Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-9-20 Full episode B&B 9th January 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-9-20 Full episode B&B 9th January 2020


  1. It's missing the last segment of the episode

  2. It's playing the first part over and over

  3. i also noticede it hopefuly replaced soon with new video.

  4. Now there is a corrected video on this page.

  5. Liam lame self ran right to slutty whorrester I understand dude don't physco around but Douglas is an innocent child his own little cousin liam can work this out stop giving fake Forrester's openings to tear things up

  6. hi have you the todyas please xx

  7. I do not blame Liam on that because he would be marrying Douglas dad also and he would never stop trying to break them up. Hope seem like she got jealous when Thomas was kissing Zoe. Let Thomas get back with Hope and let them be a family and let Liam and Steffie be a family.
