
Monday, May 6, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-6-19 Full episode B&B 6th May 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-6-19 Full episode B&B 6th May 2019


  1. Thomas is just too much. Liam and Steffy have never been able to make it work. Steffy needs a real man.

  2. This show is starting to make me ill . If Liam wasn't enough to make me want to puke , Thomas , yuck . And Hope ??? What's wrong with her ? It's like , 'nothing to see here , folks, move along ' . Oh , and one more thing , who the hell is tired of this Flo story line ?

    1. I'm tired of the entire show. Haven't watched in 3 weeks. Keeping up with the stupidity from FB... Obviously not missing much...

    2. ^^^ I understand ...I don't watch it for weeks , then come here and watch a bunch of shows . It's like I already know what's going to happen and who's going to be sleeping with who. I'm guessing Flo's mom will be bedding Ridge pretty soon . Then Brooke can go back to Bill after he breaks it off with Katie AGAIN .

  3. I have put together some general rules for B&B. They may work for other shows but these are the ones I've found that work.

    1 - Nobody remembers anything. It doesn't matter how awful the transgression; everyone will forget about it sooner or later.

    2- Nobody is ever satisfied. It doesn't matter how good someone has it, or how in love they claim to be at the time, or how well their professional life is going. They'll want more.

    3 - Someone is always up to something. This one likely works in other shows. There has to be a minimum of one Schemer working their angle on the show. Sometimes, the Schemer has others doing their dirty work but at any point, one person needs to be scheming and working some devilish plot.

    4 - Every few weeks, The Hatter stands up and yells, " Change partners ! " and then everyone plays a game of Musical Beds for a while.

    Keep these four rules in mind and you won't be as surprised; I guarantee it.
