
Friday, May 31, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-31-19 Full episode B&B 31st May 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-31-19 Full episode B&B 31st May 2019


  1. He always says what his women want him to say lol

  2. come on the right thing for God's sake!!!!!

  3. I just watched the last 6 episodes ...been working a lot ... it's like , move along folks , nothing to see here . But on the bright side , of those SIX episodes NO BILL AND CRYING KATIE !!! And for God's sake give Hope her damn baby back !! How long will this go on ??? The baby is growing at a record speed .

    1. I agree. This baby crap has gone on way too long. Give Hope and Liam their baby back. Get Steffy a hot new man.

  4. Bad as I want Steffie and Liam to get back together the baby swap has been going on to long. Give boring Hope back her baby and then Liam will be boring to. Hate them as a couple. Let Liam brother go back to Sally. She makes one mistake and he ready to give up on his relationship I cannot believe you writers did that. Let Wyatt find out what she done to his brother and dump her and go back to Sally. Time for a new story line, not the same old stuff.

  5. thank you Bob looking forwards to todays xx

  6. Can you put this episode back up please!! Thank you!!

  7. Bob thank you for putting this together for those of us who don't have access to the show xx
