
Monday, March 9, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-9-20 Full episode B&B 9th March 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-9-20 Full episode B&B 9th March 2020


  1. the most rotten episode ever in Steffys house too thank you STAR for uploadxx

  2. So sick of hope and liam show they are boring

    1. B&B y’all SUCKS all the writers Go on vacation get some pointers from others you see wAlking along the beaches bring back a love showdown to keep us excited right now this show S U C K S

    2. This show getting bored of one story line Liam getting back with Hope all the times and why Thomas is a bad guy should be change I feel sorry for Douglas his dad always a bad guy or a villain

    3. I don't think they are boring. I think Thomas needs to go to a mental hospital and take his dad with him too. Hope & Liam needs to be left alone...

    4. I agree leave Hope and Liam alone. It's good to see at least 1 couple staying together with love and a family.

  3. I'm not a Steffy fan but she did the right thing,on her own without it coming out of someone else mouth, did I feel for her yes, as she knows that , that's not how she wanted Liam. Thank you

    1. i totally agree. sick of Brooke and her i am better then everyone else attitude also

  4. Just when you think finally the triangel storry ist over, the next one starts again!
    How can they have Brooke and Bill kiss again!?

    1. How can she n him do this to Kadie over n over n he claim he love his son so much But someone has them by the balls n it’s gonna be The one she had the cat fight with to run back to Ridge n snag him

  5. I am so sick of Liam, Steffy, Hope!!! And ih my God--Brooke and Bill again. Writers please stop!!! HOT MESS...


    2. These story lines are so old! Boring

  6. If Bill and Brooke get involved again,I will never watch it again. Yes, it's a soap, but let Katie be happy ,and keep Brooke away from Bill.

    1. And keep Shauna away. She has no respect for marriage. Ridge is a huge flirt..that isnt love. Shauna is a fake...she never works and has very expensive clothes?! No reality in this show.
      I'm just looking forward for the character Thomas to be exposed!

  7. On please..... what a load of sh!t... Seriously!!

    Brooke is such a slut, again with her sister's husband.... and Bill is no better!. The two of them preach how moral they are. Seriously you writers all need to be FIRED!!!
    As for Steffy telling Hope that she was played and that it's all Thomas' fault. OMG Liam is such a dick...basically he sat there and let Thomas and Steffy take the fall again for his inability to stay faithful. If Liam didn't want Steffy to kiss him he should have pulled away and put a stop to it not kiss her back. The dude is a spineless dick, wheres his accountability??? Also, no self respecting woman would fall for that bullsh!t excuse that Liam always seem to give. Hope is such a airhead idiot like her mother. They both think they do no wrong.
    How about Hope moving in on Liam while he and Steffy were trying to work things out, and she accuses Steffy for not moving on.
    OMFG how much more of these sh!t storylines to viewers have to put up with??? seriously please fire the writers on this show as they just seem to be stuck on the same merry-go-round of storylines. Enough already.... please kill off Liam and Hope!!!

    1. Also, any bets that Flo saw Brooke and Bill kissing....

    2. Nah I think it will be Flo for the following reasons...
      She will have something on Brooke and she will fell that she has to confront Brooke. Brooke will beg her not to for the sake of Katie and she would probably try to bribe Flo by telling her that she will now forgive her of her mistake over hiding Hopes baby.... Brooke will play on Flo's love for Katie and tell her that if she tell her that Brook and Bill kissed it would destroy her and play on the fact that Katie is still recovering.
      Hope will probably find out that Flo knows about the kiss between Bill and Brook and beg her not to tell Katie....
      Flo will also have to keep the secret from her mother, Wyatt Quinn and Ridge which the writers will drag out...... Flo will feel guilty. Probably Sally will find out she is not dying and Wyatt will find out that Flo kept another secret and that she lied to him again.... Katie won't forgive Flo or Brooke instead Katie and Sally will become BFF's (since she won't die).

      Anyway I think it will play out that way....

    3. Wow, you had me all in that story.
      I actually hope it plays out that way.

  8. I am not a Steffy fan but she shown alot of maturity by confessing.

  9. It’s time to bring in some new character a man for Stephanie please don’t put Brook and Bill back together. It’s time for Thomas to get caught and go to the mental hospital

    1. I agree. Poor Sally. Wyatt is such an ass. He forgets what Flo did

    2. I don't like the Hope and Liam storyline. Hope is too needy. Liam and Steffy had fun and are better suited. Let Hope marry Thomas...

  10. Bill and brooke. I’m done. Wow need a new writer come on!!!!!! Stef loves Liam. And Liam is a player as well

    1. I agree... I am sick of Brooke and Hope. Let Thomas have Hope. Let Ridge be with someone else..

  11. Liam and Hope.....yuck!!She is such a bitch like her mother. Liam kissed her ass yet again beginning her to marry him,,really?? Not sure why the Bill/Brooke kiss happened? I thought he was committed to Katie and their's about to be on....someone saw them, we just don't know who. Zoe is sooooooooooooo stupid! She believes anything Thomas says. Thomas is in for a full awakening when the shit hits the fan,

  12. Show show should be discontinued

  13. Put Zoe and the lawyer together, kill off Thomas, Put Liam n Hope together for once they deserves each other’s both are unstable, ring on Steffy a new Boo,Give Ridge a new Bae, put Bill n his backslidden whore together Brooke,Please give Kadie a Boo that don’t cheat...FIRE YOU WRITERS SEENS LIKE YALL NEED SKILL IN WRITING DRAMA

    1. Thomas needs too be gone Liam and hope was always ment too be

  14. Thanks Bob. Enjoyed the episode.
    Check out the moon. 😎

  15. Wow...I know that was hard on Steffy but the writers finally moved on. Now they can bring in someone new for Steffy. Liam stood up like a man today and claimed one woman.

    1. Liam stood up like a man??? The dude let Steffy do all his heavy lifting and begging...... That's so funny, he's no man just acts like a stupid little boy!

  16. Ridge has been flirting for months on end now so, he deserves what he gets. I want Brooke with $Bill its electrifying. Katie and Bill are just boring.

  17. Keep Ridge and Brooke together! You need at least one forever couple on this show!

  18. Liam & Hope should arrive at Thomas' wedding married...

    1. No Hope will likely come down the stairs in that wedding dress. But that would be insanely cruel on Douglas...but then the writers are treating it's viewers as clueless.

  19. If hope and Liam's get together I intend to quit watching the show I have watched since it started. Put liam and steffy back together I agree they are much more suitable for each other

  20. I have it on good authority that Steffi is pregnant....
