Friday, October 18, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-18-19 Full episode B&B 18th October 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-18-19 Full episode B&B 18th October 2019


  1. thank you Star WOW steam such powerful couple xx

  2. Hope is so damn insecure that she literally will push Liam right into Steffy's arms. Either way it is karma for Thomas and for the way she and her mother Brooke have been treating Flo.

  3. Does someone need to remind Hope she's still legally married to Thomas while she says her and Liam are supposedly a family with Beth? Not to mention loved Steffy putting Hope in her place because she had it coming and Liam the way he was looking at Hope almost like she's lost it...Hope is just showing Steffy and Liam just how insecure she is

  4. geez! Hope is as much of a bitch as her mother. Get em thomas and please let shauna and ridge hook up already.

    1. Yes yes yes!!!! It's bout time to get the forresters back...and give the Logan sister the boot!! Inwant shauna and Ridge to hook up and Brooke to find out 😂😂😂😂 and I want steffy and Liam to get back together ❤❤❤ even tho I think steffy can do so so so much better than him...i just want that shit to be rubbed in hopless's face 😂💀😂💀

  5. Can you please the next day ahead like you do with Y&R's??

    1. Is that possible with this show?

    2. Steffi sollte kämpfen um ihre Familie.hope will immer nur Haben .wie ihr es passt ohne Rücksicht auf andere.

    3. Bob can yu post the next days show which would be Monday's how yu do with Y&R please 😉😃😘

    4. You cant go a day ahead with this show. The young and the restless is not a day ahead either. It plays twice a day. The previous days plays from 1230 to 130 and the regular one plays from 430 to 530..

  6. And he we go again with the triangles
    Fire those awfull stupid writers.


  7. I am so sick and tired of Liam going back and forth between Steffy and Hope. I am just as tired of both ladies putting up with it as though he is the only man left on this planet. It is enough that he has fathered kids with them both. Ugh!

  8. Please I beg you to stop this nonsense I can't take any more just let them move on with their lives already

  9. I watched all three them before they we're parents arguing over the same man now their mothers still arguing over the same man

  10. Please let it end here and do not age these girls to do the same thing No One Needs To See It Again

  11. Hope proves what a selfish nasty bitch she really is even keeping Beth away from Steffy not a nasty creature she is and i hope in the future Steam can come back because Hope is a vile person and guilt trips liam all the time with her mother who is as vile a person so i hope liam Finn and Steffy become a new triangle but i do love Steam if only Liam could grow a spine to admit to all he loves Steffy

  12. ok so Hope marched in to get Beth even though Liam was going back to Steffys so why hasnt Bell wrote future Steffy marches in and gets Kelly Be aware Bell we will complain in thousandS to CBS if u make the pill story all about Hope and Lope

  13. Jeez Hope went from normal to nuts inside 20 minutes
