Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-24-24 Full episode B&B 24th December 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-24-24 Full episode B&B 24th December 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless

Episode 12-25-24 won't be on TV because of the holiday


  1. Brooke... Next year Christmas 😀 you'll be back with Ridge within a month or 2 tops (unless Bill 🤞🏼🤞🏼). I was hoping she'd turn her back on him, but on the other hand I'm glad she's not angry and bitter on this holy day. I have to say Katie keeps impressing me. She could have spent the holiday with newly returned Will and Bill, but she chose her sister and doesn't act even one bit awkward around Hope and Carter. She's always a class act. So nice to see Bridget again. Logan haters say that she left because of her mom (but that wasn't the reason of course) and she looks perfectly happy to be around her family every time 🥰

    1. Everyone looked lovely. It was a nice holiday episode even with the family split. ❄️🎅🏻🎄❤️🎁☃️🎄

    2. Exactly Lynn 😘🤗🎅🏼🎄

  2. ridge said it's all about family...yet his son wasn't there. where in the hell has rj been lately? the writers always drop people with no explanation.
    zende should tell ridge why brooke took the position.

    1. And did you notice that Thomas wasn't in the picture at the end? I may be wrong because I had to freeze it and it was a bit blurry. Hope he's coming back.

    2. I wondered the same thing a few days ago about RJ. Just no mention at all. I would have liked to see Bill and Will there at Brooke's gathering. They haven't shown Will confronting his mother about Electra getting fired.
      I want to see Zende pull Ridge aside and ask what he thought about Brooke's plan.

  3. Looks like Bridget didn't get the one-shoulder dress memo.

  4. Stephanie must be happy that Taylor is the heart of the Forresters again. :D

  5. Taylor has a magical Christmas with her family, the greedy Logans have a company that they have taken over hostile. :D

    1. Taylor needs to enjoy it while she can because it’s going to be short lived. She keeps on saying about her love to Ridge, but he never says it back. She should realize she’s just a placeholder and keep doing those
      “Broken Heart Syndrome” therapy exercises.

  6. Thank you Bob for posting our favourite even risking your own site
    Thank you and I wish you and ur family Merry Christmas Happy Holidays or Season Greetings
    Stay safe my friend

    1. Mandy, how does he risk his own site? Serious question, I'm just wondering what I'm missing.

  7. Merry christmas Bob, happy holidays and thank you 🎅🎅🎅🎅

  8. Merry Christmas Bob, thank you for the videos.

  9. Do any real families gather for Christmas eve wearing cocktail dresses and suits and ties? They looked like they were all going to a Christmas ball, not just hanging out with family. And where was RJ? He wasn't with Brook OR Ridge... how has he reacted to the "takeover" - he's both a Logan and a Forrester - ??

    1. I read that RJ is in Paris. The show is battling a bit and they don't have the funds to have RJ, Liam, Beth, Kelly and Haze on as much as they used to. Pity they can't eliminate Hope 😂😂😂😂😂 I do however agree re the cocktail dresses and suits and ties, but I guess that's Hollywood baby 😂😂😂

    2. I was just saying to myself...we wear jeans and t-shirts. What's with this dressup. lol

  10. Doesn't Bridget have a husband and kids? Was there any mention about why she's not with them at Christmas? Or why they didn't come with her? And do they every mention Rick anymore, or has he ceased to exist...?

    1. Bridget is also a Forrester, so why didn’t she go see her father too!

    2. And where is Thomas during all of this mayhem?

  11. So Brooke told Zende not to tell anyone yet she herself tells Katie and we ALL know that Katie has a BIG MOUTH 🤔 Bridget seemed shocked about Hopeless and Batman, she's definitely put two and two together already 🚩 Carter is on top of the world being with a weak woman, after being with Katie and Quinn who are both strong, independent and powerful women, Carter is LOVING the idea of protecting a mouse while she hides behind him and he fights her battles. I see Hopeless had her grandma dress on tonight 🤔 I still don't get why Brooke didn't tell Carter that she would give him an answer the following day so that she could inform Ridge of her plans 🚩 is Brooke trying to be the hero, is that what it's ALL about, then use that as leverage to keep HOpe at FC 😂 Brooke only does things that will benefit herself and her offspring 🚩‼️ when it comes to Brooke it's ALL about self gain. Was lovely seeing Bridget, she really is lovely, thankfully she's nothing like her mother, good thing she never allowed herself to be around her mother too much, I'm sure twice a year is MORE than enough 😂👏👏👏 Donna and Pam besties 😂😂 I think Donna is still a bit scared of Pam 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Steffy and Taylor looked stunning and Finn was nothing short of hot 🔥😁 Merry Christmas Bob 🌲

  12. I have some binge watching to do, maybe next year.
    Dropped in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas 🎅, and a special thanks to Bob for all he does.❤️
    And our sassy, Aussie lassie. Warmest wishes to you and family.🫂 I know you're watching comments.

    1. D - Merry Christmas!! 🎅🏻🎁🎄☃️

    2. Lynn, Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year. 🎅🤶🧑‍🎄. We are all going to need it come Jan. 20 🫣

    3. Oh my gosh, D….you aren’t kidding. For my sanity I need to consume less news. I hope you have a wonderful 2025 as well!! 😘

    4. Lynn don't get me going. Had a few 🥂 now, and politics don't mix. Can't consume less news over here. 2 statements Trump has made, tarrifs and Canada becoming the 51st state. Our government is spiraling downward. I wanted to sell and move to the east coast. Now I want to move out of Canada. No offense to you but it won't be the USA. Hope you have a wonderful New Year too.🤞 🥰

    5. Honestly, Trudeau would NEVER allow such ridiculousness! And any tariffs imposed by the US would be passed right back to us from Canada. The crazy blowhard my country elected is all talk when it comes to Canada. I was actually wanting to relocate to your country to escape the madness here. Lol

    6. @Lynn and D, why don’t you both become friends on facebook or X so you can share your stupid political views where it is between you to and not voice them here on this blog for everyone to see, especially those that definitely don’t agree. Just saying, don’t we hear enough from you stupid liberals?

    7. Better political discussions than troll rants of the unknowns and melis.

    8. The Forresters probably vote red. Carter & the Logans probably vote blue. ♥️💙

    9. Haha Renee that definitely sounds about right!

    10. Lol ladies. 😁😁😁 Truth!
      Roseam, I won’t support ‘President Musk’ by joining his platform.

    11. 👍Lynn. Roseam I'm not really on social media. Don't have time. I use to like Twitter until Elmo took over. All the yrs I have known Lynn, this is the first on this blog we sent 2 comments about politics. Sorry for our stupid views. Note well taken.
      Merry Christmas

  13. We haven't seen Mr. & Mrs. Sharpe in a while. Hope needs to visit her Dad & let him know what she has been up to lately. Daddy Deacon will tell her she & Carter belong on Santa's naughty list. Of course, Shelia is proud to be on the naughty list. Hopefully, we will see Deacon & Shelia soon.

  14. I few days ago people were commenting on the the children being seldom seen. Even though they were "there" at Eric's, they were conveniently in another room watching a movie. I say send all the children away to boarding schools until they are old enough to drink, have sex, and get into adult situations.

  15. Thank you Bob and Merry Christmas 🌲☃️🤗🥰

  16. Thank you Bob, and hope you have a Merry Christmas.

  17. Hayden liz s sister from general hospital 🏥 looks nothing like Taylor steffy and Thomas phobee s mom hunter tylo the original Taylor she's sick and selfish like hope and Carter she's second to brook Logan in ridges heart ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 he may ask Taylor to marry him but once he discovered the truth about brook wanting to help everyone get the co back it's bye bye Taylor for the 4th time ⏲️ now and it's time steffy and Thomas let that reunion of mom and daddy gooo outs old tired now
