Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-13-24 Full episode B&B 13th February 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-13-24 Full episode B&B 13th February 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Zende you disgusting douchebag! Luna tell RJ now!!!! I know he'll understand

  2. I cant believe zende was actually crying ... This is a very sad situation ... Maybe Li is right about this one . What a mess ... It would brake my heart if something like this happened to my daughter. Luna was lucky she was still on the Forrester property . This is still Los Angeles. It could've ended way worse with the poor girl

  3. OMG!!!Zende is such a scumbag 🀬... it's useless that you sit and cry you piece of πŸ’©, you knew what you were doing , you knew you could've stopped, you knew you should've called RJ to come and get Luna, but you didn't 😑😑, you went ahead and slept with her... and Poppy 🀦🏼‍♀️, you pill popping hippy freak,...don't know what to think of you and your "mints"😀... Thank you Bob ❤️😘

    1. The worst part is he isn’t crying out of guilt for sleeping with his cousin’s girlfriend. He’s upset Luna thought she was with RJ and didn’t realise she was sleeping with him instead! He’s angry she didn’t want him…despite her already having told him how many times she didn’t want to be with him!

      What a disgrace!

  4. Maybe that's where she got the name "Poppy", huh?

    1. 🀣🀣🀣 good one MargO!!

  5. Luna is missing an earring-- I guess we all know how that will play out.

  6. Zende seemed genuinely sad and sorry about what happened. I definitely was not expecting tears. I thought he would be smiling and laughing that he now has something that will hurt RJ. And I don't think he was being a scumbag. A lot of guys will betray a cousin, best friend, brother, even a son to get some sex. I'm not excusing it. I just know how guys can be. I think Zende just thought he got lucky, and Luna accepted his offer.
    And RJ needs some lessons on being a good boyfriend. After Luna took so long to answer, then she clearly sounded upset. RJ should have gone straight to her place with chicken soup, ice cream, and a teddy bear.

    1. I’m wondering if they’ll do a really stupid plot twist all well and show us Monday as the cliff hang over from Friday - Zende was looking remorseful because he didn’t sleep with Luna. He just finished finding out he could have since she already thinks he did and there is no talking to her to explain.
      Missed the boat bud lol.
      Just my thoughts of the idiotic writers these days

    2. RJ should have taken her home actually. She clearly wasn’t herself all evening. He could have returned to the party after. Or at the very least waited with her until the Uber came.

  7. Zende did seem genuinely sad about what happened and I was not expecting tears. Are they tears of rejection or tears of shame. Even though he thought it was consensual, he still must have known Luna was not herself, and she was in a relationship with RJ. RJ being a better boyfriend? They are young. He knows something is up but Brooke kept telling him, she is with her mother and sure she is fine. What is funny, if this was the adults ex. Brooke, Ridge, Hope, Thomas, Liam & Steffy it's expected in a soap. But as the new gens, enter the story as a mother it pisses me off what Zende did. I wouldn't want my daughter to go through something like this.

    1. Anyway, the only person to blame for all this mess is Poppy. For once Li's anger is making more sense

    2. D I agree, Poppy was careless and she knows Luna has mints, and did she never think that what if one day Luna ran out of them and went to Poppys hand bag to get some of hers?? To have them in mint form, just stupid.. But I guess it had to b for this story line to happe.. Yes, I agree with Li on this occasion.. Yes Poppy is an adult, but , what Li said, has just happened.. Let’s see how Poppy handles this.. Will she be too scared to admit the truth to Luna because it will prove Li right? Or will she clear this up for her daughter?? This will be the real test…

    3. I hope she will do the right thing for her daughters sake, and deal with Li later. This will be a true test for Poppy.

  8. Zende the world will ALWAYS find you at fault. However if the tables were turned, RJ would get better support from a pair of pantyhose two sizes small. You did nothing wrong. Although no fault of Luna's, she was in your bed giving all indicators of wanting to be with you.
    Society is so f'd up at times.πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    1. I intend to agree with you in this. I don't feel that Zende is to blame for anything. He is just as devistated as Luna now that the truth has set in.
      RJ could see that Luna was not herself before she left the party. What sort of bf is he to just let her go on her own in that condition? But of course Zende will cop the πŸ’© for all of it.

    2. Zende did do something wrong. He slept with RJ’s girlfriend!!! He was the same with Zoe, he likes taking women from other men and doesn’t care who gets hurt. He should have gone back to the big house and let her sleep it off. He knew he shouldn’t be with her. He didn’t feel remorse only upset she thought he was RJ when he slept with him. Where is his triumph in stealing RJ’s girl if she didn’t know she was cheating with him?? He’s a tosser!

  9. Well, if Luna is not on birth control pills, it is not too late to take that morning after pill. No thanks to her mom, who won’t tell her about that nifty advice and probably will not tell her about the drugs in the breath mint tablets either.

    1. Zende told her they used birth control, but if that was the only birth control it’s not fully reliable.. But I would assume if she was prepared to take that first step with RJ she would have been on protection, especially at her age, and considering she doesn’t know who her own father is , I don’t think she would take that chance..

  10. Who asks a girl to go to a party and doesn’t pick her up and lets her meet up with him there, and when she appears out of it, doesn’t take her home and lets her go alone. Not very good boyfriend material by being so clueless.
