Monday, November 2, 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-2-20 Full episode B&B 2nd November 2020

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-2-20 Full episode B&B 2nd November 2020


  1. Shauna is reminding of Hopey thanks Star xx

  2. Shauna acts like a backstabbing bitch

  3. I admit Shauna has a great chemistry with Ridge, but I find she looks a lot like her daughter. They don't care about the other women on the show. It reminds me of the profile of some in this soap (LOL). I don’t particularly like Brooke and Ridge because for me this couple has covered their history. However, I agree with Quinn, Shauna was in cahoots with her. Shauna has been at the forefront of this lie. It was also Shauna's actions that created upheaval. Shauna wasn't threatened or had a knife to her throat to do what she did (give Ridge a drink, send a message, or even enjoy being drunk for that groom with him). Again, it reminds me of the fact that Thomas takes full responsibility for his actions as well as those of others. Here we are again with Quinn who endorses the mistakes she made and those of Shauna. I didn't always like Quinn but she brought so much fun. Since Flo and Shauna arrived, they haven't really been honest and have created drama. I feel that it will still cause dramas

  4. Can you put the episode back on pls

  5. Shauna is a wicked bi... she trying to steal Quinn husband. I never liked Shauna. My girl Quinn fight for your husband.

  6. I can see it coming... Eric and Shauna will be together and Quinn and Ridge will rekindle their flame and consummate it this time. Brooke will be crying and sleep with Carter or Zende or Thomas, or whoever Bridget is currently seeing. Wait let me grab some popcorn and settle in to watch the show.

  7. Last I watched this was 20 years ago dam plastic surgery could have been a little more suttle

  8. That’s so funny, lol. Quinn almost was sounding like Brooke there (except for the portrait part - Brooke would have brought up that Stephanie’s belongs up there above the mantle or fireplace).
    Watch Quinn will be with Bill and leave Katie in the dust.

  9. Ok, perhaps Shaunas portrait will be the next over the fireplace after all. Nice friend.
    Quinn should left her weak and unfair husband go. He never really protected her against his family, especially Brooke.
    Quinn should take Bill. :)))

  10. At the end quinn got What she deserved

  11. Zoe’s sister is cute, but I don’t like her pink hair either!

  12. I was laughing at it, it looks like she just roll up some dead hair from the comb teeth and stick it on her forehead.

  13. Is shauna ill? Real talk! I was watching how she came down the stairs. Brook looks in better condition

  14. quinn is just as bad as brooke. do as i say not as i do. makes me want to skip watching their parts once again. ugh mean bitches!
