
Monday, December 23, 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-23-19 Full episode B&B 23rd December 2019

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-23-19 Full episode B&B 23rd December 2019


  1. OMG so over the whole Brooke and Hope blaming Thomas for the whole Beth crap... Seriously when are these writers ever going to stick it to Brooke and get Ridge to rehash ALL Brookes mistakes and I mean every mistake??? Throwing Thomas off the cliff, hiding that Hope thought she killed Thomas, that Hope is the result of her affair with her own daughter (Bridget's) husband... How many of Hope's boyfriends did she go after. Brooke even kissed Thomas when they were stranded on that island. And how about we look at her kids shall we. Hope is no angle she took advantage of Stephie and Liam's break up. Let's face it Bill pursued Stephie and somehow it's all Stephie's fault. These people have short memories, Stephie was upset because Liam kissed Sally and then Bill hunted her down!!! And how about Rick killing Ridge's daughter Phoebe in the car crash. Why is the focus always on Ridges kids and not Brookes. How many time did Rick do things to sabotage Brooke and Ridge.
    I also think the whole turning Thomas obsessed story line is stupid too. I wish the writers would just have all the women in the show turn on Liam. The guy is a pussy!!! Oh I love Hope... no I love Stephie...wait I want them both. Seriously what woman would put up with that crap and it's a whole repeat of the Brooke and Taylor saga. Why do the writers think this guy is meant to be God's gift to women??? OMG...Anyways, thanks for the episode and Merry Christmas! :)

  2. Thanks for the episode! Merry Christmas!

  3. Does anyone know whats with this long tops that hope is wearing ?
    its in many chapters now, I thought maybe she is pregnant, but she doesn't get fat....
