
Friday, June 14, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-14-19 Full episode B&B 14th June 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-14-19 Full episode B&B 14th June 2019


  1. This soap opera is getting tiresome. It is time for Hope to find out about Beth. You are causing stress and disappointment to your fans. Most of my retired friends say they will stop watching. It is nerve racking. It seems you cant come up with another problem/solution. I am sick of Hope and her sacrifices. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

  2. Xander should have told Thomas if you fire me I will tell Hope you knew about Beth being alive. Maybe 1 of the 3 will kill Thomas, I hope so.

  3. OMG. Out with this secret already and out with creepy Thomas. He needs to be in a insane assylum. He's crazier than his nut job mother

  4. When the show from today will be start?

  5. i am so tired of this fucking story line , when will hope be happy, i am tired of her scarifies, let be real people no one is that generous to give up their own happiness for someone else. and plus real women who loses children try again with their husband they DON'T PAWN THEIR HUSBAND TO OTHER WOMEN.
