Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-9-22 Full episode B&B 9th February 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-9-22 Full episode B&B 9th February 2022


  1. dragged it out again as usual, so freaking annoying

    1. Finally. Brooke’s goose is cooked.

    2. No kidding. If "Taylor" cringed any harder, her face would crack off her skull. For the love of all that is holy - spit. it. out. Uuuggggghhhh!

    3. Lol unknown right her mannerisms are awful. She looks like she is in pain constantly. Sick of whiney Hope too . This is going so slow gonna quit watching.

    4. Agreed...such an annoying episode 🙄

    5. It's not ignored or dragged out. It's a message behind it and there is so much of this kind of behavior surround in this 🌍 of the USA.

  2. Can the writers please get Sheila a friend so she quits talking to herself all the time?! And if new Taylor doesn’t put on about 10 pounds, get a new hairstyle and wardrobe, Ridge isn’t gonna want anything to do with her anyway. And moreover, what self-respecting woman would want a man that doesn’t want her, but only turns to her for comfort because his true love has wronged him?? I don’t expect Taylor and Ridge to become a ‘thing’ anytime soon. The writers were careful to show on multiple fronts that Brooke was planning on coming clean before Steffy came to the house to threaten her. Brooke will at some point get credit for that attempted honesty. But it will probably take some time. Seriously producers, do something to make the new Taylor look better! The previous Taylor was gorgeous!

    1. The previous Taylor was beautiful before she placed her face in a vacuum....totally ruined her face

    2. Ya, I knew the original Taylor did some plastic surgery that made her look a bit odd. Too bad. 😞

    3. Accurate analysis.
      Taylor come off as girlish sweet not sexy desirable woman.
      Not getting the chemistry with those two. Just a nice friendship. If Taylor is to be around for the duration, she doesn't need to have her career diminished by being a gossipy, making moves on a married man, being someone seconds, interfering in a marriage without all the backstory.
      Not the kind of therapist you would trust.

    4. Get this Brooke & Ridge drama over with soon and Brooke and Deacon together please.

    5. so right lynn. indeed! what self-respecting woman would want her.

      i also don't like her hair cut. but seriously. if this were real life ( ;-) ). she's hot enough (hair cut and styling aside). she's a doctor. there's lots of hot doctors out there that would love a woman that gets them and can talk/play doctor. she's loaded.

      if i were here i'd go to get on a yacht to some rich folks playground in somewhere warm & sunny and stop chasing ridge around like some love sick puppy.

      i don't understand why it seems like always the dumb folks that have money. if it were mine i would know what to do with it. chasing some dumb guy would not be on my list. too many others out there to choose from!

  3. Oh boy, it sure looks like the cat is crawling out of the bag!!!!

  4. OMG...I died a slow death watching this is ridiculous that the story has yet to progress

  5. Ugh just show him the damn video!!! Let him see what Brooke has been up to and lying about! Ridge her constant crying etc makes NO sense of all she did was break her sobriety.

    Can’t wait to see Brooke’s face when Steffy shows the security video footage!!!

  6. Agghh...Why does it have to take Taylor so long to just say Brooke was with Deacon on NYE and Douglas saw Grandma kissing him. And Deacon didn't leave till the next morning. But finally it's gonna come down to the final reveal. But that will drag on too.
    Thank you there was no yucky Paris today. Hope she's packing and leaving the show.

  7. Steffy and her gotcha moment.
    Nothing was more cringe than you and your 2 puppy dogs sitting in the gynocologist office waiting for paternity results especially after Liam found the first paternity test between him and Bill. Yuck 🤢

    1. 😂🤣😂

      Baby #1: Who is my baby's daddy? My husband or my father-in-law?

      Baby #2: Who is my baby's daddy?
      My ex-husband or my fiance?


    2. Sounds like Brooke,

      Baby Bridget: Who’s my baby’s daddy? My husband or his son?

      Baby RJ: Who’s my baby’s daddy? My husband or his brother?


      nonbaby one: Who’s my possible baby’s daddy? My husband or his brother(my ex husband)?

      Baby Beth: Who’s my baby’s daddy oh my exhusband who’s wife is pregnant with their daughter.

      Soooo your point is?

    3. Paris will be the next one trying to figure out who is her baby's daddy! 😂

    4. exactly. rule #1 of the hypocrite. don't spend any time reflecting on your own life, just run around like a saint judging everyone else.

    5. lol yeah the baby daddy things are funny, because almost all these characters did not know who the fathers of the children were.

  8. Who was worse?
    The one who slept with daughters husband or one who slept with BF father?
    Both got pregnant.

    1. They're both equally bad in my opinion lol. They're all such hypocritical bitches! Steffi, Brooke, Taylor, Hope, Ridge. They have all done equally shady things. I wouldn't trust anyone on this show

    2. Cette saleté de Steffy est 1 vrai hypocrite!!! Elle devrait se regarder dans le mirroir! Qu a t elle fait récemment avec 1 homme marié, Liam, hein!???? Etvavant son beau père 🤔🤔 qui est elle pour oser ramener sa face et s adresser ainsi à Brooke. Aussi catin l une que l autre! Mais elle doit se prendre pour 1 ange tt comme sa mère ! Dégoûtantes ces vipères!

    3. Steffy & Brooke are equally bad & nasty. They should do a VD story for them.

    4. I agree Hilary. All these characters are f'd up. ALL OF THEM!!!

  9. Bith stephy and taylor arr dragging this out. Just say it and let the chips fall. And I'm too glad there was no paris today.

  10. I don't think the Taylor recast is working.
    Brooke could have helped by going back to work and trying to smile.
    And where oh where are Katie and Donna?
    They'd be over there the minute they knew she wasn't at Forrester. Come on man. Katie works there.
    Actually they would have been there on NYE.

  11. Hunter Tylo overdid the surgery. Sad. She had the classic good looks like Jaclyn Smith.
    But she gets sympathy for working in a town that's says 30 is old. A lot of pressure. Coupled with a cheating husband and death of her son, she hasn't had a blessed life.

    1. i always thought Hunter looked like Loretta Young...then she had work done!

    2. I already said that on last Friday’s blog after another poster said that Taylor has never had Brooke’s beauty. I disagreed. Again, Hunter Tylo had the glamorous graceful beauty of Loretta Young.

  12. Steffy should of stay out of it.i hope karma bites her back .I would love to see steffy come down 10-1 .I still skipped over steffy and Thomas and Taylorand ridge give the fans something different Brooke with bill for second chance she gave ridge more chances .

    1. You mean like the karma Brooke is experiencing now?

    2. Steffy is no different to Hope showing up at her house to tell Taylor and Steffy to "stay away" from Ridge because her mom is going through something. if Steffy should stay out of it, so should Hope.

    3. 👏👏👏👏👏

  13. It's getting boring they are dragging it to much.iam also glad there no Paris either

  14. Taylor didn't speak as a professional nor a friend.
    Dragging it out but not kindly. Judging Brooke. Bringing up Bill. Telling Ridge how he should feel, that his commitment is misplaced and telling what he should do.

    1. She has a right to her opinion. If it where Brooke, she would've done the same thing. They both don't think highly of each other.

  15. Steffy is just like her mother. Her mother is bitchy.
    Sheila has been underutilized.
    She should have had the chance to ring Brooke doorbell first.

  16. Sheila is oddly compelling when interacting with Deacon. If she smiled more of those real smiles instead of speaking through gritted teeth, she'd be way more attractive.

  17. Steffi is out of line and trespassing. If I was in Brooke's shoes I would slap her out of my house the way she snatches the phone out of Brooke's hands. Nobody can stop me from calling my husband! Not even is daughter! Steffi should have let her father confront Brooke. Stupid kow. Taylor is talking about Brooke that she turned to Bill Spencer, but her daughter did the same. Brooke didn't got pregnant with Bill, Steffi had the possibility that Bill was her daughters father. And then she had doubts again with little haze. But thus time with Liam and fynn. Steffi is the last one to judge Brooke

    1. Sorry for my autocorrect 😅

    2. Agreed. There are way too many Steffy fans in my opinion. Don’t like the busy body, pushy woman she has become. I used to like Steffy, now she just totally rubs me the wrong way. All the “family” talk is completely ridiculous especially since she seemingly never sees her own kids or husband for that matter. She’s way too busy inserting herself into her dad’s marriage. Grow up Steffy! You are acting like a petulant child!!

    3. Takes one to know one right? lol... I agree, Steffy has no business taking Brookes phone away like that. She was invading her space and acting like a parent raising her child to get the child to listen. Steffy always annoyed me with her self righteousness. She ain't better than Brooke, she done her share of mistakes too, she should be the last one to speak.

    4. Lynn and Malin, you understand me 😘😘

  18. Really they don't even know the whole story they just assume that they hooked.up and they didn't and also Taylor saying she betrayed their vows, come on u don't even know what happened all u know is that deacon was there over night. For all u know he slept on the couch and saying what she is about brooke only makes ridge question her intentions. They should've gone to brooke first and not with the put downs and crap that Steffi is doing. Soo annoying

  19. Steffy hipocrital spoiler brat let me remind you, you're the one who slept with your father in-law and later slept with Liam while being involved with Finn so shut your ugly mouth up.
    At the end of the day Brooke always wins so you and your scheme Brother and mother are all going down - exactly where you belong.

  20. Here we go with Steffy again. Your father despised Bill but that didn’t stop you from spreading like a rainbow.
    And Taylor pointing out that Ridge despises Bill, seems she forgot her daughter didn’t mind a bang from Dollar Bill either. In fact she was at one time so obsessed with him, practically begging him to sleep with her (what was it that Taylor said about a woman wanting to be desired by every man? LMAO, seems she forgot she gave birth to a psycho like that aswell).
    Seems we forgot Steffy used her "desirability" to get Forrester back from Bill, guess Steffy is just like Brooke at her core huh Taylor (world renowned psychiatrist) can’t see how messed up your own children are.

    Bill at first rejected Steffy and honored his commitment to Katie, but here Steffy is talking about commitments, when she wanted Bill to break his, then she turned her eyes to Liam, going after a man who was with a Logan woman. Same as her mother, Brooke was with Ridge before Taylor was in the picture.
    I wonder if Carter is gonna have a turn with Steffy, LOL, maybe when they write in another pregnancy for her, we know Steffy loves paternity tests like a kid loves candy … 🤣

    1. Gutterflower, really good point! Ridge was with Brooke long before he met Taylor. Why Steffy keeps talking about the Logan’s “stealing their men” is beyond me. Steffy is annoying and hypocritical as hell!

    2. Oh like when Brooke stole Bill from his wife and her sister Katie? She slept with Bill and stole him and married him!

      Liam was Hope’s teenager crush boyfriend, that she wasn’t ready to have a grown woman relationship with. Hope was in princess mode, he was her Prince who marry her when she turned 18 and they would live happily ever after! 🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣😂😂. Enter Steffy, a woman, not a little girl. Who was ready to enter into a mature relationship with Liam and get married. Hope doesn’t own Liam! Liam genuinely fell in love Steffy and she with him! He CHOSE Steffy, he married her three times! He fought Wyatt to get her back! He WASN’T pining for spoiled sheltered princess Hope!

      Brooke played all manner of shady tricks to try to steal Ridge from Caroline and Taylor but you say oh that is ancient history. Well same with Steffy and the gondola that is almost 20!yrs ago!!!

      How about Hope throwing herself at a married man with a pregnant wife?? She got pregnant with Beth while Liam’s WIFE was pregnant with Kelly.

      You don’t call that Logan’s stealing men? I mean Brooke and Donna stole Eric from his wife, and Katie tried and failed. Brooke urged Donna to steal Eric from Quinn, after her success with doing it years ago. Donna had cheated on Eric while she was married to him, just like Brooke did! Eric turned Donna down and fired her! Brooke stole two of her daughter Bridget’s husbands from her and her sister Katie’s. She slept also with Hope’s teenage date and she was married to Ridge at the time.

      Logans only believe in marriage if it is Brooke or Hope, otherwise all other husbands, fiancé, bf, etc are fair game.

      Steffy is sick of Brooke’s hypocritical sanctimonious bullocks and her gloating over stealing another woman’s husband, or her daughter doing the same.

    3. Bbfan101. Totally correct...
      The comments and the Steffy bashing about the 2 mistakes she made that is nothing to compare with Brooke's many so called mistakes that had always been forgiven!
      Ridge's first true love and wife was Caroline Spencer the 1st.She died and never knew her twin Karen and her bastard brother $Bill...
      Taylor was Ridge's 2nd wife and 2nd true love...
      Brooke got Ridge by default... William Bell's version!
      Bradley Bell changed his father's work :(

      to prop up a Logan. Kill off Phoebe to prop up Hope. Changed Ridge paternity from Eric for Marone to have Rick to be involved with Ridge's daughters (still was their LEGAL uncle - means incest). In today episode Steffy mentioned Bridget to Brooke. Unlike Rick who had played Phoebe, Taylor and Steffy and if he was bisexual he would have done Thomas as well to get back at Ridge. Bridget had always been close to Taylor as well..

    4. Brava, Bbfan and Chelsea!

      And just to add... (and this is one of my favorite episodes of all time) let's not forget when Brooke arranged a private quickie wedding so that Liam and Hope could hurriedly get married without Steffy knowing. Steffy managed to reach to Liam before any vows were said and told him that she was pregnant after which Liam IMMEDIATELY walked away from Hope and the wedding. He did not even want to marry Hope and was practically being forced to go through with the wedding.

      Hope then tried to convince Liam that she was more important than Steffy and his unborn child and begged him to marry her but he had to let her down gently and told her that he loved Steffy. So not only did Brooke and Hope try to steal Liam away from Steffy but also from his unborn child. Liam has ALWAYS chosen Steffy over Hope. Over and over again.

    5. Oh my, seems I definitely struck a nerve. Notice I never once said that Brooke was better than anyone, my points were, always have been and always will be that Steffy is a green with jealousy HYPOCRITE. Her mother aswell.
      Everyone else must pay for their crimes or their mistakes to the fullest extent, but not the Forresters/Marones. That will always be my point. Brookes mistakes doesn’t make Steffys null and void, Steffy has NO MORAL STANDING over ANYONE….period.

    6. What are you talking about, Gutterflower? Please. Taylor, Steffy and Thomas have ALWAYS "paid for their crimes." How much shite has happened to them over the years while the Logans always got away scot free even though they have done the most dirt? Yes, Brooke may have lost Ridge many times over the years, but that's due to her own dirty deeds and every single time, Ridge took her back. It's about time that the Logan's start experiencing some karma of their own. They are the ones who stand in judgement of others as if their shite don't stink.

      That's why I was so happy to see Donna get kicked out of FC. It just might be the beginning of all the Logans getting their just due.

  21. Well yes this story line dragging

  22. Why do I bother watching this crap idk.

  23. The ex Taylor would have went to Brooke, and Advised her to tell Ridge, and Apologize to Douglas!!

  24. Also, Writers, Producer's the New Taylor need a NEW LOOK!!! If I was Ridge, I would not be with her. Brooke is MORE ATTRÀCTIVE!!!!! JUST SAYING!!!!

  25. Hunter Tylor, please come back!! Also, I LOVE Deacon is not allowing Sheila into her MADINESs!! I love seeing Sheila, it is about time Brooke feel some of the pain she she did to Stephanie(Ridge Mother), her TWO Daughters, and her Sister, KAtIE!!! Just Saying!!!!

  26. Brooke, watching your daughter, Bridgette cry to you over and over about her problems with Deacon and you were having SEX with him. Brooke, you continued to have SEX with him why pregnant with his child and he was still Married to your Daughter, Bridgett.

  27. Brooke, HOPE is the child from the AFFAIR you had with Deacon while he was MARRIED to your Daughter, Bridgett. ALSO, Brooke had SEX with HOPE BOYFRIEND at her Graduation Party. Hope was a VIRGIN!! Brooke had Sex with Hope Boyfriend before she did!!

  28. Brooke, CONTINUED to LISTEN to Katie, her SISTER, cried to her over and over about her problems with her husband, BILL. Brooke was Having SEX with him!!!! JUST SAYING!!!

  29. It is about time Brooke feel some of the pain she caused her family!!! Just Saying!!!

  30. is it just me? i know it's a soap. but. seriously. if my family went around butting into my life the way these people butt in to each others... i wouldn't ever tell them anything. also. steffi is a co-CEO of a major fashion house, mother of 2, a hot hubby to play with, and she has nothing better to do? puh-leez! that's two full-time jobs right there. i know she has help but still... so sad.

    just for once i'd love to see some bad @zz independent woman i could respect on one of these shows. the women are so not anybody i want to be like or even hang out with.
