
Monday, September 16, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-16-24 Full episode B&B 16th September 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-16-24 Full episode B&B 16th September 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Steffy is a better person that Hope because I'm telling you right now. If the suitations were reversed Hope would shut down Steffys line no questions asked. And Brooke getting on my nerve she has the nerve to act high and mighty and put Ridges idiot ass on the spot just to stick it to Taylor. Then she also has the audacity to shit talk about steffy to Finn. And I'm glad Steffy told Hope how things are and if Hope wants a war she will get one and lose her and her whore ass mother. Katie is like a fufu dog humping your leg. Like move on from Bill ya toxic as hell. Katie must love getting treated like dog shit by Bill.

    1. Agree with you 100%!!!!!!!!!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. It's obvious Brooke and Hope want a war with Steffy and Taylor look at this week's episodes. You got brooke trash talking Steffy to her husband for no reason acting as though Steffys the one starring a war when it's been Hope. I hope both these women lose everything fr.

    3. Brava👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 By all rights HFTF should be history! Steffy is giving Hope another chance.

      Hope is angry now because she was going to keep HFTF in one hand while stabbing Steffy in the back with the other!

      What a shock Brooke pulling Ridge’s bullocks out of her handbag and squeezing to remind him of who is in charge in their relationship!!!

      She’s always had everything on her own terms! I called it she would never accept FC shutting down HFTF because it is Hope’s! She’d put FC in the ground first!!

      She’s showing her contempt and utter lack of respect for Ridge! How dare he cross her? We knew this was coming.

      I see trouble ahead for destiny, Brooke never respected Ridge and has always gotten her way with him and Eric, usually through sex or emotional blackmail.

      I thought she’d changed but she’s right back ordering Ridge around and telling him what to think and how to act!

      Ridge and Carter disagree with Steffy’s decision but backed her right to make it and as CoCEI and majority shareholder she has that right!

      Good for Taylor standing up for Ridge and Steffy!

    4. I hope that we are not going to be bored to death with this story line of.Katie, Bill and Will. It has already started with today's episode.

    5. Hope would make Steffy’s life hell! I mean she did it when Steffy was married to Zkiam and pregnant with Kelly! She was so jealous, she was horrid to her.

      Hope would enjoy every minute too!

      Steffy showed a lot of class and grace dealing with the woman actively trying to destroy her marriage!

      I like that she doesn’t kiss Hope’s arse a speaks plainly. Leave her husband alone or else, end of story!

      Any other EMPLOYEE would have been fired immediately for pulling what Hope did!

    6. I thought Steffy conducted herself with such class today.

    7. 💯% agree with all the above comments. Ridge didn't look too impressed himself that Brooke put him on the spot like that. I see trouble coming for the destiny couple.
      Hope's shaking of the head and her side glances says it all. She has no intention of following Steffy's conditions.

    8. How dare Steffy tell Hope not to make any more moves in her husband? lol! Hope please just grow up! All your employees are not rich brats like yourself who don’t actually have to work for a living!

      She’s playing with a lot of families’ livelihoods just to get her way!

      If she goes crying to Brooke and that is what creates that conversation we see with Finn, WTF???

      Brooke saying Ridge is taking a hard line, no he was stating facts!

      Brooke’s total lack of business acumen is one if the reasons FC almost died how many times under her control!

      Giving family members plum jobs and not making them accountable and preventing them from getting fired ran it right into the ground! She would do the same!

      I hope Ridge sees what a mistake it was putting her in the executive team!

    9. @BBFan @NOEMI, both spot on. HOpe is a BITCH with farce of a line... getting the message out to younger woman on HOW TO BE A BITCH...indeed‼️ Steffy was just sitting there, Ridge and Carter were doing the talking but she kept starring at Steffy saying "are YOU going to end my line" provoking Steff to the core‼️ I cannot believe what I just witnessed, ALL THREE HOgans just displayed manipulation at its finest, from fake ass HOpe with her fake ass "line" to HOgans sarcastic manipulation at Ridge who is so used to being manipulated that all it will take is a roll in the hay for Ridge to say "no, I wasn't going to cut HOpes line" down to Granny HOgan Katie manipulating Bill by using their son, she reminds me of a 90 year old woman and makes me want to vomit in my own mouth. What were her words "I'm SO happy at this very moment " 🤣🤣🤣 why not be honest Katie and say "I'm SO happy Poppy is gone" The scary thing is, is that there are woman out there that behave like this in real life. HOpe thought she had her foot in the door that her and Steffy would become Bossom buddies 🤣 People don't like Steffy because she can right through all of the HOgans that use manipulation and their libido's to get what they want 🤣

    10. I agree with you NOEMI 👏👏👏👏

    11. Stefy with class!?! Having to blackmail people because PWhipping your husband isn't enough to keep him in the Stepford Husband plan you shoved him in? He's a babbling idiot about not staying away from Hope, when Stefy doesn't need to do the same from Liam, her kissing bandit? That's not class, that's pure fear and jealousy.

    12. Finn isn’t the issue! Hope disrespecting his marriage is a huge one! If she did manage to seduce him she would destroy all the things she supposedly values about him!

      The arrogance to think she’s better than his wife is an ongoing theme of a lifetime with Hope.

      I keep hoping she will grow up!

      Find a man of your own. In the meantime focus on saving your line and being a mum to your little girl!

    13. Liam isn’t sniffing after Steffy anymore! She isn’t interested in him! She isn’t kissing him or doing anything other than co-parenting with him!

      Steffy is committed to her husband and isn’t demanding anything from him! He knows now what Hope is capable of and told her he can’t be her friend anymore because of Hope’s inappropriate behaviour! Hope crossed the line and Finn was disappointed and disgusted with her lack of respect!

      Hope is acting like Finn is wanting to be with her etc. She hasn’t accepted him distancing himself from her!

      That IG scene looked like he was baffled at her statement, as in, “We aren’t friends anymore or hanging out so what are you on about Hope??? “

    14. @Noemi. Steffy is just being manipulative. Her keeping Hope's line is coming from her insecurities. She needs to exercise controll over Hope.
      Keep Hope's line in order to keep Hope in LINE. Well played though😉

  2. Steffy Queen of Forresters
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  3. I take my statement back - Steffy does show business acumen with the way she argumented her decision. I said in the previous episode that I think if the line is not performing, some changes should be made. I can't imagine Hope continuing with the same team bringing any better results. Maybe that decision means bringing Thomas back.

    Bill is totally smitten with Katie 😀😀 it seems to me that she doesn't even like it so much the way she rolls her eyes.

    1. BBFan I give credit where credit is due 😂 I'd even go as far as to say that Steffy saying she expects to be respected as CEO mother and woman also on spot. It is only right.

    2. Katie getting on my nerve her relationship with Bill is toxic as hell. Like the sooner they end it the better. Who wants a man that cheated and slept with your sister like ewwww gross.

    3. lol 😂 Milla the shock 😮 we agree on something 😂! Well said!

    4. Btw Brooke should have kept her questions to Ridge for a private time. Why bring it up in front of Taylor to give her the opportunity to be a team with him against Brooke. Not smart.

    5. BBFan I want to treat the ladies equally. If the roles were reversed, I'd support Hope saying the same thing to Steffy, even if people would say that she is making it personal the way she says "as long as you do what I say" and threatens the line. I was the opinion that it was correct to fire Thomas for criminal behavior of personal nature. So now Steffy is correct to expect respect from Hope and tie it to their professional relationship too.

    6. Milla, if roles were reversed I would agree with you!

      Especially since Hope’s line and messaging are about her supposed superior morals! She needs to read her own press and have a look in the mirror. She’s making bad decisions!

    7. I appreciate you being fair here!

    8. BBFan if the roles were reversed, it should be Steffy to look at her behavior (if she was coming on to a committed /married man). In the meantime I don't know what HFTF's message is anymore, but I don't think it's the virginity virtue etc that it started with. At least the dresses we last saw were less Jane the Virgin and more JLo.

    9. Milla, I understand and would call Steffy on pursuing a married man as well! It’s wrong whatever the motive!

      lol on JLo!

    10. Milla 🤣🤣🤣 great to see you can give credit where it’s due!!

    11. Colly not unlike Hope 😂😂
      Btw I'm still annoyed at Carter. He wouldn't have said how profitable HFTF is if Steffy hadn't said it. He just goes there to parrot what Steffy and Ridge say. How about come up with your statement Carter and not just wait to see where the wind blows. That actor/writer should write better lines for himself lol.

    12. Mills I think when Steffy made that point about the young generation growing up and going on to wear Forrester Coture, he realised that when HFTF has been successful it reach a broad target market! Viewing it the way Steffy did, if Hope can manage to get it back on its feet, it would eventually lead to Coture, which is very smart thing by Steffy!! Steffy genuinely does want what is best for the company… She is very savvy and intelligent..

    13. Sorry, meant Milla, 🤣🤣🤣

    14. Still Carter who is the second in command after the CEOs (especially the one whose job is to follow numbers) could have come up with that conclusion himself. He never discusses anything but just repeats. Boring and a complete waste of a nice character.

    15. Milla,
      Because it gives us the next scene where Taylor jumps in to proclaim her love for Ridge after Brooke storms out in anger 😂

    16. I'm refering to Brooke's lack of smartness you pointed out earlier..

    17. Pheebs you're probably right.

  4. The Spencer family thing is so daft… and Bill you just did the exact same thing will Luna and Poppy… the writers are just recycling lines again 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    Bill just doesn’t want to be alone. I’m thinking that Ridge and Brooke may split up over the HFTF thing, Brooke will turn to Bill who will always run to her side. Katie will be left crying again and Will be cross with his father for hurting his mum again.

    1. Same old same old. They need new SLs. It was nice we had a little break with Luna and Poppy, even though it was short lived.

    2. Bbfan, I see it coming too! After Brooke’s behaviour today with hitting Ridge up for not backing Hope up, it’s coming.. D, it was a nice break, but back to same old wash rinse repeat! I can see Katie just about ready to take Bill back, then boom, Brooke is available and Katie hurt and humiliated again!! Brooke won’t care about Katie, she will do what she always does and walk all over whoever she has to, even her own daughter!!

  5. Then Taylor will comfort Ridge. Ridge and Brooke will resume their toxic relationship and Bill will try to patch things up with Katie. Taylor will be left crying, rinse, repeat.

  6. Steffy you are so right demanding respect. Hope has zero ..

  7. What a shock that Steffy giving Hope a lifeline and asking for the minimum she should be able to expect is another reason to bash Steffy!

    Steffy only said don’t cross the line again, don’t target my husband. She shouldn’t even have to go there. Unfortunately Hope has no respect for anyone so it had to be said! Hope’s reaction says it all!

    Hope has no morals and makes herself a victim while actively chasing married men and trying to destroy their marriages. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

  8. Taylor needs to shut her big mouth and stay in her lane! Look at her with her not so subtle coming to Ridge’s defense when the matters of HFTF are none of her damn business!
    Steffy : “I won’t make it personal as long as you do what I say” HILARIOUS! On yeah, that’s making a ‘business decision’. 😂😂 Steffy totally would have killed Hope’s line like she’s wanted to do 20 times before if it weren’t for the Finn factor. Allowing Hope to keep her line gives Steffy leverage over Hope. which Steffy so desperately needs because the truth of the matter is that she is threatened by Hope when it comes to Finn!!!
    Steffy is correct in saying that Hope cannot and should not look at her husband inappropriately. But keeping Hope’s line alive just to keep Hope in line when it comes to Finn has ZERO to do with a business decision.

    1. Lynn we can never expect Taylor to stay in her lane and not jump at the chance (that Brooke provided on a silver platter) to be a pickme girl and side with Ridge. It was the easiest win ever, so Brooke should have been smarter and not given it to her.
      As for Steffy, if you're right about the Finn factor, she may be betting on the wrong thing. Hope is not really in her growth era, rather in her I follow my emotions good, bad and anything in between era... The threat to kill her line doesn't seem like a high enough stakes for Steffy to use. But let's see.

    2. Milla, I guess I am basing my assumption on what Hope is going to tell Finn at Il Giardino per what the previews showed. She is telling Finn they have to end their friendship. So I assume that comment to Finn comes based on Steffy’s threat of ending her line if she doesn’t truly stay away from her husband. Now those may just be words coming out of Hope’s mouth to Finn. And most likely won’t be honored. But at least for now, Hope seems like she’s gonna try to stay away from Finn for the sake of her line.
      But my real point in bringing this up was to show that Steffy is NOT making a ‘business decision’ like we’ve heard over and over again from the Steffy fans. Steffy is making a blackmail decision.
      And again, I am not defending Hope’s behavior in her flirtations with Finn. Just calling a spade a spade when it comes to Steffy’s motivation for allowing HFTF to go on.

    3. To suggest that Steffy is blackmailing Hope is saying that Steffy is willing to risk FC losing money with a defunct line (HFTF) for personal reasons. And Steffy just won't do that.

      I could be wrong but I think Steffy is trying to help Hope. She told her that she is not going to allow her to become Brooke. It's the second time she's said that to Hope. Seems to me that Steffy may have some genuine concern for Hope and thinks that putting focus on revamping her line might help Hope refocus her life.

    4. Elle, I don’t put that much faith in Steffy. She has made it very clear how much she dislikes the Logans. I can’t imagine she would do anything to help Hope. If that’s truly her motivation, I’d be very surprised. What was also interesting was how Steffy brought up how profitable Hope’s line had been in year’s past. But all we’ve heard on the blog is how her line has been failing badly for such a long time. However, I disagreed with that. Hope’s line had done extremely well at times.

    5. Lynn, as I said, I could be wrong about Steffy's motivation, but I just get that feeling. Before, Steffy would say that Hope is just like Brooke. Now, she's saying she's not going to allow Hope to become like Brooke. Yes, she dislikes the Logans but it wasn't that long ago that she and Hope were getting along for the sake of the children.

      HFTF has had its hits and misses. It was pretty successful back in the day, but got lost somewhere along the way until Thomas came in recently and revamped it. Then he left, and it is now back to under-performing. I don't agree that it has been failing. They had a very successful premiere of the new face of HFTF in Rome just last year.

    6. Yes Lynn, her line has done extremely well in the past. What people on the blog were saying is how badly the line has done recently. Hope's focus doesn't seem to be on her line anymore and is causing a financial loss for the company. It's got nothing to do with the hate for Logans. Steffy has given her more than enough chances, and I bet Carter and Ridge were ready to axe the line, and were really surprised Steffy gave her one more pass.

    7. D, Ridge seemed very annoyed that Steffy gave it another chance! And it doesn’t matter what Steffy does, it won’t stop the bitching.. And Steffy insecure, no 🤣🤣🤣 People are blind to the fact that both Steffy AND Hope bitch about each other, but the difference is, Hope does it behind Steffies back, Steffy says it to her face!! Steffy had every right to demand what she did!! Hope just can’t handle authority! Notice Brooke constantly glaring at Ridge 🤣🤣🤣 So Lynn, by saying Brooke shouldn’t have asked Ridge those questions in front of Taylor, you approve of what Brooke is asking? Brooke is the one being unprofessional now! She would sink Forrester before letting go of Hopes line! Perhaps it was not a good move from Ridge making her part of the executive team after all, since it seems she can’t seperate personal from professional! Just sayin 🤦‍♀️

    8. Geez Lynn, steffy can’t win with you, first you carry on because you thought Steffy would axe her line, now that she didn’t, you’re still not happy?? 🤣🤣🤣

    9. In all seriousness, regardless, Hope should not have anything to do with Finn any longer, because her conversation on Friday with Brooke before the meeting , it was very apparent Hope had no intentions of staying away from Finn, and as Brooke said, she is building feelings for Finn.. I don’t think it’s about revenge at all, Hope has feelings for Finn, he is every single thing she wants in a man.. if she continues to be around him the feelings will get stronger! She will end up hurt! And I agree with Elle, I think Steffy is actually trying to help Hope.. If Steffy was oh so insecure of Hope she would have let the line go and made it personal.. I think she trying to show Hope that she needs to focus on her line and life.. Not running around like her mother! Hopes comment, when Brooke told her not to do ”the things she did”, Hopes response was, well “not some of the things, but if it’s following your heart”.. that says it all, and Steffy sees she is going to get hurt.. Steffy is not stupid, she knows how committed Finn is to her, it’s not about insecurity..

    10. Elle, I agree! Steffy does what is best for Forrester and she is trying to help Hope here. She’s been her own worst enemy for a long time.

      Hope’s focus should be her line and her daughter! If Hope gave a fraction of the time she give’s obsessing over Finn to revamping HFTF, then she might get it back on track.

      I thought Steffy was more than reasonable. Hope has been really insolent and just plain rude and hostile in the work place and toxic in her private life towards Steffy.

      Steffy was correct in asking her to be a professional, focus on her job, and be respectful of Steffy’s position as a CEO, wife and woman! There is NO jealousy or insecurity in telling the woman that is hitting on your husband to not repeat that behaviour again!

      Steffy wants Hope to focus on her line, if only she would do that instead of acting like a petulant child.

    11. Her daughter??? 😂😂 does Beth even live with her anymore? I haven't heard anything about Beth since Thomas left with Douglas. Guess she's not a priority.

    12. Steffy was smart to keep the line. If she had cancelled it, Hope would have all the time in the world to be around Finn and also have his sympathy. That was her motivation (plus the business one). I don't think she wants to help anyone but herself (and yes the company to make money).

    13. Hold the phone!! You ladies….Colly, D, Elle and BBFAN are changing the story. All we heard from you for the longest time was how Hope’s line had been failing for a very long time and how Steffy had every right to axe it. Now all of a sudden you are all changing that story and defending Steffy keeping the line going even though you ladies kept saying how HFTF was losing money!! And it was a business decision to cut it! Don’t make me go back and copy and paste old comments. Lol!
      In any case, I’m sticking with my assumption that Steffy is doing this to keep an eye on Hope and to hold it over Hope’s head if she crosses the line again with Finn. But if she truly is trying to “help Hope” and we see that Steffy is genuinely concerned about Hope’s welfare, then I will be happy to admit I was wrong.
      My mind goes back to Steffy convincing Thomas to leave the country and take Douglas with him, while simultaneously threatening to cut Hope’s line months ago! Steffy was talking to someone about it and told them not to feel sorry for Hope, that she had gotten herself into this mess. Hope was incredibly distraught and all Steffy did was rub salt in the wound. And as I’m typing this, I’m remembering it was Finn she was talking to. Finn even told Steffy to lighten up on Hope.
      That’s the Steffy I know. Mean and vengeful. But like I said, if it’s proven that Steffy is genuinely concerned about Hope turning into something Hope isn’t, then I will stand corrected. For now, it’s anybody’s guess.

    14. Colly, I agree Hope has genuine feelings for Finn. I’ve been saying that for a while now. Sure there’s a revenge aspect to it as well. But Hope really sees Finn as the all around perfect guy. And I still say that Finn with all his compliments to Hope helped create this problem in the first place. I also genuinely believe that Hope thinks Finn deserves better than Steffy. And that Hope believes she would be the kind of woman who would really appreciate Finn. I think those feelings are all genuine coming from Hope.
      As far as Brooke is concerned, if you are fine with Steffy giving Hope more time to turn HFTF around, then why can’t Brooke also have those same feelings? You said Brooke’s question to Ridge was inappropriate. I don’t think it was at all. Brooke’s Bedroom Line is $$$ right now!! And since Brooke is acting as Co-CEO, she has every right to weigh in on decision making. She is wanting to give Hope’s line more time and let it ride on the coattails of the Bedroom Line for a bit. Seems reasonable.
      The only one that was out of line was Taylor. Taylor is just trying to kiss Ridge’s butt so she can weasel her way back into his bed. She needs to back off!! And she should have zero opinion in that discussion that was business related.

    15. Lynn Taylor is one of the cases I believe people have the strongest double standards about. If it was any Logan in her place, she would be torn to pieces for even existing, being in that room (which she has 0 role in, even Donna as an assistant would have more right) and not to mention meddling. There would NEVER be "she has every right to bla bla bla".
      And yes people were absolutely disparaging Hope's line as unprofitable and basically why does not Hope just go away, how useless she is (btw I've also said that I don't understand her message, but I also don't understand fashion business; maybe it's normal to have a visionary strategic person who has various responsibilities). And I loved what Steffy said about that being the exact opposite case and all her argumentation with the customer loyalty. Honestly, if she had plainly said "numbers talk, it's gone" I wouldn't have blamed her. But even her stand towards Ridge that she wants this to be her decision was a good surprise. It's obvious to me also that she is looking after herself in this decision, but I'm not even blaming her. Finn has shown that he's not at all immune towards at least bias in Hope's favor, so why would she risk it. He is the loyal husband now but times change, people change and "forever" is a very long time to bet on someone's unconditional commitment (especially since all she's seen and experienced herself is the opposite).

    16. Btw Elle, if you're right about Steffy's "concern" about Hope, she should remember that Brooke managed to get everyone's husband to fall for her AND be a successful businesswoman at the same time 😂 there's no guarantee that Hope couldn't!

    17. Firstly Lynn, Brooke is not acting CoCeo, she has been made “a part of the executive team” to take some pressure off of Ridge , to do the mundane things so he can focus on designing.. Ridge still very much has the final say on the most important things, like axing a line that is draining the company!! It was VERY apparent he was not happy Steffy didn’t axe the line.. If you did not see that, then you need to update your glasses!! She does NOT hold the title of Co CEO.. As Steffy did not agree to that, therefore she was just made “part of” the executive team!! Hence why she was not informed of the meeting, because Ridge decided he would overrule on this on this decision!! And yes, sorry, but Brooke was WAY out of line to question Ridges “business decisions”.. That Simple Lynn.. I will ask you again, since you dodged the question I asked.. Are you saying that, because Brooke ask those questions, that the way he was talking, that if Steffy had of axed HFTF, would he have agreed and supported the decision, wether or not it was asked in front of Taylor or NOT, do you agree that Brooke should have questioned him on that and that she was right to do so, AND add, that “I hope not”, despite it draining alot of the profits made and “more importantly “ the fact she is her daughter and Ridge should tow the line and agree with Brooke on ANYTHING SHE wants?? Even if it means sending FC bankrupt?? That is the question I asked and you, and you conveniently turned around and didn’t answer Lynn.. Milla was big enough to admit Brooke made a mistake asking in front of Taylor, which I assume is because she was wrong to do so.. otherwise it would not have mattered if Taylor was there or not.. But is VERY clear that Brooke’s questions was to achieve two things!! 1: to shove it to Taylor that Ridge will BOW DOWN and give Brooke whatever she wants, and two, to manipulate Ridge into doing what ever she wants!! I believe that this will make Ridge second guess his decision to make her part of the executive team, as she cannot seperate business from personal, even if it bankrupts FC!! So please answer my question, if you may!! Do you think it is right that Brooke questions Ridges “business” decisions and that he should give Brooke whatever she wants and make it personal because that’s what “Brooke wants” because they are living together.

    18. PS, Lynn, absolutely their “friendship should end.. Because Hope crossed a HUGE line!! That simple!!

    19. Lynn, I agree. Steffy keeping Hope's line is just a way for her to keep Hope in LINE.
      This is as personal as it gets. No business decision at all.
      'Your line or my Husband,you choose,Hope!! That's basically what Steffy said to Hope

    20. Milla, Hope doesn't have whatever it is Brooke has that makes men unable to say no to her. So far, we've had 3 men walk away from Hope even though one of them would have done anything for her. He still walked away though. So no, I don't think Brooke and Hope are the same.

      I still like Hope and still hope that Thomas will return and save her from herself but, for now, Hope is a mess and failing at everything.

    21. Colly, none of my comment was about Ridge! You have now somehow made it about Ridge. And quite honestly, I can’t even make sense of what you wrote! Maybe you need to put on your glasses!! Lol
      Firstly, Taylor should not have been in that office for that meeting to begin with! Simple!!! Brooke shouldn’t have to watch what she says at the office because outsider Taylor has nowhere to be and decides to loiter!! Brooke can say whatever she dang well wants to Ridge. She isn’t the janitor! She’s a senior level employee!! Brooke doesn’t even notice little pipsqueak Taylor!!
      And of course Brooke wasn’t saying those things in front of Taylor to disrespect Ridge in front of Taylor! You have got to be kidding me!!! Brooke always says what’s on her mind. And Taylor seems insignificant and invisible as far Brooke is concerned!
      And let’s not go on and on about profits and loss when clearly your girl Steffy made her decision based on controlling Hope because she’s so insecure about Hope and Finn!! Your whole argument about Ridge and what his decision would have been gets BLOWN UP after seeing what Steffy did!! And again….FOR BLACKMAIL PURPOSES ONLY!!! So apparently if HFTF is doing so poorly, then Steffy is willing to risk the company profits just so she can control Hope with relation to Finn!!! Real SOUND business decision!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      And apparently Ridge doesn’t have the final say, because he let Steffy override his decision because of Steffy’s jealously!! Hilarious!!!

    22. Milla, thank you for reiterating that all we’ve heard for what seems like forever is how HFTF is FAILING and Steffy would have every right to cut the line! This is about business after all!! Until it’s NOT!!!! 😂😂😂😂 Until it’s about Steffy protecting her marriage! Then profits be damned!!! Too dang funny!!!
      And for sure the Steffy fans would be up in arms if Taylor and Brooke were reversed in their roles and Brooke decided to crash the meeting. Taylor should have walked out with Finn! But she finds it necessary to hang out with Ridge! That little gnat needs to go! Brooke is so unaffected by her presence she doesn’t even acknowledge her.

    23. Elle I don't think Finn can count towards the men who walked away from Hope, he just wouldn't cheat. It's more about who he is and less who she is. He wouldn't cheat with Brooke either 😂
      And Liam walked away because he was cheated on. I think when Brooke cheated, she also lost the respective men.
      It's very likely that Thomas returns and the Thope is resurrected 😀 the Paris business was so obviously a placeholder until Matthew is back.

  9. So much for Steffy not making it personal

    1. She hasn’t!! She gave Hope ANOTHER lifeline.. All she did was state, it WONT get personal if Hope stays away from her husband, and rightfully so, and gives Steffy the respect she rightly deserves!! If Hope can’t do what she is asked to do as a subordinate to the CEO, and focus on her line as she has been asked over and over to do, instead of daydreaming, flirting, trying to seduce and kissing her bosses husband, trying to break up their family, then sorry, it's time for her to go!! Simple as that!! That is exactly what I would do!! In fact, after taking my husband the first, second and when I was carrying my husband, fiancé baby, and then find he got Hope pregnant and demand I let him go so she can have the perfect pregnancy with my man, I would not have even given her one chance!!

    2. Dis One - 100%. Steffy made it personal!!!

  10. Way to go Steffy 💪 you called the bitches bluff 🤣 Ridge is a spineless womanizer who is SCARED of not getting nooky later on, he has NO idea how to stand up to his "destiny" 🤣🤣🤣 LOVE the new Taylor, she's calm and doesn't use the HOgan sarcastic, manipulative, bitchy comments. Steffy had EVERY right to demand respect from the little BITCH‼️ The problem is, NOBODY stands up to these HOgans and when they do, they seduce them to get them to change their minds, bunch of losers and give woman a bad name‼️

    1. Exactly. From what I've seen these yrs with the Logans is that they use sex to get their way, the only one that wasn't like that was Storm their brother that died he was a decent Logan. Brooke is a horrible human being the way she manipulates Ridge to her will that's the difference between Taylor and Brooke. Don't know why Ridge didnt chose Taylor tbh. But Taylor needs a new man dedicated to her not no one else.

    2. @NOEMI, 100% Taylor does need a new man, it's tiring watch her love a man who loves his destiny....oops i mean 'bedroom destiny' HOgan does use s#x to get what she wants and HOpe has headed down the same path. Do you remember in the beginning where the HOgan's mother was waiting for a second chance with Eric but then HOgan snapped him up...bwaahaahaa....pure trash!

  11. Steffy's mandate to Hope does seem more personal than business. Hypothetically, what if HFTF does a huge turnaround and becomes the most successful part of Forrester Creations, but Hope crosses that line. Does Steffy kill the line? That wouldn't be good business. But maybe it's the motivation Hope needs to stay away from Finn. She's certainly not listening to Brooke's begging and pleading.

    Katie needs to make a decision about a relationship with Bill, and make it clear. Then she's not giving him (and Will) false hope or mixed signals.

    1. Hypothetically, what if HFTF does a huge turnaround and becomes the most successful part of Forrester Creations, but Hope crosses that line. Does Steffy kill the line?

      That would be the ultimate test on Steffy's professionalism and motivation. I'd really like to see that scenario play out.

  12. Great program today.
    TY Bob! Have a good day!

  13. Steffy was a real class act today! She was 100% correct in commanding respect from Hope as a wife, woman & employer! Spot on Steffy! Brooke & Hope were actually disrespectful in the meeting when they snapped at Steffy about it being personal, when it clearly was Ridge & Carter who had made the decision to scrap the line. Finn & Taylor should never have been in a business meeting that didn't concern them. I'm really hoping this Forester/Logan feud is finally put to rest. Would love to see Hope & Steffy move forward where their mothers couldn't.

    1. It would be nice to move forward but with Hope it won't happen. She admitted in last weeks episode that she didn't regret kissing Finn and that she will continue to go after him. And Brooke ain't making things better either trash talking Steffy to Finn. When her daughter the one that started everything.

  14. Like it or not, I love the Steffy character....

    1. Steffy may have made a lot of mistakes in the past when she was young but she has grown from that and evolved. The Steffy haters are just that Steffy haters. Hope on the other is a petulent child and acts like she did 20 yrs ago hasn't changed one bit.

    2. Brava 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  15. oh dear, where do i start....brook should NEVER have confronted ridge in front of taylor. on the other hand, taylor needs to keep her nose out of forrester business. i don't see anything wrong with steffis' decision. hope's line should have been cut but steffi is giving her one more chance even though she threw in the caveat of staying away from finn. i see a lot of you don't like katie. she seems like she has a kind heart. she seemed to blow off all of bills' flattery. i think poppy will be the one who tells bill she's leaving. too much baggage & her & bill didn't have the chemistry anyways. i'd like to see the actor that plays jack come back. i'm so sick of hope looking off into the distance after every single scene. well, guess i've spent my 2 cents.

    1. I agree. I also didn't see Steffy telling Hope to stay away from Finn as a threat. I saw it more like Steffy cautioning her not to be like her mother. There are 2 doors for Hope. Either she starts getting excited about her line again or she takes the path her mother once took.

    2. Excellent way of putting it. Somehow I think Hope is going to take the path her mother has. Brooke is already questioning where Ridge stands on this, where he can't be truthful because it will cause problems. And it's going to cause problems. We really, really need some different SLs to keep people interested.

    3. I agree ladies! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  16. Of course some Lfans see it the way they do!! They just can’t bring themselves to give credit to Steffy for anything!! Ridge did not seem happy at all, that Steffy kept the line going.. I do not believe she did it to manipulate Hope at all.. Steffy has always done the right thing for the business, she has always been professional.. Her warning to Hope was not a threat, she told Hope to respect her marriage and her position as a CEO and Hope boss, which she actually is, and it was absolutely more than fair enough.. If I had an employee that disrespected my authority, blamed me for every mistake they made in their life, then had the nerve to target my husband and family, no matter how successful they are, they would be out on their ass!! No second chances! And in reality , I can’t see those who defend Hope putting up with that either!! It was very fair of Steffy to say that if Hope kept it up, her line is gone! She is absolutely not insecure of Hope, that is an laugh and a half 🤣🤣🤣 what is there to be jealous of?? Someone, please tell me?? Hope is only going to humiliate herself once again, if she tries it again..

    As for Brooke, she absolutely has not changed!! Taylor was spot on, she did put Ridge on the spot! And she did in front of Taylor to show the power she yields over Ridge, but it backfired! 🤣🤣🤣 Ridge made a big mistake making Brooke a part of the executive team, and I think he may start to realise it now! Brooke is the one who cannot be objective and make it personal, she won’t put the business first, where ever Hope is concerned, she would see Forrester go bankrupt , just to keep Hope afloat! Ridge and Carter wanted it axed, people can say whatever they like about Steffy, but she just gave Hope another life line, so Hope, grow up and focus on the line instead of chasing Finn!! All Steffy asked for was respect, that’s it, and it was fair enough!!

    1. Hey Colly, it's great to have you back! I hope everything's going well with you."

    2. Brava Colly!! Spot on and so glad to have you back in the mix here! We do have some new FFans to balance the board a wee bit.

      Steffy was a class act today! I’m very proud of her!

    3. Colly, I had to laugh at what you said above….”the Lfans just can’t give Steffy credit for anything.”
      Where exactly in your post did you give Brooke or Hope credit for anything??
      You have nothing but negative things to say about Hope. And you wrote “Brooke has not changed.” Actually Brooke has totally changed. She has been doing nothing other than trying to convince Hope to do the right thing when it comes to Finn. Brooke has been wonderful in pretty much every way. It would be nice to have you recognize that.
      I would say the one who hasn’t changed is Taylor. She is already starting to try and work Ridge. And according to the previews it looks like she is going to confess her love to Ridge for the billionth time. That is clearly inappropriate.

    4. And as far as Steffy not being jealous of Hope. I beg to differ. Liam married Hope, and Steffy was always jealous of Hope’s relationship with Liam. I’ve been watching the show long enough to have seen Steffy try to scheme to get Liam away from Hope. Hope is beautiful!

    5. Colly I think it's high time we stopped saying "LFans" and lumping everyone together as having the same opinion (and then get away with "I didn't mean you"). Firstly because in this particular case I gave Steffy nothing but credit. Secondly because all of us "LFans" have given her credit over time, maybe you weren't there, don't remember or don't want to acknowledge it.
      And as Lynn said, that has happened way more than "Ffans" (gosh I hate those terms) have given Brooke credit. I have seen it from BBFan (surprisingly 😅) but not much from someone else. And Hope is the thorn in everyone's eye, nothing but hate for her (and people keep dragging back the past which if "we" did, we can also drag 10 times more dirt on Steffy - not just towards Hope, but also Brooke, Ivy, Katie).
      And you have admitted that nobody can make you like them, so I can understand that meaning you can't say a good word about them. But then why do you expect the opposite (which "we" do anyway) from others?

    6. @Colly 100% correct......the HOgan's all act like 5 year old's. Steffy left Liam and HOpe alone, she moved on then met Finn, what did HOpe do.....she wrecked her OWN marriage to Liam by bedding Thomas at the office on the desk DAILY...lmao :)

    7. Milla, I have heard Lynn in particular, and then you agree to her, refer to FFans MANY times, and just recently, only on Friday or the day before, Lynn said that she bets the FFans will say nothing about Taylor’s inappropriate actions (re the Friday preview) and then said I am sure it will be crickets, and you agreed with her, so sorry, seems a bit hypocritical to me, don’t u think!! I said “some” Ffan’s , not all.. And look at today!! You were big enough to admit you were wrong about Steffy, and give her some credit, but pretty much changed your mind when u read and commented to Lynn’s bitchfest!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ so when some Lfans stop referring to FFans I will stop referring to some Lfans.. Lynn just cannot bring herself to acknowledge any good from anything Steffy does.. Lynn, sorry to burst your bubble, but ALL Brooke is worried about (certainly not Steffy), is that Hope is going to get hurt and humiliated plus lose her line!! No other reason, and she proved that when Hope told her she kissed Finn, Brooke freaked out and said Steffy is going to start the feud back up because she kissed Steffies husband!! And her actions today having a go at Ridge because he pushed for the line to be axed and didn’t do what she expected him too!! NOT professional of her at all… That is why Ridge didn’t tell Brooke about the meeting, he knew she would lose it at him for pushing it to be axed.. Brooke is the one who is making it personal asking Ridge the questions and saying what she said firstly, then secondly, going to Finn to badmouth his wife to him, just expecting he is going to stick up for and help Hope, and ruin his marriage.. She has NO place, NONE, going directly to Finn trying to stir up shit!! who does she think she is!! She must be under the mistaken belief that Finn has feelings for Hope, just like she implied when she spoke to Taylor, her words were “I know you are worried about Hope and Finn”..🤣🤣🤣 A blind man can see all these things.. Milla, I am not trying to convince anyone to like anyone, just stating what I see, and hear on the show, and what I read on this blog.. i don’t care who likes and hates who, but I find it hypocritical being “told” what I am doing wrong, when the other is just as bad! But at least some can objective! When Hope and Brooke show me something good, I will be objective!! But as for now, I don’t see anything to be positive about either of the Logan’s behaviour!! Brookes ONLY concern has been trying to pin Ridge down, and ensuring Hope doesn’t humiliate herself and most importantly, lose her line!! Brooke knows damn well how HFTF is draining FC, yet she still expected Ridge to jump in, save the day and override Steffy!! Well, luckily he didn’t hey, or Hope would have been gone!!

    8. Soh, thank you sweetheart ❤️❤️ D, 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️

    9. Colly wait - where do you read that I have changed my mind? This may be your interpretation but you can't state it as a fact. And if you want to throw the word "hypocritical" around (pretty heavy on a simple ask) I can also start pointing out whenever you call out things with people who you disagree with and ignore those you agree with. Do you think you're completely innocent on that? Case in point - have you called out the "bitchfest" directed to Hope by others (it's very obvious who they are that's why I hid their comments for myself) the way you do Lynn?
      I didn't see Lynn saying FFans indeed it was once compared to what I refer to which is literally every day.

    10. And I agree that you can't police every bitchfest you see (it's impossible and not expected in this setting!) I find it quite easy to differentiate between people and opinions. I am not telling you what to do, keep doing what you want.

    11. *But don't expect the mood to be super positive when you throw around words like hypocritical towards me, especially on an episode when all I did was agree with Steffy.

    12. @Colly....EVERYONE here is TOLD that what they say is 'WRONG' I mean please, can't they just leave people to their own opinions without being told NO, that's NOT how it is....they need to grow up!

    13. Colly, off to work and only read a very small portion of your extremely long response. So I will address just a few points because no-one on the blog has time for all this.
      1. I only referred to the FFans once and only in response to you using that term when you made your grand reentrance to the blog. I literally never use that term anymore. I was simply responding to something you wrote. These days I say ‘Steffy fans’. Go back and read as you see fit to confirm.
      2. I absolutely have said some nice things about Steffy when it’s warranted. Doesn’t happen often though because she’s a bitch. But I did say Steffy didn’t belong in that cage and I felt bad for her.
      3. My ‘bitchfest’ on this blog is no worse than any of the many Hope hater bitchfests.
      OK, gotta run!

    14. Oh just one more thing - I completely disagree with what you said about Brooke. She is absolutely giving the advice to Hope about Finn because she doesn’t want her making those same mistakes. Not for Hope and not for the lives it would destroy. And Brooke has said as much!

    15. Your statement couldn't be anything less than total BS. Who are you actually referring to? 🤔 I think the last part of your rant puts it in a nutshell, "can't they just leave people to their own opinions". This to me should apply to all B&B fans on both sides, not just a select few, as you are implying.
      Also "they need to grow up". I think that you should take the HO out of Hogan and Hope, as this is what I deem as absolute childish repetitive verbal diarrhoea. It is grating on my last nerve. Another thing, who gets off in telling someone constantly, you are just like your mother following in her footsteps, you are nothing but a whore. Hope is in her thirties and to date has not done anything near as bad as her mother. Yes, she left her waffling husband, who by the way just went through a paternity test over Steffi's son, but Hope is not to have any feelings about that! Who gives a rats arse if she seduced Thomas after that? That doesn't make anyone a whore in my book. One relationship after dumping your scum of a husband does not make you a slut or a whore in my book. And fantasies are just that, fantasies. Day dreaming about something or someone, is nothing unless you act upon it. Admittedly Hope did kiss Finn but she has never had sex with him unlike Steffi with Liam. Make of that what you will cos I don't really give a damn. It is only a reflection to you initial statement, so leave me alone and let me have my own opinion.

    16. The paternity test is at least 6 yrs ago in Soapy time because they have SORAS’d Hayes to school age already and unlike here the children start school at 5 or 6 so it’s been that long since Liam and Steffy were together.

      By the by, Steffy slept once with Liam while he was married to Hope. That was 100 coming from Liam, Steffy had moved on with Finn and was dating him by then!

      St Hope slept with Liam too many times to count while he was married to Steffy so she has a solid history of cheating with Steffy’s husband in the past!

      Liam threw Hope out after she cheated on him with Thomas! She begged him to take her back, he REFUSED! That had nothing to Hayes’ paternity which was many years before.

    17. Colly, the only time the Steffy fans have embraced Hope was when she was with Thomas. But that actually wasn’t so much support for Hope as much as it was support for Thomas. Because everyone who loves Thomas wanted him to be with the woman he had loved forever!
      And that’s the only time I was truly disgusted with Hope because Thope was 🤮🤮🤮🤮 as far as I’m concerned. Thank goodness the writers ended that nightmare before a marriage took place.

      And I will say again, I have given Steffy credit when it is due. Like when Taylor was about to walk down the aisle with Ridge and Douglas confessed to Steffy about the call to CPS - that it was Thomas setting up Brooke. Steffy did the right thing and we all gave her credit. I also said Steffy did not belong in that cage and I felt bad for her.
      So please tell me when have you ever complimented Hope outside of the time she was in a relationship with Thomas?? I’ll be waiting. Lol

    18. BBFAN, I don’t think Hayes is 5 or 6. He appears to be about 4 (at most). School doesn’t start till 5….Kindergarten. He may be in preschool.

    19. Lynn, I have complimented Hope MANY times over the years, when she gives me reason to!! And when she gives me reason to again, I will! To be completely honest, I actually do feel a little sorry for Hope, because she really wants what Steffy has, a completely devoted and loving husband who has eyes only for her!! And she actually had that!! But what did she do!! But she has no place saying Steffy doesn’t deserve Finn.. Who is she to make that assumption, because she wants her husband, that’s why!! Steffy has every right to express her concerns over things she is worried about to her husband, just like any other married couple, but it’s automatically pinned by those who hate her as she is being a bitch and controlling.. I will tell you what is being controlling, Brooke automatically expecting Ridge to go against what is best for the company just because he is in a relationship with her and Hope is her daughter!! What she asked Ridge was unfair!! She and Hope don’t respect Steffy’s position as CoCEO.. And sorry, but Steffy’s warning to stay away from her husband is absolutely fair enough!

    20. Colly, I have said over and over again that Hope going after Finn is wrong. But I will also say that Finn is either dumb as dirt, or he likes the attention Hope is giving him. He seems to be long over the inappropriate kiss and is back to complimenting Hope. As I said, dumb as dirt or likes the attention! Steffy does have a right to protect her marriage. Of course she does. But the way she is going about it….letting HFTF survive until Hope screws up again….IS NOT A BUSINESS DECISION!! It’s personal like I keep saying!!
      And I must have missed the times you complimented Hope. Feel free to remind me of the specifics. 😁

    21. Hope has every right to think what she wants to think about Steffy not deserving Finn. Where Hope goes wrong is trying to interfere in their marriage. But she is certainly welcome to her opinion.

    22. And why in the world do you say over and over again that Ridge was wanting to do what’s best for the company by slashing HFTF, but somehow in your mind Steffy is also doing what’s best for the company by allowing the line to continue??!! Please pick a story. You’re making my head spin. Lol

    23. Blackbetty I love your take. Btw don't expect that infestation called unknown to disappear or to start writing like a civilized human being. Only way out is to hide her comments.
      Lynn brava 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    24. BBFAN I know you love defending Steffy cheating on Finn (with whom you say yourself she "moved on") because Liam was there and insisting and she told him to go, but he didn't... So basically what could she have done other than sleep with him?? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ you always excuse her cheating, the same with Bill - he came to her, she was upset - sleeping with him was unavoidable! I bet you anything that if it was Hope, there's no way you would say it was 100 on Liam/Bill.

    25. I did NOT defend or condone Steffy sleeping with Liam !!! It was dead wrong! I pointed out numerous times like what you just referred to that Steffy WASN’T chasing Liam the ONE time she cheated WITH him on Hope!

      I have yet to EVER hear you call Hope out on the MANY time she slept with Liam while he was MARRIED to STEFFY!!!

      It wasn’t just the 3rd marriage when she had cheated ONE time and I will said the same thing I did when it happened!!! It was WRONG!!! Certainly there were extenuating circumstances but that doesn’t change that Steffy was WRONG to cheat!!

      She has admitted this many many many times! Brooke and Hope threw that in her face for YEARS!!!

      Hope slept with Liam every marriage he had to Steffy! She demanded he leave his wife and marry her etc etc!!! Hope never respected marriage!

      Hope cheated on Liam too so I am confused why you keep bringing up Steffy’s past and ignoring Hope’s???

  17. 👏👏👏. I just didn't have the energy to say all that at this time of night. You made my point for me.🙂

  18. This blog used to have some interesting comments. Now it's just deranged and off the rails. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 that it gets back to the show and not where and what it is now
