Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-18-21 Full episode B&B 18th March 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-18-21 Full episode B&B 18th March 2021

The next episode will be on Tuesday. On Friday and Monday, instead of episodes 3-19-21 and 3-22-21, there will be a broadcast of college basketball.


  1. Thanks! Liam is a piece of S. Hope deserves better. Finn is living in Fantasy land. Why is a small pictute with liam on the wall? I dont blame Brooke. Why should Vinny go to prison but Flo remain free. Thomas needs to come clean about Emma etc. I actually like Thomas and Matt. It would be a true redemption story. Poor Hope !!!!

    1. There is a wee family photo for Kelly, remember the purpose of the big Steffy and Liam photo was so Kelly would know she was born of the love between her parents. It’s important for Kelly’s image of herself that she know that. Unfortunately, Liam is her Da no matter what an arse he is. There are other larger photos of Finn, Steffy and Kelly together as well as lovely one of Finn and Steffy. When the wee one arrives there will be a photo of all four of them. It’s a blended family and Steffy is trying to nurture a healthy relationship with Kelly’s dad. The most important ones are larger and have pride of place.

    2. I am tired of Liam looking like the ONLY bad one. Hope LIED about Thomas having that Meghighan of her, because it turned her on to know Thomas had some part of her to himself. Liam, Deserve Better, raising Thomas son, watching his wife and Thomas working together, and to make it worst agreeing for Thomas to live on the property where he lives. Hope have feelings for Thomas, and Thomas know it as well as Liam. I don't trust Finn!!! Just saying!!!!

    3. hope has no say about thomas living there

  2. I am seriously getting cavities from the cheese

    1. Y & R fan that's really funny!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

  3. Who else couldn’t give a rats butt about basketball.

    1. I mean really.....who cares right!

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Am I the only one that cringes everytime I think about toddlers and that cliff. Ps I'm so happy that we now get to nit pick about Finn and Steffy.

  5. I'm so happy for Steffy

  6. I’m sooo happy that steffy took down that portrait down of her & Liam & put a picture of her & Finn on the wall😍😍

    1. Yes! The picture of Steffy and Finn looks great! Very good episode!

    2. me too ! steffy always has been my favorite with phoebe, when she was little and she got kidnapped and phoebe's death omg i cried so much !
      kelly said cha cha cha 😍

    3. That was so bloody adorable πŸ₯°

  7. So happy for them. I hope sinn will last forever

    1. Because it's a soap, I'm guessing that finn may also cheat on steffy soon and knock up a nurse at the hospital

    2. Of course! It's too perfect now for a soap.

    3. Who knows right? It'a soapland! God forbid they stay happy. Lol

  8. Brooke suspicions are always correct. What if Thomas set Vinny up??!!?

    Once you see that hair fall Infront thomas forehead and him having flashbacks know things ain't right with him.

    1. 🀣🀣🀣😳yes

    2. That’s hysterical! Brooke will always hate Thomas and Steffy because Ridge dared to have children with his wife Taylor.

      I think we’re seeing Thomas loving Hope as foreshadowing of what is to come. Thomas did a selfless thing telling Hope the truth. Real love puts the other person first something Liam has never done. He puts his wife and children after his wants and need to loved and adored by multiple women, think Hope, Ivy, Sally, Steffy he stings women along while he’s married just because he cannot bear not to be the centre of the universe.

      Brooke is beyond the pale seriously. She has no right to judge anyone else. Thomas cannot win. He’s damned for telling Hope and playing “hero” and would be painted a villain for withholding the truth and taking advantage of her pain. Either way Brooke makes him a bad guy.

      There is a huge rift beginning between Ridge and Brooke again. Her need to keep Liam and Hope together at all costs, and blaming Steffy and Thomas for all is Hope and Liam’s marital issues is going to blow up. Especially when Hope divorces Liam and turns to Thomas. I think Hope will pull away from Brooke for not supporting her decisions and Ridge will pull away for attacking his children. I see Brooke learning on Bill again and someone coming in to comfort Ridge... here we go again.

      Writers are laying it on a bit thick. However, I think they are attempting to highlight the unconditional love and support Finn and Steffy have versus Liam’s shallow imitation of love. Hope was right, Thomas is loyal.

      Grow up Liam stop shifting blame onto Thomas and Hope. He had the nerve to blame his wife for his cheating. Throw his arse out Hope!

    3. Good observation Cassy! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  9. Bye Bye Liam :-) blaming Thomas because he's still in love with

    1. I want Hope and Thomas to be together. I want Liam to go nuts.

    2. Lol that was funny the way he just shifted the blame to Thomas. He only has himself to blame telling another woman he loves her and try to justify it by saying she's the mother of his child. Who does that. Clearly his not all that sorry for his behavior.

  10. too much cheese Steffy even a powerhouse with liam but with Finn its like watching Lope 2 sorry im trying to like Sinn but something is not clicking and Kelly should have been allowed to say whay about my dad. Hope now knows Liam is still in love with Steffy

    1. Hope always knew Liam was in love with Steffy. He couldn’t choose between them remember? Steffy was fed up with his waffling and told Hope you can him. Steffy chose to end the toxic triangle.

      Steffy and Liam were married for years and Liam chose Steffy, fought his brother for her told her she was the love of life, soulmate blah blah. Exactly the same bullocks he tells Hope.

      Hope cannot be so naive that no alarms went off when Liam was spending every spare second including his evenings at Steffy’s house. He used Kelly as an excuse to be close to Steffy and then tried to chase off Finn and break them up. He’s always been jealous of Finn and Steffy because he wants to keep her on the side just in case he needs consolation or things don’t work out with Hope. He has to have a back up.

      I was laughing to hear him say Hope has always been the only one, how many times did he tell Steffy the same line? Liam has no idea what Love is.

    2. What about her dad? He’s married to Hope and has been for most of Kelly’s life. Steffy began by telling Kelly her daddy would always be part of their family... she gave her a chance to say something. What Kelly can have a step mum but Steffy is supposed to be single forever?? WTF?

  11. I am so glad the writers are finally letting Hope have the reaction she should have had in the first place. Just blast that Liam for what he really is! Just let it all out!

    1. Agree it’s time she wises up and sees him for the selfish bastard he really is!

    2. I guess we the audience are supposed to forget about the fact that Liam told Steffy right after they slept together, that he had zero regrets. Then he tells Hope it was the biggest mistake he has ever made and he would give anything to take that night back. What a pathetic liar Liam is. And every time he gets mad at Hope because Thomas is around, I just laugh at the hypocrisy of it all. And in what alternate universe does he think Hope will be fine with the fact that he told Steffy he still loves her after making love to her?? What a clueless idiot Liam is. And double standards galore!! He is getting the boot!!! And I can’t wait!!!

  12. Happy for steffy but fuck brooke Hogan for questioning thomas! Wake you not perfect and rightoues women! Mind your own damn dirty patheic life!!

  13. Hope is as bad as Liam. She got pregnant knowing that he was married. They married before STeffi and Liams baby was even born. They are both selfish.

    1. Actually that marriage didn’t quite happen since Wyatt showed up stopped proceedings. Hope was already preggers and Steffy had Kelly when Hope and Liam finally tied the knot.

    2. Liam left after the halted wedding for Kelly’s birth and then recommitted to his life with Steffy and asked her to marry him again. Of course Hope was already pregnant by then. But you are right, Hope never cared about Liam’s marriage she was trying to break it up from the minute she returned from Milan.

    3. Liam was marrying Hope in retaliation because Bill manipulated a faked session at the office, where Liam true to form doesn’t get the facts straight and runs to Hope. As soon as he found out the truth he wanted back with Steffy and could not figure out how to break it to Brooke and Hope! He is a lying, cheating piece of shite !

  14. @Bbfan101 YOU ARE MY HERO! You said everything correctly about the reationship dynamics in this family. I can't wait for Liam to get tossed out! It would be terrible if Thomas had set up Vinny honesty, I'd like for him to grow more and get Hope. At the same time, bring in a whole new guy for Hope and a new woman for Thomas... as much as I like him with Hope, that relationship will never be at peace with Brooke and Liam around. Ridge needs to put Brooke in her place quickly cause we all know that Bill is around the corner again. Damn if he hurts Katie once more these writers will ruin the show! Finally when Hope and Katie seems to finally be growing from this stagnation! (Steffy too) don't let Brooke and Bill and Liam ruin it please!

    1. 😊😊😊😊

    2. Totally agree, then they let either Katie or Thomas be happy! I hear rumours they might be magically bringing Caroline back from the dead to fight over custody of Douglas so that could put a whole new spin in things too. Thomas and Caro might reunite and take Douglas with them. Find some way to nullify Hope’s adoption since his bio mum is back in the picture! Hope will be wanting to have another baby desperately to fill the void.

  15. Hope finally seeing Liam for what he really is and calling it to his face... he was disappointed the baby wasn't his and that Finn got what he wanted. He's a selfish SOB (the bitch being Bill in this case who is also incredibly selfish and downright cruel to Katie time and time again!). May both Hope and Katie walk into better relationships.

  16. Brooke likes control as much as she likes to be the center of attention. She needs to control Ridge and Hope's relationships and in a way her sister's too (especially Katie's). That's why she has such issues with Taylor, Sally, Quinn, Thomas and Steffy, because they have always told it to her face "THE ANSWER IS NO BROOKE, SO FK OFF". Ridge needs to learn to walk away from her every time she acts up with Thomas so she'd learn to stay out of his children's way.

    1. Exactly!! Well said! Brooke likes to play God. She only cares about winning and her destiny and following heart etc. She has never ever cared who she destroys including Bridget (anyone else remember who Hope’s da is?), Hope, Katie, any of them men she screwed over not to mention their wives, girlfriends, partners, sons, fathers, brothers and worst of all their children and her own children! She hurt Thomas, Pheobe and Steffy as well as poor Will, her own bloody nephew! She hurt her own children by hiding their true paternity or bringing strings of men to be their daddies in and out of their lives or neglecting them while she chased married men around or drunk herself silly. She stole their husbands and lovers.

      All her lectures to Hope about not destroying her family and marriage?? She’s making this Hope’s fault? Like Liam can just do whatever and Hope should be a doormat and take it? Brooke never respected anyone’s marriage, including her own! What Liam does is emotional abuse! He treats Hope like a little girl with no brain. The way he talks down to her and is so dismissive, he demands his right to be forgiven? Attacks constantly the man who tried to help them?

      I’m so tired of everyone blaming the Beth thing on Thomas. Seriously, you can forgive Zoe and Flo who knew from the beginning but covered their own arses but not Thomas? Yes, what he did was reprehensible but what about Flo pretending to be the birth mother and lying and then covering it up the whole time? Or Zoe who threatened other people including Emma to keep the secret so she wouldn’t lose her modelling gig at Forrester and then cried victim and totally got away with it???

      It’s hypocritical to say the least. Brooke knew Taylor was alive and never told Ridge. She split up Nick and Bridget because she had to have her daughter’s husband and Ridge at the same time. She had to steal Deacon, she had to have Thorne Orr Eric or whoever else caught her sights. She keeps making snide remarks about Steffens cheating etc when she’s done so much worse herself! Am so over it.

    2. Oh and remember Brooke tried to pass all of her kids off as Ridge’s even though only RJ actually is? She who had to have a paternity test for every single pregnancy dares to say anything about Steffy? Someone should tell her, now your daughter knows how Taylor and Katie and Bridget felt when you slept with their husbands and got pregnant... yeah.

    3. LOL, so funny how people can invent things that never happened!!
      Rick is Eric's and there never was a doubt or a paternity test
      Bridget is Eric's but Sheila switched the paternity test because she didn't want Eric to be the father
      Hope is Deacon and there never was a doubt, no paternity test and Brooke never said she was Ridge's, Whip agreed to say he was the father that's all
      And RJ is Ridge, there was never a doubt either
      Just because you don't like Brooke doesn't give you the right to rewrite the show! The stupid writers and their sick Boos already change the past when it suits them. We know what we watched and how things went.
      All those men chose to cheat on their spouses, nobody forced them, they did it on purpose, blame them!

    4. Right on Miss a fan that can get her facts of the storyline straight...some of these fans forget it’s a soap and gets to involved and wrapped up in its ability to just entertain...they forget it’s just an opinion they offer but some actually get vicious and attack others for their refreshing to actually see someone going with the flow and just enjoying each episode for what it is...look forward to more of your insight!

    5. Brooke did think Ridge was Bridegets dad. She slept with him while married to Eric. Hence the name Bridget

  17. Oh let’s not forget Queen Stephanie!

    1. Yes, you are right! Stephanie the queen of all!! The devil's wife! Do as I say don't do as I do.
      The women that lectured everybody when she was the first to do all the things she was fighting.
      Beth was with Eric but Stephanie wanted him so she slept with him... And all her life she was after Brooke for doing the same thing?! GMAFB
      And she got pregnant but "forgot" she slept with another man?? Yeah sure....
      Hiding a baby she had to his father because she was abnormal and it would have been bad for Eric's career?? He never had the chance to love his daughter because Stephanie decided it!?
      Forcing a woman to have an abortion because she wasn't ok with her having her precious son's baby?! And years later giving her aborting pill for the same reason!
      Stephanie was a murderer and that's all!!
      Don't forget that she sleept with Clark, her daughter's lover, only to "taste" if he was good enough for her?
      She took Brooke's children away from her when she had a breakdown only to gloat?
      And not only she did those things but she even tried to kill Brooke, more than once and had her raped.
      And when she died, they made her look like an Angel!? "puke"
      She is rotting in hell where she belongs, that's where heartless people go.
      If this one was fictional, but there are a lot of Stephanies in this world

      Hope you will be better soon BBfan

  18. Really? Bbfan you need to get a life!

    1. Really Truth am lying in hospital so this about as much life as I can currently have in an isolation ward. Waiting until Tues for some B&B fun! Cheers though!

    2. We love and appreciate you Bbfan. keep talking truths. because the writers of Bold suffer from selective memory lose all the time. Steffy's mistakes are constantly rubbed in our faces while they forget everything Hope and Brooke have done. Hope told Steffy she didn't want her Taylor at the Forrester christmas party. while Hope was pregnant Steffy told Hope she is planning on adopting yet Brooke tells everyone who will listen that Steffy was insensitive to her daughters plight. woman your daughter started this when she assumed that her pregnancy gave her the right to run Steffy's life. No one remembers how Hope danced on a dead babies grave by telling Liam that it was fate and destiny and that it proved they were meant for each other.

    3. Sorry to hear you’re in the hospital Bbfan...but who knew? Explains a lot why you’re so invested, having said that “knock yourself out” maybe it’s your therapy...although negativity in my opinion is not healthy...try a little more forgiveness and compassion and mix it may find a balance...Hope you get betterπŸ™πŸΌ

  19. Hope just said the exact right words to describe Liam
    like I always said, he is Ridge's clone. Same jerk

  20. I don't trust Finn, the stranger! Just saying!!!

    1. I also don't. Mr. Perfect surely has some dark secret.

    2. I agree, he probably cheats with all the nurses in secret

  21. It’s gonna be so sad wen flo dies she’s gonna be killed off the show and hope and Thomas do get married I’m glad then Liam is all alone serves him right

  22. Some of these comments are just unbelievable, remember these are characters in a show!

  23. Liam just changed the whole topic to thomas he really having out for this guy
    Liam must hope forgive you again like he keep forgetting it not the first time thomas deserves it not you go to hell hope dump his ass wat are u waiting on he still is ownin up to his mistake i haven't seen him suffer as yet

  24. Liam will get a taste of his own medicine when it is revealed his father is the father of Steffy's first baby. The doctor change those results because Steffy was having anxiety attacks. It will all come to a circle one day.
