
Friday, June 28, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-28-19 Full episode B&B 28th June 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-28-19 Full episode B&B 28th June 2019


  1. Where did Hope get that silly hat? looks like the kind that you would wear going to hunt wild animals. When is Thomas going to get caught?

  2. I hope Liam vomits the poison up before it gets into his system too good. I sure hope he doesn't consider killing Pheobe to prevent Hope from ever bonding with her.

    1. Kill Phoebe? Thomas is a common killer that needs to go behind bars but I don't believe he is capable of killing a child for god's shakes. I believe that Hope will see a birthmark at Phoebe's body exactly the same as Liam's. That will trigger everything to unfolded. I don't believe that the secret will be revealed by someone who already know but rather Hope will find out by herself....which is even more painful

  3. thank you my star he is evil but its not poison its an upper pill

  4. Thanks Bob From the land down under

  5. Still go8ng on 😤 thanks Bob

  6. Hi Bob my super star I wonder what happens today x

  7. hi ya my super star is 1st July ready yet please x

  8. I cannot believe Wyatt he act like he was never in a relationship with Sally. I be glad when his relationship blow up in his face with Flow. I cannot stand her. When he come crawling back to Sally I hope she does not take him back, let him suffer some.
