
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-21-19 Full episode B&B 21st May 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-21-19 Full episode B&B 21st May 2019


  1. This is past TOO MUCH. For God's sake give Hope and Liam their baby back. Thomas is crazy and Steffy needs and deserves a new man not a repeat of the disaster that she and Liam have always been . Instead of recasting Thomas they should have gotten a hot new man for Steffy.

    1. amen! and the new Thomas is awful! please make Hope seem smarter! she;s always been a little naïve and soft-hearted, but seriously?

  2. If I told a guy to stay away from my wife and he did not, he would be thrown threw a window, and the window would not be an open one. That is what liam should do.

  3. thank you Bob just enjoyed watching 21 may xx

  4. Bob you're the man! keep up uploading!

  5. Ugh get rid of Thomas. He's definitely a mental case and doesn't need to be raising that poor little boy.

  6. End the baby swap story. Let the truth come out before we have to see another Liam and Steffy reunion that will just end in him getting back with Hope yet again when the truth comes out. Let's get real. Steffy is a beautiful , successful woman, men should be beating her door down trying to get a date. It would be great to see her truly happy with someone besides Liam.

    1. I agree get a few new men on the show. Far too many women witouwi enough men to go around

    2. I just wish they would offload Quin and give Wyatt some time to be his own man. She does my head in minding his business ALL the time.

  7. The storyline with Thomas is getting really stupid. Seriously. Writing fake letters, drawing pictures and pretending Douglas drew them. He's turning into a terrible father using his own child in such a terrible way

  8. Hope is so good with Douglas they do belong together

  9. What is up with this SHawna woman. Shes had some serious lip work. Does she work or just live off of other people. Hate this story line with both her and her daughter. They need to go back to Vegas

  10. Thomas's story-line is kind of stupid. Need to get rid of Thomas and bring someone new. Hope needs to snap out of it. No one can be THAT gullible! I don't understand why she is being portrayed as this naive girl who can't think straight. And, I agree with the above comment - give Liam and Hope their baby back. It'd getting kind of old for Zoe to come and start dictating her rules. We all know what will happen next. Eventually someone will overhear the conversation and the whole hell will brake loose.

  11. It's getting out of hand!!! I can't relate nor connect with this show anymore! It's getting boring and predictable and the writers should rethink future storylines to engage fans!
