Friday, August 10, 2018

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-10-18 Full episode B&B 10th August 2018

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-10-18 Full episode B&B 10th August 2018


  1. Well this layout has changed... Very nice, thank you..... Have a great night. I'm really happy to finally see hope and Liam get to be together after everyone has conspired against them all these years. Looks like Stephies plan has back fired just a tad.... Tired of Zandar and his two girlfriends already.... Move on please!

  2. Let Hope and Liam stay together. It's only going to last until someone else's catches Liam's eye. Steffy should have stayed and been with Wyatt all along. He is the perfect mixture of Bill and Liam. They made the best couple. We all know Sally is just rebound for each of them. They both had just gotten their heart broken. Plus Liam is more like Bill than he wants to admit.

  3. #TeamHope Yesssssssssssssssssss!!!!

  4. I want steffy and liam to work it out. Hope came in way too aggressive and desperarte. Team STEFFY

  5. Team Steffy! Steffy you should have stayed with Wyatt. Liam is so fragile and weak like Hope.
