
Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th November 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-6-24 Full episode B&B 6th November 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, boring. I'm tired of seeing these makeout scenes which seem as if they're just fillers. UGH. lol

  2. Gosh, I wish someone would comb Hope's hair! How on earth is that considered an attractive style? I've seen it on several of the ladies lately.

    1. I think its cute tho and I dont see the problem with it

    2. I guess only a man would understand. lol

    3. I think it is called the bedhead look LOL! 😂 supposed to entice men!

  3. Did Carter really say to Hope. Is your birth right to be in FC. REALLY!!!!!
    Fight what's yours!! Really. HFTF is down/cut because of Hope ...she don't do anything!!!
    I fighting for you. And say Iove you!? Really!!
    Carter just shut up!!
    And Hope saying Iove you back!!!
    What a joke.
    This whole Hope and Carter came out of nowhere!!!

    Brooke got the nerve to say, those seats are not only for your children (to Ridge)
    And those river of tears . Always using her tears to Ridge!!!!

    1. Hope has no birthright to Forrester Creations, she is an employee’s daughter, not an owner’s daughter. Brooke doesn’t own or have any share of FC. Brooke’s other children have the birthright, since they are children of Ridge or Eric. Hope is merely a bastard child of incest!

    2. @CC Correct, I laughed out REALLY loud, birthright 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Did you see Brooke's crocodile tears 🤣🤣🤣 @Riseam, 💯%

  4. Ridge his à Marone so they are equal

    1. Stephany Douglas his mother, that's make the company theirs🤷

    2. Ridge is Stephanie Douglas Forrester’s son!! Stephanie and her father started Forrester with their money ! Eric was lead designer and had his name on it. However Stephanie inherited the company from her father etc. Ridge and his children have every right to be there!

      Logans made a lot of contributions but that in no way entitles them to inherit anything!

    3. No Stephanie and Eric founded the company together using her fathers wealth. Her dad never played a physical part in the company. It was Brookes Belief formula that sky rocketed Forrester into the great success it is today. I belive Brooke still owns Belief which is a fabric that Forrester uses to make their gowns.

    4. Peggy, Belief was an innovative idea but FC was already successful and well-known in the fashion industry before Brooke even started working there. While she was in college, she would work catering jobs at the Forrester mansion where she was blown away by the luxurious lifestyle the Forresters lived. Then she met Ridge and started attending their fashion shows etc. Belief came about many many years after that, long after Brooke graduated from college.

      You are correct though, that Stephanie's father never got involved in the business. It was just his money that was used to start up the building. However, BBFan is correct that the company belonged to Stephanie after she inherited it when her father passed away. Forrester was the name used when they started the company because Eric and Stephanie were married and carried the Forrester name. BeLief would also be intellectual property to FC and not to Brooke even though she created it.

    5. It was just his money that was used to start up the business*

    6. @HT 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Eric has said time and time again that Ridge is HIS son, bottom line, the HOgan's have ZERO birthright 🤣

  5. Finn sorry but you're an idiot sometimes. How can he not put a bit of thought into the situation and realize Hope couldn't have been calling for him and tripping on purpose over him. And I bet that even after the truth comes out, he won't realize how stupid he was.

    I don't know how Brooke expects to convince Ridge by repeating "it was a misunderstanding" and "you're wrong" only. Both are true, but without the crucial piece of information it doesn't mean much. I still hope she dumps his ass. Not because he's not choosing Hope and her but mostly because he's a moron. And Bill is waiting.

    Steffy "how did she think I wasn't gonna find out about her kissing you"... Well if Finn hadn't said anything, Steffy style, you wouldn't have. It all depends on the integrity of the person being kissed. And it's always so funny when she says "she's out of our lives for good" - when has this ever been true, whether she means Sheila, Brooke or Hope.
    Hope asking Carter not to let her go... Let's hope it doesn't turn into reverse fatal attraction 😀 I didn't expect her to say I love you to him so soon! Maybe this thing has potential...

    1. Agree Milla! If Brooke is not willing to give Ridge that vital piece of information, she should expect that he will support Steffy given the information he has. Lol @ the Bill comment. If Bill and Brooke reunite, I will be so happy for you, M.

      Given that both Liam and Thomas walked away from her, in addition to her life spiraling out of control, I think Hope is desperate to find someone who can protect her. And right now, that person is Carter.

    2. Aww Elle thank you for rooting for Brooke and Bill for me 🤗🤗 and you're right that it's not fair to Ridge that Brooke knows all the details and expects him to act like he does too. (She certainly wouldn't in his place). A break from Bridge may be in order for everyone.
      And yes Hope totally is looking for someone to stick with her and protect her, be on her side only.

    3. PS I think Carter hating Steffy is some sort of aphrodisiac for Hope 😅 neither Liam nor Thomas would go that far.

    4. Milla and Elle I am with you! I like Bill and Brooke besides we need that Stallion with a whinny 😂!

      By the by Lynn, I’m on holiday with my husband in your city! I’m trying the famous in and out burger!

      It was fun watching B&B in Los Angeles today!

      We are super jet lagged but looking forward to our week here.

      If only we could crash Il Giordino for some pizza 😂🤣😂!

      Looks to be a fun week on B&B!

      I’m worried about Carter suddenly declaring his love for Hope and getting all wrath of the Avengers lol. I hope he isn’t over the edge!

    5. BBFan that's so great! I wish you a wonderful time in the city of angels! 😀 how long are you staying? how is the mood around the elections? I think they may be the reason Lynn hasn't been around these days.

      We are all excited about Carter's next steps 😀 my bet is that he'll do something less than ethical/legal to prove his love for Hope.

    6. Enjoy your holiday, BBFan! I haven't been to LA but hopefully, one day soon.

    7. Milla, you nailed it. I’m in shock about what my stupid country just did. It’s swung me into a dark place.

      BBFAN, enjoy LA! I’m about 2 hours away from the actual city. Hope the weather is nice for you while you’re here.

    8. BBFAN, In N Out is one of my favorite fast food choices. Prices are very reasonable. And the food pretty much always tastes fresh.

    9. Oh Lynn I am so sorry! I was also in shock and from what I see on social media - women and minorities are as well ❤️ I am hugging you from afar!

    10. Milla, thank you. I’m seriously thinking I want to leave the US. It’s gonna be dark days ahead for years and years to come. Thank you for the hug. I need it. ❤️

    11. Thanks ladies!

      Lynn I’m sorry to hear that!

    12. We have had some dreadful PM’s and they decimated the people, economy, rights of citizens, etc.

    13. Lynn, I'm right there with you. I don't live in the US but I too, even though not surprised, was very disappointed with the results. I believe you when you say that dark days are ahead. The even sadder thing is that these things have ripple effects to the Caribbean and the rest of the world.

    14. Not all of us in the USA are seeing dark days ahead and think the majority have awakened up to see the light. Quit pushing your politics here on the blog.

    15. Roseam nobody is pushing anything. People are expressing their feelings which they are entitled to do.

    16. @Milla I agree people expressing their opinions, but not here. They need to go on facebook or some other platform. This platform isn’t about politics, it isn’t even about reality. And as usual, it is by someone that is always arguing with others on this platform.

    17. I think that both Lynn and Elle have expressed their feelings in a soft and personal way without telling anyone how they should feel or what they should post. There has been so much ugliness daily here that was never addressed by Bob, so I would be surprised if he polices their two posts. And in the end, his is the opinion that matters on what does and doesn't belong on the blog.

    18. You’re right, he’s got all you arguers to control and police the comments. Guess there are more people celebrating than predicting gloom and doom for USA. Most is misinformation and fake news and name calling by the liberals anyway. Time will tell!

    19. Considering none of the personal attacks were ever addressed, I don't think there's much policing or controlling going on. And right now you're the one "pushing politics" talking about "fake news" and "liberals". The two ladies only expressed disappointment and concern and didn't offend anyone. The only "arguer" right now is also you. Everyone was peacefully agreeing before that.

    20. Haven't watched all week, just read comments to stay in the loop.
      Lynn 😥, as your neighbor I can say there is alot of shock and discontent over here.
      BBfan hope you have a fantastic holiday!

    21. Roseam, I wasn’t talking to you. Go argue someplace else!

    22. Milla, BBFAN, Elle and D, thank you for your kind words.

  6. Brooke is being very unfair to Ridge and making very unfair demands of him. She is going on and on about her daughter but expects Ridge to go against his own daughter. She is forgetting that Ridge only has Steffy's side of the story while she insists on keeping Hope's secret. What does she expect? As Ridge said, Hope used Thomas, then she went after Steffy's husband. Brooke should understand how it would appear to Ridge. I get the feeling though, that the last thing she said about Ridge not honoring her and how hurtful it is, might not be about Hope but about Taylor.

  7. Definitely disappointed in Finn, he knows better and didn't speak up.

    1. I agree. I thought he would have felt bad when he found out Hope was fired. Or maybe thought back to the incident and gave her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she did trip. Oh well, I'm excited about what will happen next.

    2. Finn is smart. Why try to support Hope? Look how much trouble that caused him the last time. I think he's learnt his lesson. 😂

    3. Elle that's actually true. I didn't consider that he may be fully aware the seduction wasn't about him, but is saving his own ass from Steffy's wrath.

  8. Flash forward, Hope will you marry me? I'm sorry Carter, I'm not ready to marry you.

  9. When is Thomas coming back so we can have a laugh! Carter will be in tears because he will have served as a stopgap... Carter is manipulable...

  10. I'm so tired of hope brooks daughter playing ▶️ victim hope caused this trouble between her and steffy by using steffy s brother Thomas for sex and revenge then hope encouraged finn to accept that physcopath killer Sheila Carter who shot Stephanie brook Taylor steffy and finn its a disgrace disrespectful to Stephanie Eric's wife family company how hope uses forester creation s as her sex pad and Carter is kates X lover

  11. I never understood the word or the action manipulated un till now, Hope is a vert good manipulator she just spoon feeding Carter

    1. @Hennessy you hit the nail on the head, she learnt it from her mamma, did you see Brooke's crocodile tears...she wouldn't be crying if she told the truth and her daughter and Carter

  12. When you think Thomas and Hope were too much, then you have Carter and Hope...they don't even have any chemistry. One more episode with Hope and Carter I am gonna throughout.

    1. @Miah@ 🤣🤣🤣 no chemistry, it's all about one thing only🚩

  13. Hope, duh... just start your own clothing business since it's your!

    1. @Masters1313 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏

  14. Well that was boring
    So Brooke thinks Hope deserves seat well Brooke she is not Ridges and you are not married to Ridge
    Brooke stop lying to protect Hope she isn't a child and u are the worst to jump on others who lie or keep secrets
    Thanks Bob xxxx

  15. Well that was boring
    So Brooke thinks Hope deserves seat well Brooke she is not Ridges and you are not married to Ridge
    Brooke stop lying to protect Hope she isn't a child and u are the worst to jump on others who lie or keep secrets
    Thanks Bob xxxx

  16. I never trusted Finn from his past! He knows that Hope was not coming on to him and that she tripped! Also, I feel Hope is using Carter just the way she used Thomas!

  17. Carter maybe good at his job but weak when it comes to falling for women that is going through distress in their lives!

  18. Finn heard Hope say lock the door behind you and he said NOTHING, he could of said Hope it is Finn and she would not came out!

  19. Hope you're being SUPER entitled. You should've honestly been fired the day you violated Finn! 😋

  20. NO HOPEless, The $lut from the Valley's biggest sin isn't loving Ridge or actually being obsessed by Ridge. Her biggest sins are conceiving HOPEless with her eldest daughter's husband and first lover, being responsible for Macy's fatal accident, hiding that Thomas is Ridge's son, sleeping with Ridge's father and brothers, and breaking up Ridge's relationship with Taylor umpteen times!

  21. NO HOPEless, The $lut from the Valley's biggest sin isn't loving Ridge or actually being obsessed by Ridge. Her biggest sins are conceiving HOPEless with her eldest daughter's husband and first lover, being responsible for Macy's fatal accident, hiding that Thomas is Ridge's son, sleeping with Ridge's father and brothers, and breaking up Ridge's relationship with Taylor umpteen times!

  22. Can’t believe Carter is declaring his love for Hope before he even got to test the waters. What kind of moron declares love before even going out on a date with the person. And she wouldn’t commit to Thomas after months of seducing him, but all of a sudden tells Carter that she loves him back? She is definitely using and manipulating him.

  23. Here's an idea for a storyline, Carter has bold ideas wich they will never go tru with at Forrester. He has the brains & knowledge to start a new company: 'HOPE' or 'Logan', they launch HFTF there, maybe Brooke can take her bedroom line and join them, Katie can do PR, maybe RJ can design (because he is
    Out of job) and or they can bring back Sally to design, or even Quinn 😅 going crazy with my thoughts here, but I loved it back in the days where there was a bit of competition between Forrester and Spectra fashion. Also, this could be the end for Brooke and Ridge, soooo bring back Bill for Brooke - they had amazing chemistry and he added fun to Brooke's live instead of arrogant Ridge. Also Katie made it very clear not wanted to be reunited with Bill. Let Ridge be with Taylor, so Steffy will be pleased with that but business wise she will have a handful losing all these valuable persons (Logans and Carter) Bill can be the investor and Will can work alongside with his parents (co opp between Logans and Spencer) I think that with Carters ideas for a luxury brand , the financial input & advertising of Spencer publications that would make a great fit and add an interesting layer to the storyline. Some action and company rivalry instead of keep on trying to gain respect from Steffy for the Logan s at Forrester, that will never happen and it's getting really old. So let them all bail on Forrester and start their own company with the financial support of Bill (he will be thrilled to compete with Ridge on business level and take his precious Brooke). It will leave them shocked. Just and idea for a spicy new storyline) 😉

    1. Love every word of this 😊

    2. I think it's time to spice things up a little instead of the same old Hope vs Steffie, Brooke vs Taylor.. always the same old story in the office. If they want Logans vs Forresters they should be taking it on a whole new level, let it really be the businesses competing one another and it would be even more fun if 'The Logans ' would win a showdown or something. So that Steffi would have to realise what they actually did mean for the company. Bring back some fashionshows, entrepreneurship, some Brooke/Bill fun (& let her stay with him) leaving her with a man who always supports her and let her finally realise that Ridge will never fully commit. Ps I liked Nick as well for her back in the days...

    3. Absolutely with you, Boho, and specially on the Brooke and Bill fun and let her stay with him!! 🥰 that's my ultimate B&B dream. If they get together, I literally don't care who else is with who 😀

    4. I loved Nick too! Gorgeous man who could sail and sing! What's not to love ☺️

  24. So sickepainning to see on this show Hope is quick to jump at a man who is interested in her.She can't say no and stay without a man.
    Don't like she and Carter together.
    No chemistry at all.Carter was waiting for a women. Any women be cause he is lonely.
    I can see Brooke's pain her man not supporting her.

  25. Can you please reload October 28th of B&B? Thank you Bob

  26. omg carter get a grip on yourself forrester is not hopes birth right. she is a logan her father is deacon and mother is brooke she is not a forrester at all. he sounds stupid even saying that

  27. Batman finally getting his end away 🤣🤣🤣🤣 As for those big crocodile tears from Brooke, tell your LUSTINY what really happend 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤮🚩
