Friday, August 23, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-23-19 Full episode B&B 23rd August 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-23-19 Full episode B&B 23rd August 2019


  1. Thanks, oh what a shame a little shove and bam his over the hedge

  2. Oh what a shame 🤣 brooke pushed Thomas over the edge and ridge has to shut his mouth or push him over the edge too

    1. ridge gonna be ao big mad hes liable to throw brook over them hedge bushes.. my question is who lives in a beach house on a cliff and dont haz plenty of safety fall prevention rails up especially if u raising kids there too..

  3. well niw im no thomas fsn but i hope he didnt die . guessing the new doc coming to town is for his extensive treatments hes gonna need ridge gonna be big mad at brook for harming his son like this. bet she runs straight back to bill and wind up causing probs 4 him and katie again. here we go again. gonna be aswitch ur partner do ci do \nd whirlwind of madness in town again

  4. Brooke & Ridge cannot stay together for long, there wouldn't be much Rolle for her to play. Neithertheless, I'm not a big fan of this Ridge so it don't matter to me if they stay together are not. As long as brook is around I will continue to watch because she is the one who keeps the show going (don't matter who comes are go, as long as Brook is there the show will go on)...

  5. She didn't have to push him! She knew Ridge was on his way. Over protective of her gullible daughter. Hope needed to get a grip & stand up for herself...for once!

  6. 😂😂😂👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  7. Well I wanted that psycho arrested not pushed over a cliff so that people will feel sorry for him, damn it, but I can say he deserved that!

  8. Now Ridge is going to blame his wife for murder, I mean she shouldn't have done that but she did what any parent would do to protect their children.

  9. thank my Star OMG Brooke pushed Thomas xx

  10. poor Thomas he is being decent and Hope brought this all on herself and Thomas is being ok it was Hope she caused this Logans mess with peoples lives They are selfish

  11. Wil Vanweerdenburg ja Thomas opsluiten pysigopaat net als zijn moeder Taylor samen ik de bak ze hebben allebij poging tot moord op hun geweten Emma dood door Thomas Taylor poging tot. Bil Spencer

  12. What an unsafe house, especially there is a child living.

  13. Bob are Yu going to upload Monday the 26ths episode please???

  14. Have you forgotten all about the episode where Thomas saved Brooke and what Brooke did for him now pushed him over a cliff

    1. Yes. I have forgot. Did he maybe save her somehow when they were stranded on that desert island..? No I guess not.. How did they exactly got there in the first place..

  15. Well I'm glad it was Thomas who was the one to fall off the cliff :-D
