
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-15-20 Full episode B&B 15th April 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-15-20 Full episode B&B 15th April 2020


  1. I could see Ridge waking up the next morning with fuzzy memories of being in the wedding chapel with Shauna, thinking perhaps they had gotten married, not realizing that Shauna stopped him as he insisted on the wedding because she knew he wasn't really divorced yet and too drunk to know what he was doing anyway. So, he thinks momentarily that they did marry until she says they didn't.

    Or, if Brooke shows up in Vegas herself, I could see her letting Ridge believe they were the ones who got "married" (or rather, renewed their vows) in the chapel because he wouldn't leave until they did, and Shauna, seeing it was really Brooke he wanted, left them alone. Only that's not true either. Ridge, in his drunken state wasn't making much sense, and Brooke twisted around what he said to make Shauna believe that he wanted Brooke, not her, so she bought Brooke's argument that Ridge really wanted Brooke and if she fought for him, she'd only end up hurting herself. Then she left. Then we end up with Ridge not really being happy with Brooke but being unable to find/contact Shauna because she's deliberately avoiding him to keep from being hurt further and Brooke doing everything she can to make sure that Shauna and Ridge don't reconnect while Quinn tries to counter her every move on behalf of Ridge/Shauna.

    1. Ridge should go back to Shauna and forget Brooke. In a week Brooke would be with Bill.

  2. The more I see of Richardson's character the more I like and respect her.

  3. Wow! I'm missing something. How did it go from Brooke demanding the pilot to find Ridge to her being in a hotel with him?? What happened to him and Shauna living it up drinking & partying in Vegas???
