
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-21-20 Full episode B&B 21st April 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-21-20 Full episode B&B 21st April 2020


  1. Thanks for the upload!

    I do not understand how Wyatt has not caught a clue where Sally is concerned. He is living with her and admittedly, is surprised that she doesn't seem to be deteriorating. That's the first clue. Also, Sally's ultimatum to him that she will not get further treatment unless he dumps Flo and gets back with her should be another clue. I guess he is probably still feeling guilty for leaving her for Flo and is therefore focused on helping her as much as possible. Still though...

  2. Thanks Bob, good show today again.

  3. I can't stand Flo. I wish Sally would murder her lol. How can she be so sanctimonious when she stole a baby!

    1. Agreed! Flo is a hypocrite, she stole a baby and lied about it for months. Flo is a bit#h

  4. Flo is self righteous with her indignation especially when she's the one who stole Wyatt from Sally in the first place and she stole her own cousin baby Beth from her cousin Hope in the baby switch

  5. Well, now it's getting interesting....

  6. you are a joke Flo the baby stealer and 50 grand short memory Flo

    Thank you my Star xx

  7. Flo didn't steal whyatt away from Sally, I mean are you guys this dum asf,if a man can be taken he wasn't hers to begin with, for christ sakes get over this baby shit she didnt steal a damn thing, how much wrong Sally can do and get away with it....FLO DAMN RIGHT, lolol

  8. Sally, you don't owe Flo any explanation. It's time for that BITCH Flo to go. Whip her ass and be done with it. All this scheming went no where. You do not need any man this bad.. especially not that weasel Wyatt.

  9. Stephanie needs to come back like Jesus after Easter Sunday.Soundtrack from back on the day was better than today's.This is nothing.

  10. Wie kann ein Arzt eine Fremde in einem Arztbüro alleine lassen.Flo hat kein Recht über andere zu urteilen.Das was Sally macht ist nicht kriminell,das ist eine moralische Frage aber was Flo getan hat war kriminell,sie verdient das Gefängnis.
