Friday, October 16, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-16-20 Full episode B&B 16th October 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-16-20 Full episode B&B 16th October 2020


  1. Hope's right Liam you're acting like the jealous ex

  2. Carter is about to lose Zoey to zende. I was expecting hope to go off more on liam tho and Thomas just trying to stay as close as possible

  3. well i was expecting more from Steam oh well thank you my Star xxxx

  4. funny how Finn forgot his phone and it happened to be behind the cushion just like Thomas did at Steffys last year so was Finn listening at the door x

    1. Finns shady. Not liking him. In the beginning they said there's a twist on him. I wonder what it could be?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Liam is getting on my nerves. I wish my kids dad would interfere with any relationship I had after him. None of his business. His only business is the welfare of his child. Not her personal life. If he has shown he is a danger to them then that would be different.

  7. That voice of Zende doesn't suit his age.....annoying.....

  8. Ohhhhhhhhhhh Hope you tell Liam!!! It's so obvious he's jealous of fine Finn! Ha! Steffy was right telling Liam he's Kelly's dad and that is all. She deserves to be happy with her own fella and one that won't waffle back and forth like Liam. He better be careful or Hope will find her a new guy too! Grow up Liam, be a husband and father and get out of your ex's business!

    There is nothing wrong with Finn he will be very good for Steffy, Liam has a bad feeling because Finn is handsome, kind, successful, a DOCTOR, falling in love with Steffy and she's really into Finn too! That means sorry Liam Steffy isn't crawling back to you again...cheery bye bye!

  9. I like the good doctor but I think he is shady. He is somehow connected to Opioid business and I think him and the doctor at the mental facility have a connection with Opioid business. I am not comfortable with Steffy making that video. It might be used inappropriately. As for Liam, I dislike the guy. His is so indecisive and doesn’t deserve Steffy or Hope

    1. Agree..
      Writer’s think of something else for Liam to do!

    2. Where would you get that idea? He gave Steffy one extra script from the original (which is not enough to cause addiction, he refused to give her more and told her multiple times the dangers of continuing on meds and why he could not ethically give her more). Steffy got illegal drugs from Vinny after that. Finn was not to blame for her addiction. Liam is wrong about that. There is nothing at all to suggest Dr. Finn is shady other than Liam's jealousy. He wants any excuse to break up Steffy's new relationship. He's a doctor, it's his job to know about treatment programs for patients, especially working in the emergency department. He'd see a lot of over doses etc. Any physician would be able to counsel patients on rehab. That theory is way out there!

  10. Zende us chasing after Zoe, but something tells me that the reason he and Nicole broke up is because of another woman (notice how he looked at his phone then put it back in his pocket). It's rumored that Zoes' sister is coming to town, what if she's the other woman (time will tell).

    1. Agreed the pregnancy thing was a huge issue too since Nicole could only have one child and she gave it to Rick and Maya. He was very angry and really never got past that! He wanted to be a daddy, although I do not like the new actor playing Zende, he's sleazy and Zoe is not attractive at all. She's so fake.

    2. New Zende is a player, wait till Zoe's wee sister comes to town... I see Zende chasing her round, besides she'll keep her sexy British accent and he'll like that. Zoe is acting like a teenager... bleh.

  11. As for Liam, he's wishy washy, like Hope said he's jealous. He was happy when Steffy was alone, lonely, and pinning after him!

  12. It is AMAZING to c Steffy happy and NOT with Liam!!! But yeah LIAM is JEALOUS

  13. First of GMAFB!!! Carter never looked twice at Zoe and shes been on the show more than a year!!Last time they gave Carter a person, they gave him a HE/SHE. Who the hell is ever gonna believe that a man of Carter's stature and looks would want a he/she or the very, very fugly and homely looking Zoe. There was no need to bring Finn in for Steffy when Carter has been unused on the show for years. Steffy & Carter would have been a powerhouse couple. Lawyer & Fashion house CEO, perfect. They made a big mistake there. And no balls Lame needs to STFU and mind his business. That reunion was meant for Steffy & Finn not Lame. If he had a brain he would have thought about doing the reunion himself but hes so STUCK on being jealous. I cant wait till Steffy kicks him to the curb and takes that damn picture down. It should be over Kelly's crib anyways.Once thats down we will all know that STEAM is a wrap and that should have been done long ago when HOpeless was HOMEWRECKING thru their marriage and Lame couldnt control himself. Yes, everyone wants Steffy and no one wants HO Dopey.And HOpeless should not be stressing over Lame & Steffy. She accepted only half his heart and knew this from the beginning so girl STFU and deal with it. Lets move Steffy on as fast as we got her UN-addicted please!

  14. Anyone any idea on how they can do love scenes while there is a virus who kills people?

    1. from what I heard he kissed his wife,who was asked to set for this kiss, she looks a lot like Jacqueline in real life; the rest was camera angles. And she kissed a mannequin I believe.

    2. The actors/actresses are doing love scenes with their spouses/significant others. They use dummies for some of it as well. That is why they have that funny close up and then back of head all the time. You can see if you look closely that it's not the same actor/actress in love scenes ( it has improved since the first ones they did).
