Friday, August 9, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-9-19 Full episode B&B 9th August 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-9-19 Full episode B&B 9th August 2019


  1. You Tell her Hope!!! Selfish Steffy.

  2. thank you well Hopes true colours with mama bear by came out today Steffy is grieving she is in shock and no get a DNA before baby leaves only home she knows and I hope baby cries and cries

  3. thanks my star for uploading xx

  4. Baby Beth does not know anything, she is too young. I did not remember anything until I was 5 years old and even then it was fuzzy.

  5. Walk right out of there with your baby, Steffy will adjust the kids will adjust , find that snake Thomas so Ridge can hear him say it.

  6. Nice to watch this episode...and what's gonna happen next. At least stiffy knews it that was hopes baby beth.

  7. I hate hope, Brooke, and Liam

  8. what a joke how could you think Steffy is selfish if that was me i wouldn't give up my child ive been taking care of no way in hell with out a fight

  9. Hope is a selfish creep and she proves it again

  10. yes Hope you can take Beth back but you lost Liam to Stefy today I think its time for Liam to go back to Stefy

  11. Ze komen weer bij elkaar hope Liam en baby Beth de rest de bak in

  12. Wateen rare reactie van Steffie,ze kan toch niet baby Beth hpuden nou ze weet dat de baby gestolen is.Begrijp dat ze er verdriet van heeft maar ze kan niet van Hope verlangen dat ze haar baby moet achterlaten bij haar.Hope heeft al genoeg geleden

    1. Hope is gelukkig met haar kind en steffie begrijp dat gewoon niet. Rare familie steff Thomas en die Taylor de bak in

  13. I watched the whole week but it was re runs

  14. Hope has been crying everyday from February....Steffy cries for one evening and suddenly the rightful mother is wrong for taking her child? Steffy's mother bought a baby. She knew that that transaction was wrong. She will go to jail.Karma. she escaped after shooting Bill now she will go for this.Both Steffy and Hope are victims of one mother who played GOD in her child's life.

    1. It is one thing to hear your baby was stillborn and live with that, but it's another thing to have the baby you have raised and grown to love as your own ripped away from you like that so SHUT UP

  15. Aaawww Sally & Wyatt.. ;'-) <3<3<3

  16. you dont just walk out with a child Hope your child is dead in the eyes of the law and Hopes true nastiness comes out at last No thought to anyone else except herself

  17. So even after all the proof comes out, Steffy still in denial...
