Monday, December 16, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-16-19 Full episode B&B 16th December 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-16-19 Full episode B&B 16th December 2019


  1. Bob, the whole month of August says Content Rejected. Is there any way to correct the videos?

  2. I don't want hope for the future discontinued

  3. What a silly episode. How can they consider hiring Zoey the liar back? Why is she still on this soap? There is no place for her on the soap since the truth came out.

  4. Bob by 6 pm central time it. Will not play. Just a black screen. Just started last week.

  5. If Zoe is remorsel because of what she did to Hope, Liam and Steffy, she will help them with Thomas and I hope she proves herself loyal to them. They need to prove it fast because, I can see Thomas becoming unglued real soon!

  6. Don't trust zoe period I hope this plan liam has doesn't cost Hope because Thomass is a loose cannon

  7. Zoe was trying to hook up with Thomas herself when he let her move in. He rejected her.
