Friday, April 3, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-3-20 Full episode B&B 3rd April 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-3-20 Full episode B&B 3rd April 2020 (Repeat 3-23-2017)

Repeat 3-23-2017


  1. This is crazy. Already bad enough we only get 30mins of this soap.

  2. Some parts of the U.S and Canada got the 30th anniversary episode filmed in Australia..It was Steffy and Liam's wedding...

    1. I love seeing Liam and Steffy together. They have such chemistry and fun together. They bring out the best in each other.

    2. YES!!!, They really do! I dont understand why Liam wants to be with Hope and all the drama and turmoil that comes with Hope and Brooke. I hope that Liam and Steffy finds back together again😍 They are so good together, and we can all see how Liam respekts Steffys strength and how strong and mature Steffy has become. And Steffy lets Liam be himself, she respekts him, appreciate him, and motivates him to do what he wants and be who he wants. Steffy and Liam are Soulmates🥰

  3. I think Abbyg413 and her scums can retired now ;)
    that witch has been around for far too long!

    Her dear friend, Harry Bosch

  4. I miss this Thomas. He was a good guy and sexy as hell!

    1. Agreed.. This Thomas is better to look at and a better actor. The new Thomas needs to leave his shirt on, he is so ugly!!! What were they thinking???

    2. Ditto. He seems like he uses steroids.

  5. Back before Thomas became a crazy psycho path

  6. Thanks for continuing to past during this time of shut down. I am enjoying these past episodes.
