
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-25-20 Full episode B&B 25th February 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-25-20 Full episode B&B 25th February 2020


  1. My heart goes out to Sally this isn't fair she gets the short end😔 thank you

  2. Damn Katie you telling Sally's personal business to everyone. It's not your call to do that. I can't stand seeing Wyatt & Flo together...ughhhh. I don't know how they can make her the love of his life. He's been involved and engaged/married to plenty of other women over the years. Steffy, Katie...the list goes on and never once did Flo come up as a topic of discussion. Can't stand that Bitch!
    Sally please get a miracle cure and stay clear of this wishy- washy man. You deserve soooooooo much better than him. Why is it that Wyatt and Liam always have love triangle and especially at the same time. Both are losers leave the Spencer assholes alone.

  3. Wyatt cannot act gosh and Sally focus on running far from he and you will be cured from your illness

  4. Hi Bob!🤗Thank you!😇

  5. Done watching this stupid show, Wyatt and Flo, smh bullshit

    1. me too, I,m done watching. Wyatt and Flo after what she did. You need a new writer.

  6. I'm sick of all of it especially that freak Thomas ack come on people time for something new I can miss a week and it's like I missed 20 minutes I swear

    1. Well that's the thing with B&B, a day lasts a week. Don't want to miss one minute though :-)

  7. I read the comments first, lol, then decide if it's worthy.

    Tumeke Bob thank you.

  8. What if there's a twist of fate here (director's choice) and Sally heals?! I mean, Flo just told Wyatt that they are going to fake breaking up, so that Sally believes he is really going back to her! What a punch!
