
Monday, August 19, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-19-19 Full episode B&B 19th August 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-19-19 Full episode B&B 19th August 2019


  1. Thanks couldn't wait till you put it up

  2. Flo got what she had coming...but at the same time Flo is kind of a victim in all of this. Reese victimized her too and yeah she could have told the truth but what would have happened to her had she told? Thomas would have killed her

    1. I hope after Thomas takes her & her mom ends up getting hurt, trying to save her that she understands a bit better what Flo went through cause her & Xander wanted to tell the truth. Zoe & Thomas did not & she even called him to tell him about Emma so if not for her, she would have gotten to Hope instead of dying in her car!

    2. get over yourself Hope! I wish Steffy could keep the baby

    3. Brooke stop acting so moral and high and mighty and Bill, really?? And Ridge did't you try to kill Bill. Let's move on form this story line. Boring and stupid and over acted!!!

    4. and sooooo long and dragged on

  3. Oh thank you so much for giving me a reason to hate you,your just like your fucking slutty mother you guys don't even know how to commit to being married, so what the difference between family as well. Brook has nerve to pass judgement after almost killing her sis by stealing her family too. This so is so overdramaizing I swear.

  4. I hate these people...i don't care about their stolen baby..i feel sad for steffy, but I hate that the writers gave everyone else a reason to act all high and mighty...i hope bill and Justin tear Thomas apart and I hope ridge goes through hell because of it.

  5. Bob could you please re post
    Thank you

  6. Please repost. I didn't see it.

  7. I need to see today episode for the bold and the beautiful it is important that I see it

  8. It's one crap over and over with hope and Liam. Break up run to Steffy
    Break up run to hope oh gosh come on is there anyone out there getting fed up of watching the same crap over and over. Steffy needs a real new man in her life.

  9. Replies
    1. no it isn't, I was looking for a certain part but only half of it is there!

  10. thank you my Star im late in night xx

  11. Can u pls load the whole video only showing the first few minutes

  12. Euhm i see only 6 minutes where is the rest?

  13. Excellent viewing, great episode. Thanks Bob from the land down under.

  14. They need to get over this bulshit with hope it makes me sick what about Steffy no one gives a shit about Steffy and Liam needs to get his head together go back with Steffy be a family not with Hope,Hope is a baby needs to grow up

  15. Hope can't even look after her self,

  16. I seriously doubt that, it would be all over the news.

  17. Great episode. Things really starting to get good
