Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-9-20 Full episode B&B 9th September 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-9-20 Full episode B&B 9th September 2020


  1. Oh please Brooke, who caused all of his drama, keeping secrets, not helping or supporting your husband's children, demanding, screaming, taking off his ring to impose an ultimatum, to kiss another man who is not your husband and so on. Frankly, with Brooke it's always other people's fault, I agree that Quinn and Shauna rushed Ridge's divorce petition but long before Shauna joined Ridge & Brooke, there were tensions. I can't see Brooke and Ridge together anymore, they tire me out. To all of Quinn's haters, I remind you that Stephanie, whom I liked a lot, had done a lot worse so calm down. When Taylor returns, I would accept even if they recast her, I feel like another Ridge grandchild will end up in Hope's hands. Hope is rumored to demand Liam get Kelly away from Steffy

    1. Brooke and Hope sickens me. Hope wants everyones child and Brooke does not take reaponsibility for her actions. Tired of the old Narative

    2. it's Brooke, and hope, frankly when what it is necessary in the well being of Kelly. this is the role of Liam and Steffy

    3. Brooke support Ridge's kids? Seriously? He should have listened to her and supported her about psycho Thomas, and still says nothing about him needing mental help. Steffy always went after any man Hope had! Lied and manipulated Hope and Liam to get him to be with her and marry her! Quinn vs Stephanie? She had been with Eric for many years! What self-respecting woman wants to be with a man that she has to lie to and manipulate to get? Pathetic! Can't wait until hopefully the truth comes out and Ridge realizes that Shauna is NOT a "good person" and Quinn is kicked to the curb by Eric! I'd like to see him back with Donna. Quinn's manipulation and lies aren't about helping her bestie, but getting revenge on Brooke. I want Brooke and Bill back together! She shouldn't have ever dumped him in the first place! He always put her first!

    4. Calm down Brooke and Hope hater. Stephanie admitted at her end she mistreated Brooke all those years. Should have loved her instead. And she did at the end. Quinn is worse than Stephanie for sure. Above all she is a murderer and attemted murderer of so many.

    5. Totally agree with @kidd. Y‘all seem to forget that Hope never went after ANY man that has been with someone else first. Steffy however ONLY had men who were seeing someone else at that time or prior. And then she ends up leaving them for Liam. She deserves anything bad that happened to her. Oliver, Liam, Wyatt....they all fell in love with Hope first. And along came Steffy....

  2. Yes but the Kelly thing will be short lived once Steffy is ok or will liam move in to help Steffy thank you star xx

    1. Oh no, I liked Liam but he will always be a runner or rescue from anyone in distress. he will never be loyal to a woman, be it Hope or Steffy. Steffy deserves to have Finn as a faithful man who will love him only her

  3. Guess I spoke too soon, it is gone now.

  4. Just when I was getting used to not seeing the Ridge/Brooke/Quinn/Shauna it is again. Enough already. Just because you took a break from this storyline doesn't mean you can keep dragging this on. Those two manipulate and lying golddiggers keep blabbing about their secret to each other. Why hasn't anyone heard them by now. Just get the secret out and end this storyline. On to something worth watching.

  5. Quinn is a great villain! Keeps things interesting

  6. I read that Katie and Brooke will work together and will figure out what Quinn did with Shauna! Then will we will probably start seeing a storyline withLiam/Steffy/Hope/Thomas

  7. Great show. Can't wait to see the show from today, September 10th
