
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-17-19 Full episode B&B 17th December 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-17-19 Full episode B&B 17th December 2019


  1. thanks Star xx Thomas is very clever lol

  2. My goodness Thomass is a narcissist twisted manipulating physco the way he was looking at Hope like she was meat ! Oh Hope do not even consider being jealous of those pieces of 💩 Bell your really doing a hatchet job on Hope

  3. Oh, this episode was too funny. Hope made an ass of herself. She looked sort of jealous when Thomas mentioned
    I hope Zoe doesn't fall for his shit but she will and Steffy/Liam will be screwed when she turns against him. He's a nut job. The way he looked at Hope when she scolded him.

  4. So everyone piles on Thomas while brooke and hope have both tried to kill him and manipulate them... hope can forgive Quinn and Liam cam forgive zoe, but Thomas is the psycho? People are idiots not even paying attention the three show they're watching smh...zeo attacked Flo to keep the secret... Thomas attacked nobody... Emma got herself dead not Thomas

  5. Im honestly fed up with this Thomas storyline...he and Zoe fits better than him and Hope.Let his craziness for Hope end already

  6. I have been watching this for 30 years I am sorry hor him honestly Thomas's father has done so much harm to his son and so has Brooke no wonder this boy is crazy it's been going on for years, and Thomas liked Hope in the beginning when they were kids before Liam came to the series And this love triangle,Hope Liam Steffy stop it already Liam jumps from one women to another as it was between Brooke Taylor and Ridge years Thomas needs a new girl just as cute as Caroline I don't know why you hate him so much If you want to blame someone for his madness, start with Ridge and Brooke That crazy Zoe who lives in Thomas' apartment is definitely not a good idea
    And Brooke has hated Ridg's children ever since they were born
