Friday, February 21, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-21-20 Full episode B&B 21st February 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-21-20 Full episode B&B 21st February 2020


  1. Oh come on! Since when would Douglas know all this about marriage and family, Sounds like Thomas really coached him. Poor delusional Zoe. She's about to get burned. I bet she and Thomas know very little about each other. I have to admit Thomas conniving ways makes me laugh. Hope is jealous and hurt. She's supposed to be the center of everyone's world. Brooke and Liam are getting on my last nerves.

  2. Brooke and liam just talking away like Zoe can't hear a word they are saying?

  3. They don't know who tjey f*** eith.Zoie will flip.

  4. After not watching for a couple of weeks because it was boring psychopath Thomas proposes to Zoe.
    I'll watch again in a week. 😊
    As always, thanks Bob.

  5. Can we please kill off Thomas or something. His actor is terrible and so is the story line....
    If you must keep him can we change the story line.... How about Thomas actually does fall for Zoey and Hope becomes the jealous, obsessive stalker instead?? So over the same crap for months with this story line. Everyone keeps saying Thomas hasn't changed and can't change and doesn't deserve second chances... but what about Bill??? He had Ridge thrown out of a helicopter, blown up a building with people in it, stalked his own son's wife.... Or Brooke? How many marriages did that ho wreck?? And Liam... don't even get me started on him. So it's okay for Liam to mess with women' heads??? Dude is such a hypocritical pussy. So they can all change???

  6. The story line of Thomas Hope and Zoe is boring. Same scenes every day. Writers, we need some new stories.

  7. I wish they will kill Brooke off I can't stand her or hope.

    1. Brooke is a original on the show and so is Eric. I like both of them. They are good actors and Brooke is beautiful. Keep her on. She and Ridge need to get back together.

  8. please writers kill brooke liam and zoy in a big explosion in bills spencer building and let thomas live a happy like with hope

  9. In my opinion,The Bold and the Beautiful really needs a completely new set of writers and or producers. If they continue to allow this rewriting of history being repeated in most of the story lines......I believe there is no "HOPE" for the future. Lets see some new and improved story can we?? Once again, thanks so much Bob for all you do to make it possible for us to see even if the stories are lame right now.

  10. I hope Hope does realise that Thomas didnt change at all

  11. Hi Bob!🤗 Thank you as always!😇
    I hope that Hope is fixing to bless Thomas out & he gets stuck with Zoe, but she's probably falling for his crap. Meanwhile, isn't the little boy who plays Douglas a great actor? I just hope the little guy doesn't suffer any personal repercussions from this story line. 😕

    1. Douglas is the cutest little boy and a great actor.

  12. a lot of vids gone. Will they be fixed Bob?

  13. All the videos are gone may you please put them back up Bob or can they be fixed??

    1. All videos of all four soap operas now say "Playback error". Not - so-old episodes will be replaced this weekend. The rest of the videos will be fixed by the end of the month. A new faq page will appear on this blog with instructions for viewing old episodes.
