Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th April 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-9-24 Full episode B&B 9th April 2024

Now the new blog "Days of our Lives" is available. Here is the link - Days of our Lives

Now the new blog "The Young and the Restless" is available. Here is the link - The Young and the Restless


  1. Sheila will be back soon. I was waiting to see her watching her memorial service etc lol. I’m sure we will see a flash back and she’s peaking through the hedge or something πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚.

    So over the Zende Luna storyline. It’s obvious he only wants her to keep quiet so when he throws it in RJs face it will cause maximum pain and damage.

    Emmm Hope Zende was a photographer and an orphan that was adopted by Ridge’s sister Kristen and her husband Tony. He didn’t grow up designing or at FC. Zende wasn’t interested in design at all until he was an adult and he was as taught. The Forresters made him go to design school wrote he was allowed or intern as a designer. I think that has a lot to do with his anger over RJ having no experience and being out in couture instead of him. I’m not in any way excusing his vendetta or deliberately targeting Luna to hurt RJ. It’s unconscionable.

    The stupid writers are reinventing history again!

    1. Agreed Bfan!! I too understand his feelings , but his behaviour is childish.. and I agree, about his plan to hit RJ with what happened.. He already went to RJ’s house just to talk about Luna and had RJ totally confused at what he was talking about!!

    2. I think she is going to have a black baby toobi hope so they are Soo.. beautiful!!

  2. Perhaps Hope is commenting on the fact that he grew up with his mom Kristen and his dad (can’t immediately recall his name) are both designers; and that he what she is referring to. His entire family is involved with design. He lived design that way.
    Yes RJ grew up with his dad being Ridge and many family members. Brooke dabbled a little in it (the bedroom line); the rest was management activity and belief formula. She did work in the lab (not sure if she was the chief scientist there).

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚BBfan I thought after Finn left to meet Deacon, Steffy looked nervous in the house and started having flashbacks I was waiting to see Sheila peeping in the window. It's coming.😁 Deacon is going to have a hard time convincing people what he saw. Love his acting lately.
      I wish Luna would just come clean and take the consequences. It'll be boring to watch months of those 3.

    2. D months of those three is bad enough but months of her memories is maddening. Every time I see the picture turn black and white I fast forward and it saves me like 25% watch time πŸ˜…

    3. lol D I thought she’d be peaking in the Cliff house windows with her signature smirk! Buwhahahah πŸ˜‚

    4. 🀣🀣🀣 maybe peeking with her "peaky" blinder on! I was hoping to see more of Deacon questioning Carl or whoever he is, about what is really happening with the 10 toe scenario.

  3. Hope looked like she was wearing a lab coat. And didn’t like Steffy’s outfit either. Boring episode from start to finish.

    1. I liked how Hope conducted herself again giving minimal emotion or recognition about Thomas' departure. It seems like now every time she mentions him, it's with some other main topic attached. It's still funny to remember how she loved him for all of 2 episodes πŸ˜… said it to everyone and then it was "okay my job is done".

    2. Milla, Hope seems composed and ready to get going on her line without Thomas. She hasn’t grieved much at all. Her day of tears when he left with Douglas is over. It’s business as usual these days.
      I’m hoping Douglas chooses to come back to LA, but Thomas stays in Paris for quite a bit longer. I think if Hope had Douglas at home with her, her life would be full again.

    3. Lynn I somehow wish Thomas to come back sooner πŸ˜… the actor is one of my favorites. I am not as optimistic as you about the time of death of Thope, history usually proves that when there was passion and it ended untimely, it usually resurrects. But I'm so glad that at least for now it's over between them and that Hope is obviously not affected (let alone considering flying to Paris to get married πŸ˜…). Also excited to see if it goes anywhere wih Finn or if it was one of their favorite started and abandoned storylines.

    4. Milla, you may correct about the death of Thope, I am just happy to see them apart for now. 😁😁😁
      I am pretty optimistic about the no marriage between them. Keeping fingers crossed she realizes the error of her ways while he is away.
      I wouldn’t mind Thomas coming back - but I hope he returns with something other than Hope on his mind. 😊

    5. I expect exactly that Lynn πŸ€—

  4. Thank you Bob πŸ’•πŸ˜˜

  5. i hope to god they don't put finn and hope together. the chemistry is with steffi. and doesn't sheila have other kids? why didn't deacon contact them?

  6. Please Don't let hope take another 1 of Steffee's husbands. How ever, let us not forget the very passed around three hope fell from.... Son 2 father, back 2 son, daughters husband, back to son with a mix of Bill or twice way way 2bmuck

    1. Oh that’s steffy not hope
      And she is waiting for will to be above 18 so she will not go to prison πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Mmysh I think she is referring to Brooke!!

    3. Well let’s see……Steffy has been married 5 times, 3 time to Liam, 1 to Wyatt and 1 to Finn. Given Steffy’s age — mid 30’s I’m guessing, she could pass Brooke’s number by the time she is Brooke’s age. Or at least come very close to it. Hope isn’t much better. She was married 5 times as well according to what I read, but supposedly 1 wasn’t legal and some were annulled.

    4. But yes, Hope….feel free to take Steffy’s husband. Steffy is a witch who deserves it!!

    5. Besides it isn’t a matter of “taking”. We aren’t talking about a loaf of bread. These men that Brooke “took” had minds of their own. And if they didn’t want to be “taken”, they certainly wouldn’t have been. Near as I can tell (without having watched those years episodes)….Brooke had some very willing participants come her way. To think otherwise is simply turning a blind eye to the truth.

    6. Lynn, 🀣🀣🀣 loaf of bread!! 🀣🀣🀣 that was funny! But you are correct!! No one can “take” another woman’s man, it takes two to tango!!

    7. I agree, Collly….two to tango. 😁😁

    8. So how come she meant brook
      Did brook slept with liam and Wyatt??
      I don’t think so

    9. Lynn this reminds me of one of the most beloved theories how Brooke and Hope somehow forced Liam to stay with Hope when she got pregnant lol πŸ˜… nobody can make someone be with someone.

    10. Exactly! If the men are ready and willing…then they were never really committed to their wives in the first place. Again, I don’t condone trying to get another woman’s man, it’s just the lopsided views that it’s always the woman’s fault that bothers me. Men get far too many free passes in life. Because that’s just who they are?? Bull!! Hold them accountable!

  7. It’s sad to me that the women on this blog continue to bash women rather than holding the married men accountable. Should a woman try to seduce a married man or try to get a man to be with her and leave his wife?? Hell no!!!! But why aren’t women on this blog equally or more pissed off at the cheating men???!!! This is too much like real world. It’s always the woman who is called the ‘whore’! It’s never the man’s fault who actually took vows and has the responsibility to be faithful!! What a crock of crap!!! If my husband were to cheat on me - I would blame HIM, not the seductress!! It’s my husband’s responsibility to be faithful to me!!
    We are supposed to raise women up, not buy into society’s crap that it’s always the woman’s fault!!!

    1. Wow Lynn....I think a lot of us "women" on this blog have held the men accountable. Ridge is a womanizer, Bill gets any women he wants, Liam is a pig, Zende is a snake I can go on and on. This soap is nothing like the real world, it's entertainment to escape the real world. That's why it can't be taken so seriously. And this is after you just finished commenting "Hope...feel free to take Steffy's husband. Steffy is a witch and deserves it." ??? Nobody is saying "it's always the woman's fault."

    2. D, agreed.. and Lynn, you did say that love 🀣🀣🀣 bit hypocritical there love!! And plenty of us have absolutely bashed the men!! I hate Ridgd and Liam the wafflers and Zende is as D said a snake!! Bill, no better!! The only decent man on this show so far is Finn and RJ, but we will see how long that lasts!!

    3. D - I think you have missed many of the past 2 days comments to be saying what you are saying now. It’s back to bashing Brooke simply because Hope uttered the words “Finn, don’t take this the wrong way….but my mom has had more marriages than I have fingers.” Boy, did that comment ever open up a can of worms!! Not that Brooke has even done anything like that in over a decade, but it gave the bloggers an opportunity to rehash a bunch of Brooke hate. And unwarranted, because she has done nothing.
      And I am confused by the fact that it’s fine when people give real life examples when referring to Thomas and his struggles. And how with the proper therapy and work, they can turn their lives around. But when I apply real life principles to the slut / whore comments Brooke has been receiving for the past 2 days, then I’m supposed to realize it’s just a soap / entertainment?? Quite a double standard if you ask me.
      As far as Steffy is concerned, I honestly don’t care how Hope gets her back. But Steffy deserves a huge dose of KARMA. And if Hope wants to bed Finn to repay Steffy’s controlling nastiness, then so be it. As I said above….its always the man’s choice to be a willing participant or not. If Finn truly loves Steffy, then he will have nothing to do with Hope in a sexual way.

    4. And don't forget the biggest (male) whore of them all - Eric! None of them escape unscathed.

    5. Colly, all I’ve seen the past 2 days is going down memory lane to bash Brooke. I ignored the first few comments. But it’s getting old. Tell me…..has she done something recently to deserve this negativity, and I just missed it???
      I really have given Thomas credit for his changes on multiple occasions. I feel that I am pretty good about sticking with current events of the show. Not always, but most of the time. I have made it very clear that Thomas and Hope repulse me. That won’t change. But I haven’t called him a psycho, killer, etc in a long time. And the reason I don’t, is because it’s not relevant to the current episodes. I mean I could, but why would I ??

    6. Maybe then instead of bashing Brooke because of an off-handed comment Hope made about why she doesn’t want to get married, we switch our attention to the many male whores Brooke has slept with??!! Cheating dogs - all of them!!

    7. Lynn, I must have missed all the Brooke bashing. I though most of the discussion was about Deacon, Sheila the corny guy at the morgue and the Luna, Zende, RJ going to be dragged out for months. It's midnight here, in the morning I will go back and re-read the last 2 days, which I thought I had been doing for the past couple of days. I must have missed a lot. I usually don't go back and re-read what was posted on previous blogs after I'm done for the night. Sorry, it was just your comment this is too much like the real world. I had to disagree.

    8. D - you are welcome to disagree. A lot of us disagree on a lot of things regarding characters and circumstances surrounding those characters. I would say a large majority of the Brooke nastiness was on yesterday’s episode. But there are comments on today’s as well. It is what it is. The reason I got tweaked is because Brooke has been a saint, so the bashing was just for bashing’s sake and nothing more.

    9. And sorry, I have noticed there is still a lot of how evil Thomas is (maybe not from you) and he's not even in the show right now, but that keeps being hashed up.

    10. I don't understand why people get upset when Brooke's past is brought up. Other characters are bashed all the time (mainly Steffy and Thomas, and more recently Hope) but you don't see people going off about them getting bashed. I really don't understand what it is about Brooke that incenses people so.

    11. So..Thomas bashing is ok for the sake of it?? G'night ladies. I'm going to quit while I'm ahead.

    12. D, Thomas is bashed every single day even when he's not on the show. I guess Lynn doesn't realize that because people don't get upset about it or even respond to it.

    13. ElleπŸ‘πŸ‘my point exactly.

    14. I’m speaking for myself. No, I don’t bash Thomas for the sake of bashing Thomas. Only when it’s relevant to something going on - that he is doing. I’m simply happy he’s gone. I even pointed out that Hope had some accountability in this breakup. Mostly I’ve been bashing Steffy - because day after day she was acting horribly. It’s all timely. If someone would have simply mentioned the comment that Hope made to Finn and laughed about the comment, that would have been one thing….because at least it was relevant to the show. But certain people took that opportunity to say things like….remember when Brooke…blah blah blah. And then that prompted more Brooke hate and so on.
      Do what you will - I don’t control your comments, but I will definitely call it out when I notice it.

    15. I even bash thomas in the days i didn’t even have a single comment
      I don’t know how to describe this πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ₯±πŸ₯±πŸ₯±

    16. And there have been plenty of bloggers who have pointed out the Thomas hate. However, they used words like ‘bigot’ and ‘racist’ when they described us. Those words don’t even make sense given the nature of what they are describing. But even if they did make sense….name calling is not OK! I’m simply pointing out that I think the Brooke bashing in the current episodes is not warranted. Brooke’s restraint with Steffy and her open-mindedness about Hope and Thomas should be commended. All the Forrester fans should be giving her a round of applause!

    17. @Lynn, you need to be in a looney bin, YOU BASH WOMAN ON THIS BLOG ALL DAY LONG, what are you on about.....and please don't go saying 'i was talking about having affairs because bashing woman is bashing woman, irrelevant of the reason! You are such a Narcissist, you bash Steffy DAILY and YOU bash ALL of the woman on a God damn soapie about the clothing that they wear....you need a GOOD old fashioned "ROGGERING" ask your husband to sort you out!

    18. Little u -- a rock with your name on it is calling you. Crawl back under - it’s where you belong.

    19. πŸͺ¨ 🧌 πŸͺ¨ 🧌

    20. But that's the thing Lynn. We did commend Brooke for her openness about Thope. I even said that it seems that Brooke is coming around as she is being supportive of Hope's relationship with Thomas. We can commend Brooke when she deserves it. I know I do. But I can also bash her when it is warranted as well. What happened on Monday's blog, I don't see as bashing. Hope said something on the show and Brooke's past was brought up. It was relevant to what Hope said however, we weren't saying that is who Brooke is now.

      That's why I am always confused as to why people are so bothered when Brooke's past is brought up. This is the work of the writers and who they made the character to be. Just like they made Thomas the character that he is. They are now writing him to be a changed character however, his past will always be what they wrote it to be and it doesn't bother me in the least. I defend him when I can. If I can't, I will just remain silent.

    21. Elle, to me it seemed like you took the opportunity to bash Brooke on Monday’s episode. And that’s seemed wrong to me, because she has been so above board lately. But my bigger issue is kind of what you pointed out - Brooke will always be known as the SFTV no matter who she is today. What about all the male whores on this show?? I think a little more focus on them would be a pleasant change. Liam is a prime example. So is Ridge and so is Eric….as you pointed out yesterday.
      I commend Thomas when he is good too. You even said I was crushing on him a few weeks back. That was a bit over the top. lol. But I did feel for him. Yes, I have seen some genuine change in Thomas. And I won’t bash him when he isn’t bash worthy.

    22. I like that this blog has been a happier place. I will do my part to make sure it stays that way.

    23. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Brooke will always be known as the sftv (only Steffy does that with her stoopid Forrester vs Logan schtick). What I will say is that Brooke's past will always be remembered. Where her previous looseness is concerned, I think most people on here can agree that she is no longer that person. She does still display a lot of her past behaviours though, such as her selfishness, her need to have control and her premise that sex is a cure all for everything!

    24. Lynn, sorry but you do “take the opportunity” to bash Steffy, Thomas and others u don’t like ALL the time.. it’s the nature of the blog.. we ALL do it, the difference is you get extremely upset when we do it, but continue to do it yourself.. You also seem to take it very personally.. it’s the nature of the blog.. everyone does it!!

    25. Colly, sorry but I don’t. I talk about CURRENT events. If on the show that day or a couple of days ago, Thomas or Steffy are acting badly, then you bet I will point it out. And I will bash away because it’s timely. It’s a relevant discussion to that day’s show. I don’t go back and dredge up things from decades ago just to bash for the sake of bashing. I do not do that. It has nothing to do with “taking it personally”, I simply don’t like it when super old events are discussed where the primary intent is simply to belittle that character. It’s just not cool.

    26. Anyway, no need to discuss this any further. We are going in circles. My bigger point was to say that there is a double standard when it comes to men and women’s fidelity. The double standard is there because we allow it to be.

    27. Well let’s agree it’s much better when we are all getting along love!! it’s been good lately!!

    28. Colly, I definitely agree! And yes, it has been good lately. πŸ₯°

  8. Well let's call a spade a spade. My harmless comment according to Lynn( about the best line of the day ,Hope said she didn't want to get married, because she watched her Mom do it more times than she has fingers) was funny..She finally addressed the reason for not wanting to marry.
    For the record I AM NOT team Logan or Forrester. They are actors playing roles. Blame the script writers for the characters flaws. This BASHING & BULLYING really needs to stop. Be friendly, everyone is entitled to their opinion . Stop the snarky comments.You are adults.

    1. Deb your best line of the day was funny. I don't know how it was seen as Brooke bashing. Others have given their best line of the day comments but I guess because Hope was referring to "Brooke" it opened that can of worms.
      Lynn, I still don't see on this blog, and skimmed over comments yesterday "all the Brooke bashing". I see more negative comments about Steffy, Thomas and Hope. Have a good day ladies.

    2. Debbieinnorway - it wasn’t your comment I was calling out. It’s what came after your comment that I was referring to.

    3. For goodness sake Lynn, it’s a blog, they are characters, it’s just a show..

    4. Lynn when we all agreed to be civil to each other and respect each others opinions, no matter what they may be, you yourself said you would no longer get so upset by anything said about Brooke as the show itself highlights those things, as long as no one referred to her as “sftv” which no one has said.. so why are you so upset.. My faves are bashed ALL the time, I don’t get this upset over it.. it’s the nature of the blog and people are going to do this.. don’t stress yourself out so much over this.. I agree, Brooke has been great lately, and she has been faithful since the deacon kiss..

    5. Colly, I addressed above in a different thread. But just as a point to bring up...I wouldn’t consider myself “upset” over this. Annoyed, sure. But I got up today and went to work like any other day and wasn’t preoccupied with our discussion. Lol. Everything will be just fine. 😊

    6. Sorry Lynn, because I am in Australia, my comments are actually after most others.. my b&b week here in Australia starts on our Tuesday, which is your Monday.. so I miss some and end up responding the next morning.. alls good love!!

    7. I really do like that we have all been able to get along 😘

    8. Me too! It doesn’t cause stress when we are respectful of each other. We will always disagree on some characters. And that’s perfectly OK! ❤️
