Monday, April 13, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-13-20 Full episode B&B 13th April 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-13-20 Full episode B&B 13th April 2020


  1. I WANT steffy and wyatt revisited then she gets back at both the bitches

  2. You never knock, do you, Brooke? The arrogance!

  3. Ridge has no reason to feel guilty by being with Shauna, other than to fell guilty for marrying Brooke, a woman who openly hates his kids. Brooke has for MONTHS destroyed her marriage to Ridge. She created hostility in her marriage and helped her daughter steal Ridge's grandson and then tops ALL of that up after Ridge forgives her, by kissing her sister's soon to be groom, Bill. A man Ridge hates.

    1. Wow. Well said. I agree! The only thing I would add is that Brooke seems to be forgetting that she is the one that took off her wedding ring and told Ridge it was over. She has some nerve to accuse Quinn of wanting to destroy her marriage. Brooke ended it all on her own.

  4. Brooke is no angel but Shana is on the same level as Brooke. She is only interested in Ridge because of his last name and what that can give her. Ridge is still a married man and has kissed Shana numerous times. Also he was kissing Quinn while planning marriage to Brooke again. Ridge and Brooke belong together, they are both the same.

  5. I wanna know. Why the episode s are coming through Spanish Im not Mexican " so no Comprende" its not my tv or the local station. So. Whats Up???

  6. I don't think it's fair to say that about Shauna until after she has proven what she is really after. So far, it seems like she really does love Ridge, and that's why she is willing to let him go. She's being realistic because she knows it is a matter of time before Ridge gets back with Brooke. She's protecting herself by moving back to Vegas. Ridge was the one that invited himself along. And even then, she has told him that when he goes back to LA, she will not be coming back with him. So I don't know how it can be said that she is after Ridge because of his last name.

  7. Cant watch because our Govenor interrupts everyday! Cant always view online either
