
Monday, July 15, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-15-19 Full episode B&B 15th July 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 7-15-19 Full episode B&B 15th July 2019


  1. thank you my star it was nice to see liam and steffy they sure do belong together xx

  2. Ugh ugh ugh the WHOLE episode!!

  3. Ugh ugh ugh the episode!!

  4. Thanks you can clearly see Hope doesn't want Thomas , and I haven't seen Liam nor Steffy getting close since Thomas drugged Liam , so nope no connection there yet either.

  5. Why on earth would they cut this show to a half hour only to make these boring stories drag on for eons!?

    At least make it as exciting as the young and the restless.. this is mostly torture. All they do is repeat the same lines for a week in different locations!

  6. I. Don't .no .why .Hope .is. Marrying .Thomas .cause .she . still. Love. Liam .But. I. Thank. Steffy .and. Liam .belong. Together .but. In .the. End .she .willhcatchon. To . Thomas. Hope. She .Get. Her. Baby. Back .soon. All .they .Do .is .repeat. The .same. Lines. Every .Week

  7. Steffy DOES NOT belong with Liam. Liam should be with Hope, two softies together. Thomas put it inside your thick psycho skull - HOPE DOES NOT WANT YOU!!.....
    Bb Klod you are the best!

  8. Yes Hope dear it is a mistake.
