
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-24-20 Full episode B&B 24th March 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-24-20 Full episode B&B 24th March 2020


  1. hi Bob, hope you're staying safe. has something gone wrong with the site? it shows the past few episodes as "page not found"

    1. Bmac, there are two boxes, the first says *page not found*, but immediately underneath, there's the other video, the one with the episode...

  2. Brooke and Donna may have deleted the video but Quinn obviously has a back up video which she can no doubt send to Ridge or Katie's phones

  3. Brooke so stupid,she can't do nothing because Quin has the upper hand. All she could have done was stop Bill from kissing her but she continue kissing him so long without thinking of Ridge ans Katie.

  4. So tired of everyone praising that BITCH FLO. Can't stand her and I feel like Sally can do so much better than Wyatt "The Weasel".
    Brooke gets worse in every episode. Quinn she just go old school and bust her ASS!

  5. Brooke has never thought of anyone besides herself Thomas was way out of line but Brooke is the one who needs help.....Hypocrite!!!!!!

  6. Bob I'll try to watch next week. Time difference being in Aotearoa / New Zealand. We are officially in lock down. Covid19. Self isolation with ones family unless you are a part of essential services.
    I'm hoping everyone that watches your blogs Bob are taking precautions.
    Be safe, take care, and be well. 💝

  7. Thank you Bob,so much! Hope everyone's safe and sound, unaffected by COVID-19. You do keep us precious company with your videos now that we have to stay in....Take care of yourselves ,everyone,guys.!😀🥰

  8. It just seems that Brooke and Quinn will be enemies forever.
