Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-11-20 Full episode B&B 11th November 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-11-20 Full episode B&B 11th November 2020


  1. My God. Have the writers gone off a cliff or what

    1. This is getting more ridiculous by the day, I wish this doll storyline would come to an end already

    2. I am so sick of Liam being such a crybaby. And this story is getting so old

    3. This is so ridiculous and pathetic. I am about ready to give up on this show altogether. The writers have lost their minds.

    4. Ain’t that the truth!😫😂

  2. Oo she is evil lol and Steffy put Liam im his box and liam aint happy

  3. Bob, Video reads Page not found.

  4. Thank you for fixing, what a nut case Thomas is, having dinner and thanking the maniquain for being there so his not alone, they all need to listen to Liam.

  5. Seriously are these writers sick in their head. Same old same old.

  6. this doll episode's are really sick, i don't watch anymore, it's really creepy i get a nightmare.

  7. Speak up Finn, put Liam clearly in his place. You can be completely objective that is what you do for a living. Collect all the information before jumping to any further conclusions. Who actually knows what will happen- the writers are bizarre to begin with.

  8. I wish Thomas would collapse in the apartment with the mannequin sitting on the sofa or at the table, but I’m afraid he’s going to hurt someone!

  9. The show has gone down hill so much. I just tuned in to see if it has got any better to find out nope it's not

  10. Oh for a return to the 80's when the actors were sophisticated adults and divine looking along with much better fashion. Remember how beautiful Taylor was before she had all that dodgy plastic surgery. Even Ron Moss's wooden acting abilities were bearable because he looked so good. There was a real sexual tension among the cast, now the sex is laughable. Too many kiddies (I mean the actors) only Bill is a pathetic reminder of the how it used to be on B & B. Everyone is trying to be politically correct and "good", suppose they are buying "brownie points" for Heavean! Just boring now!!!

  11. With all the new characters and related storylines - it’s super easy to fast forward to the good stuff. In and out in no time.

  12. Thomas storyline is just too much. He should have been put away long time ago. And this ...Mama giving him therapy unbelievable. Therapy from one lunatic to another? Laughable. And Hope and Steffy are idiots for believing a psycho. Pathetic. Its time to put Thomas and his mom away. Maybe this is all just a sinister dream. Lol.

  13. I'm just imagine Matthew Atkinson-- who plays Thomas surprisingly well in this ridiculous storyline-- reading his scripts and immediately sending an email to his agent: "Yeah, so when they told me we were going to be working with mannequins because of Covid, this is REALLY not what I had in mind."

  14. Next Thomas will be kissing the robot doll. I am so sick of the storyline, i could do w/o Thomas, Hope, Zoe and now her Cuz, Zende sp, geeze louise who writes this stuff. Another thing, for fashion, they sure dress down, have unkemp hair blah blah. And what is Hope wearing something from the HS 60s? Y & R is so much better even tho they go writer off the wall at times.
