Poppy should stay clear of Katie. Love seeing the love Finn and Steffy have.

    1. Hope doesn’t care about that! She just wants to prove she can sleep with Steffy’s husband and break up her family! She did it how many times with Liam so it is another way for Hope to always be the winner! Hope always gets what she wants so this is another thing she wants!

    2. Finn and Steffy belong together. Who is Hope to say that Steffy doesn't appreciate Finn - her own husband!

    3. @Elle exactly. And hope did you appreciate thomas or just use him for sex and his designs hope should ask herself that question every day. Like the nerve of that heffa. If Hope doesn't stop finn and steffy should get a restraining order against hope and fire her or relocate her.

  9. I will tell you one thing, I think Hope is gonna start modelling Brookes bedroomline, and she is gonna try to seduce Finn to make a move on her instead. She is gonna try everything in her power to get Finn, because she hates Steffy that much. She is fed up with Steffys need for control, fed up with her stepsister continued bashing of her mom and the Logans. Is it right? No, of course not, but she has been driven insane by Steffy and her constant looking down at the Logans. I mean, she is going after Finn like he wants her, when he doesn't even look at her. When Steffy is around, he only has eyes for Steffy. He is a good man. Not even when Steffy isn't around, does he look at Hope with lust in his eyes. That is only when Hope is daydreaming... She was a good girl, now she has gone bad, and she isn't done. Mark my words, she will be modelling her mommys lingerie soon enough.

    1. Malin you're so right 👏🏼 Hope is so fed up of Steffy's bullying and judgment, she's not thinking straight.

    2. @Malin, I remember a time where HOpe and Steffy actually got along, where they put their differences aside, even if it was only for a short while. All of this started with HOpe doing the dirty in the office with Thomas on a daily basis......and when Thomas left HOpe blamed Steffy for sticking her nose in where it didn't belong BUT Steffy was out to protect her already mentally troubled brother and she by NO means 'forced him to leave LA' he made that choice himself and HOpe blames Steffy of course because why would she blame herself for rejecting his marriage proposal twice, HOpe just never takes responsibility for her behaviour, it's always just easier to blame someone else. Steffy said from the beginning that HOpe would NEVER marry Thomas and Steffy was right.....she had zero intentions of marrying him and even at the third attempt when he proposed AGAIN she STILL turned him down so HOpe plays the victim that Steffy is out to get her when she herself turned down the proposal's. Did she expect Thomas to hang around waiting for her to say yes, even after all the mental break downs that Thomas had should he not have stuck his pride in his pocket and just left, surely he deserved to walk away with some dignity after ALL the humiliation HOpe put him through.......when i say it's a Logan thing, all of them do it......they manipulate every situation to THEIR advantage and it's pretty sad. HOpe's line crashed the day Thomas left now Steffy gets accused of being 'nasty' when the line doesn't bring money in isn't it the CO CEO and CEO's job to make the call of pulling the line...indeed it is but HOpe will blame Steffy for every single miserable thing that has every happened to her and her mommy encourages her to do it because that's where she learnt it from....from mommy. ALL of them made mistakes in their younger year's but HOpe needs to grow up, she can't be acting like a 5 year old with a Forrester trust fund.....Steffy has moved on from Liam a long time ago and left HOpe and him alone but HOpe decided to go after Thomas (i'm surprised HOpe didn't blame Steffy for her decision to bed Thomas) So when Steffy defends herself she's called a bully....the mind boggles at the evidence before one's eyes. I agree with you, i'm sure the skank will model the bedroom line.....the apple....the tree.....not far from each other. Sadly all the Logan's are thick skinned and cannot take no for an answer :)

    3. I know all the history between them. I also know that Hope had Liam first, then Liam had to save Steffy from falling asleep in the bathtub, depressed over something about Bill if I recall, and then he became her hero, and Steffy layed her eyes on him, took him, married him while Hope was watching from a stuck gondola in Aspen I think. That was the start of the war between them and Liams waffeling.

      But it started even sooner than that. With Steffy's grandmother, and her hatred for the Logans, especially Brooke. If someone was a skank and a hoe before anyone of them, it was Stephanie Forrester, who got pregnant by Massimo Marone, married Eric, and Eric thought Ridge was his son for many years before the truth came out. Everything that happened from Stephanie got pregnant with Massimo, was an act, how perfect she was, how imperfect Brooke was, etc etc. All of this got instilled in Steffy's brain. The war continued after Stephanies death, even though both Brooke and Stephanie became friends at the end. Brooke has changed, she is trying to tell Hope what is right, she has learned from her mistakes. (at least so far).

      The thing is, Steffy has a very high all mighty attitude, just like her grandmother, even though everyone, including Steffy are skanks on the show. THAT is why Steffy needs to chill a bit, she can behave nicer, warmer, not like a bitch. Hope has always felt inferior to Steffy, but she has had much milder approach to Steffy. Well, that is about to end.... Hope has had it, she is driven to this, and right now she doesn't give a damn about the consequences. Which is why she has to change tactics. Cause to get Finn, he needs to want her too, and THAT will only work by tempting him in her mommys lingerie... maybe...

    4. Hope has always been a spoiled pampered princess who got her way! She ended her engagement to Liam! He moved on with Steffy! Hope never accepted that!

      Liam said Steffy is the love of his life and the biggest mistake he made was leaving her!

      Hope is the one who lost her virginity to a married man! Who relentlessly chased and threw herself at a married Liam!

      She has always been entitled!

      Hope gave ultimatums, chucked tantrums and ended things with Liam when he didn’t give her way so she is responsible for the mess her life is in!

      It is so convenient to blame Steffy! Hope was raised by Ridge while he neglected his own children except RJ because he’s Brooke’s child too!

      Hope is immature and spoiled! She’s acting like she always has!

    5. REALLY !!Thats the current excuse for Hope!! Steffy drove her to cheat on Liam with Thomas, then use Thomas for sex and keep her line afloat, when he is the only man who loved her only, and couldn’t handle it when he moved on and tried to break up Thomas and Paris, and now try and steal Finn?? Come on!! What a joke.. Hope blames Steffy for EVERY little thing that goes wrong in her life!! grow up Hope and why not take a step back and look at YOUR actions and take responsibility for your own life decisions, instead of blaming someone else!! Childish!!

    6. It’s typical that Hope is always a victim, she was driven to do everything she has done in her life!! For goodness sakes Hope get a grip instead of chucking a tantrum because you tried to get Steffy to put the kiss behind her , so you can try and keep your “friendship” with Finn.. That is the ONLY reason why she is “admitting” it was wrong of her!! And I didn’t hear her say the word sorry, just, it was wrong and let’s get past it!! If Finn didn’t reject her, it would be a very different story!! Sorry but there are NO excuses for her… And who in their right mind, would let the woman who kissed their husband anywhere near their husband again?? No one I know of!! Seriously🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  10. So now that the killer has been exposed, we are back to basic and repeated dialogue. For a few more weeks. Until this new 20 year old hits the canvas to stir things up

  11. Really. Same shit different day. I did see the casting call for a young woman, so she's probably going to be another love interest for RJ or Zende. If we have to go through another round of Taylor Brooke and Ridge I swear I will quit watching. I can't take the same boring story one more time.

    1. We may see another round of Brooke vs Taylor where their daughters are concerned - minus Ridge.

    2. Definitely. I am also tired of that, but at least this time it's not about Liam 😔

  12. Why doesn't Steffy give her a good slap in her spoiled girl face? And fire her from her job too!

    And tell Finn that cutting off ties means what it means! No blah blah blah, no hello, nothing if he cares about his family!

    You have to cut off the snake's head to be at peace because Hope will never understand, she's a narcissistic stalker and pervert who pretends to be a victim when she's clearly the tormentor!

    1. @Meli, i CANNOT wait for Steffy to backhand HOpe...lmao

  13. does anyone remember Ron Moss the original Ridge Forrester

    1. @RIch, least Ron washed his

  14. Taylor and Steffy should be glad they are facing 2 good and civilized women whom don't slap them and tell them their truth. When you go after married men, you don't lecture other for doing the same. Steffy did this with Bill, with Liam, Taylor did it with Ridge multiple times (even drugged him to put him in her bed!!) and with Eric (for those whom forgot it and think that she is a saint) They are both so hypocrit, selfrageous and pretentious!! If Steffy was so sure about her she wouldn't threat Hope like that. Finn is NOT interrested, he loves her but still she has to pee on him like an animal to mark her territory, so pathetic.
    But it wasn't a problem when she was after Hope's husband right? The Marone/Hammilton can do whatever they want... (Yes Hammilton is Taylor birth name, not Hayes!! Is Steffy going to tell her son one day that she named him after her grandmother first husband Blake whom was abusive??)
    And Taylor, OMG, this lunanic should return in her sanatorium!! Here she is insulting, blaming (2 things she is unbeatable of) while her only goal is to go after Ridge, Brooke's husband! And don't start with "he was Taylor's hubby first" yeah, he was and we ALL know how and why it happened (excepted for the one with memory loss) Taylor lied and ploted so Ridge chose her and married her. Not the same actors, not the same writers but the characters are and viewers from day one are not accepting the SL changes only to redeemed them!
    Taylor was an opportunist, she wanted Ridge they day she met him and Caroline wasn't even dead yet!
    After her death, he told Taylor multiple times that he wanted a life with Brooke (even Caroline told Ridge that he should be with her because she knew he loves her) but Taylor couldn't hear it and she brainwashed Eric to do everything to keep Brooke, it's really amaizing how at this time, it wasn't a problem for Taylor that Brooke was with Eric, it's only when it suits her that Brooke "stole" Stephanie's husband...
    I remember that Eric was crying and begged Ridge not to take Brooke away from him and agreed... That's the ONLY reason why Ridge gave up on Brooke and married Taylor. For Eric's love.
    I will never forget this scene where Ridge was on the plane to St Thomas to join Taylor, he was looking at a picture of Brooke and was crying over it.
    This is NOT true fondations for a marriage, he did not proposed to Taylor out of love for her but only to not be available for Brooke so she would stay married to Eric.
    So NO, Taylor was NEVER EVER Ridge first choice, she always was second, she knows it but still she thinks she is better?? How many time Ridge has to left her at the altar and humiliate her before she understands??

    1. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Finally someone who actually know some history about the show, and didn't jump in 5 mins ago and think they know everything XD

    2. Ridge and Brooke are NOT married! They are NOT engaged! They are cohabiting and Ridge is still a player!

      How about all the times Hope went after and slept with Steffy’s husband? She slept with him numerous times, made out etc while he was married to Steffy! She got pregnant while Liam was married to Steffy! And the excuse is always that Hope was engaged to him first! She broke her own bloody engagement! Liam moved on and Hope could never accept that! Or Brooke for that matter!

      Hope cheated on Liam while married to him so she is no angel!

      Steffy slept with Liam 1 time when he was married to Hope! And Never slept with Bill while he was married!

      Brooke slept with a lot of married men, including Bill while he was married to her sister Katie! She cheated on her own husband with sons, brothers, etc so don’t paint her as a saint!

      Steffy has been faithful to Finn since they got married! She has every right to tell Hope off for trying to seduce her husband!

  15. Oh, and I forgot the best part, Taylor told Eric that it was better for Rick to live with his 2 parents, a child needs two parents together... So good shrink LOL and when she came back from the dead (the second time) she did everything in her power (lies, manipulations, plots with the help of Evil Stephanie whom fake a stroke) to break Ridge and Brooke whom had a baby. Suddenly, it was "good for a RJ" to have his parents together??? Things are only right and good when it's in HER interests. Thats the definition of selfishness.

    1. Miss Sushi good that there are some of us who remember how things with saint Taylor and Steffy really went down and those people (you) come from time to time to remind it. I admire also your patience to respond so that we don't have only the version of the Logan hating gang. I personally can't be bothered to even read their walls of hate text, let alone respond but always want to show support to those who do.

    2. Bridget was Eric’s daughter NOT Ridge’s! Brooke is the evil one who FAKED a pregnancy and miscarriage to keep him from Taylor, who was STILL his WIFE!!!!

    3. Brooke lied and swore Bridget couldn’t be Eric’s and she had only been with Ridge, even though she was sleeping with him!

      But please make Brooke a saint by all means! Brooke used every dirty trick in the book!

    4. When Taylor married Nick, Brooke decided she couldn’t live without him and did everything she could to break up their marriage!

    5. You forgot to list ALL the shit that Brooke and her sisters and Hope did over the years!! Selective I would say! None of them are perfect, none! It’s comes down to who you like and who you don’t like.. I could not fathom taking “both of” one of my daughters husbands off them and falling pregnant to one of them and marrying the other! While my daughter was dealing with a y! All for my own ego and to “follow my heart” 🤣🤣🤣 Brooke’s a piece of work in comparison to the others.. She was written that and holds that title for a reason!! I hated Stephanie.. she was also a peice of work, but at least she cared for her kids!! And who leaves their baby and toddler at home on their own to chase after a man and let them set the house on fire, just to bed a man.. Come on!

    6. Meant was dealing with a miscarriage!! That was the most sickening thing Brooke did!!

  16. Yes Miss_sushi, I remember it that way too.... Ridge has always loved Brooke and Taylor just can't handle being second choice..she deserves everything Ridge throws at her....get on with your life Taylor...

    1. Ridge didn’t love Brooke in the beginning! She was someone he liked sleeping with but didn’t want to marry! She was his fancy woman, he like his father was and remains a womaniser!

  17. I see, in the near future, Hope will be fired. That is a well deserved move. She has been pushing Steffy into a move she does not want to do, but Hope seems to be daring her. The bad HFTF line alone, is enough. But, the scattered headed fool is going after Steffy's husband? No way... And, mommy should not be able to stop this embarassing final blow. jmo

  18. Hope stop beeing 3rd wheel all the time.

  19. oh jesus Taylor, you are too old for this crap now. Ridge left you many moons ago and again and again every time you came after him, are you just trying to wiggle yourself in his bed again. You are doing the same thing Hope is doing, going after a married man, this is sickening. How many rejections are you going to take from Ridge, he dosent love you like he loves Brooke, why would any woman want to be second best to a mans heart. Fine that man who loves only you, like Thomas loved Hope and like Fin loves Steffie. Leave their marriage alone they are happy. You cant stand Brooke so you going after Ridge just to get at Brooke and Hope wants to get back at Steffie. You too ladies are sickening. And I love Hope but this what she is doing, I dont agree with. Taylor its been many years, why does B&B always have you acting a damn fool. We dont want to see this anymore. B&B we are tired of this smart sophisticated psychchiarist continously chasing after this one man who has continuously rejected her over and over again. Yes he tolerates you, because you are his children mother. When Ridge married you back in the day, he was stil in his playboy era. You were just a wife to go with the rich and famous lifestyle and Stephanie pretty much forced Ridge to be with you beause she did not approve of Brooke. But Brooke will always be his true love. He dosent even look at you the way he looks at Brooke. Please stop doing this, you are embarrassing all women every where. I cant watch you do this. In the sneak peek, Im glad Hope told Fin that they cant hang out together. good job. Now Taylor you and Hope go on those speed date places and fine yourselves available men.

    1. You do know Ridge and Brooke are NOT married or engaged right? They just live together! Ridge has made NO commitment to Brooke since they got back together.

    2. I keep hearing Taylor stop chasing after Ridge?? I have not once seen her flirt or try anything.. what I have seen is Ridge flirt, flatter, touch her constantly!!

    3. BBFan what "commitment" are you talking about? What age do you live in? Is he supposed to go to her father, ask for her hand in marriagrle and get her for two oxen and a goat? They have been together, that's all the "commitment" they need? Or does a marriage make anything on soap land any less prone to failure?

    4. Brooke has mentioned it more than once recently about getting married again and Ridge pretends not to hear.
      Milla, are you seriously telling me that living with a boyfriend/ girlfriend is the same as being married as far as commitments go? Especially when you have children together?

      How many lectures didn’t we hear Brooke give about others respecting her marriage or Hope’s marriage but how many time did she or Hope EVER respect anyone else’s marriage???

      She literally encouraged and pushed Hope to break up Steffy’s previous marriages to Liam!

      Now she is telling her to respect Finn’s marriage because we know Hope has NEVER and will NEVER respect Steffy’s marriage!
      If you want to he technical a marriage is a legally binding contract between two parties, it requires legal remedies to divide or break it!

      So end of day moral implications aside marriage is a public statement to others that he commitment is there. Regardless of how it is lived out, it is a deeper level than just cohabiting.

    5. BBFan you're taking this all waaaaay too seriously. In soap land especially this soap, marriage and commitment are NOT the same. And Brooke has not mentioned "more than once" wanting to be married (or is this one of those things you assume and claim as fact, because otherwise I'd like to know at least around which episode that happened to believe it), I'm not even sure she's mentioned it even once. And even IF she did, that doesn't make what she *already* has with Ridge any less worthy of respect and fake Taylor to not stick her hypocritical nose in, especially since her lectures. She also didn't respect Brooke and Ridge's last marriage one bit.
      And for the millionth of time you go into a whole Hope agenda that I'm not even reading let alone engaging in.
