
Monday, March 16, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-16-20 Full episode B&B 16th March 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-16-20 Full episode B&B 16th March 2020


  1. Thanks, felt for steffy but she has done the right thing.

    1. I really want the writers to find someone for Stefy. Please reunite Liam & Hope to live happily ever after with Douglas

    2. Me too. Hate that Hope wins but then again, win what? Liam is a wuss. I wanted Steffy to get Douglas though.

  2. Douglas is so adorable! Anyway, I heard that Zoe might be pregnant with Thomas' child. If this is true, I would like to see how that plays out. I would like to see how Zoe and Carter works out too. The show has wasted the actor, who plays Carter, they've wasted his talent.

  3. Thank you for posting this! This episode didn't show here on the west coast because of a news conference.

  4. i hate the storyline thomas jusr carried away and did what he did .he didnt show to the previeous times that he was an evil monster ,
    thy are all fuckin hypos in the show ,did terrible things said only oh i am sorry and all forgiven and suddenly they attacked like that to thomas?
    i wish i missed the storyline entirely.i wish they write hin to come back with a vegeance and take his kid away from them

  5. OMG what a crap episode. Writers you should be fired!

    I am so sick of how weak Steffy is.... seriously! the whole crap about Hope, Liam, Douglas and Beth being the family they should be!!! OMG who ever wrote this should be FIRED!

    Why does Hope always have to win and seriously Steffy needed Brookes approval??? Since when??? Brooke is nothing but trailer trash, she sleeps with everyone and has absolutely NO MORALS!!!

    I'm so sick of the writers painting Steffy as weak and the loser, they did it to Taylor over and over why do it to her daughter too. I mean look at the storylines... Steffy was weak because she slept with Bill??? No... Bill was infatuated and obsessed with Steffy and hunted her down and took advantage of her only after Liam admitted to kissing Sally... lets face it that was some Harvey Weinstein sh!t where Bill wouldn't take no for an answer! Instead Brooke and Hope blame Steffy's for the whole thing??? How many times did Steffy tell Bill to leave but he wouldn't.... yet the writers still insist on writing Steffy as weak! Losing to Hope every time... so over it. It's time for Hope to lose!

    What I really hope is that Taylor comes back and she's the one that saw Brooke kissing Bill and when Liam and Hope try to go for full custody of Douglas she tells Hope that she won't be ruining one family, she'll be ruining three families... (Thomas', Brookes and Katie's). Then I hope that Taylor shows that b!tch Hope photos of her slutty mother kissing Bill and threatens to expose Brooke and Bill's secret if she doesn't back off taking Douglas from Thomas.

    I know that Thomas has done some sh!t things but how many times did Brooke sleep with other peoples husbands, boyfriends, ect. Brooke, Hope and Liam do not deserve their happy ever after because it always comes at the expense of someone else!!!

    And I don't need Taylor to be back with Ridge but I do want her to stand up for her kids and at the same time get her revenge on Brooke and those HOgans!!! Oops I mean Logans!

    And for the grand finale, once Thomas has shared custody back, bring back Caroline.... saying she didn't die, it was just a lie that Thomas and her moms made up as Caroline had walked out because she couldn't cope at the time, had depression, was ill or something, but now Caroline wants her son back!!! dun.. dun.. da!!! and yes Hope loses... no more mommy Hope!!!!

    Then Hope can become her mother's daughter and turn slutty!! Liam can get kicked to the curb by both Hope and Steffy... That loser can be on his own with no woman wanting him for once!!!

    There you go writers I did your job for you... this would be such a good story line and very watchable!!!

    1. I agree 💯 percent. The Bold and the Beautiful is really The Hogan's and a lot of people running back and forth.

  6. Hope and Brooke always win.The Lope and Bridge storyline is so boring. Brooke is a whore and Hope a crybaby sick of it.

  7. What a F...ked up episode! Liam & Hope....ugggh.....Brooke & Ridge just as bad. Why do these Logan BITCHES get whatever they want.

  8. So glad hope and Liam are finally being united! I am pissed that once again Thomas just goes free and that's it .

  9. Wow! I'm glad Lope wins. Let them be a family finally. Stop waffling Liam between the two. Send Steffy a partner of her own. Make Thomas pay for all his deceit and manipulation, it was too much! Move on from this and let some joy and happiness float through for a while for Lope and Bridge. Spice up Steffy's role with someone new...give her some romance.

  10. I hate Brook and Bill. Send them back home.
