Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th February 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th February 2021


  1. The father of steffy baby is Finns & I hope they find out before she gives birth #SinnHappiness😍

    1. Yeh straight away I know it has something to do with Thomas the guy to calm and nice

  2. The paternity results were tampered with by Vinny

    1. That was so obvious! Nothing is ever new in soaps, they always and always and always write the same storylines... they never come with something new that will surprised us, you can guess everything even before they decide it because they are so predictable...

    2. VINNY tampered with the blood test?? VINNY??? HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I love Vinny, but that guy is so dumb I'm surprised he can tie his shoes...No way does he have the brain capacity to pull that off. No, Steffi fucked Liam...AGAIN..And he impregnated the dumb slut...AGAIN...and everyone has to deal with it..

    3. Sure Ali, keep telling yourself that...we’ll be laughing! I don’t hear you calling Hopeless names when she got pregnant with a married man whose wife was pregnant! Or slept with Liam and Wyatt at the same time and thought she was pregnant!

  3. I hate Bradley sooo much for trying to breaking up Sinn😡🤬

  4. How do you know it was tampered by vinny ?

    1. Because Vinny wants Thomas with Hope & it’s a soap

    2. And oh surprise, he got a job in the lab of the hospital... Who could have guess... (roll eyes)

  5. You son of a bitch! You said that to steffy asshlole.

  6. oh for cryin in the beer as its said. now we go on w a soap opera and their lives are ruined, i mean seriously, shes been sleeping w Finn for months and sleeps one night w Liam and he is the father. give me a break and besides that, since the can't practice safe sex why not the morning after pill? do they still have it? thats how little i know

    1. That slut should get an abortion...

    2. Right, let’s kill an innocent baby that is already loved and wanted... huh? That’s messed up Ali, take your hateful comments away.

  7. Replies
    1. Yeah; I loved it when he overdosed Steffi on opiates. We all need friends like that.

  8. My heart breaks for hope and finn

  9. I thought Finn told Steffy that no matter what happens they would go through it together? Guess he forgot.

    1. No he’s gutted. It’s ridiculous to think he wouldn’t struggle with the reality of the baby being Lame’s. He’s scared Steffy will choose Lame because they have two wee ones together.

      There’s no doubt Vinny switched the results. His smirk and saying he’d do anything for Thomas is so obvious!

      Besides Finn finds the truth and Steffy being so sure, it’s all foreshadowing. Meanwhile this is a perfect plot device for Steffy just like last time she was on mat leave. She, Finn, Kelly and baby will return in a couple of months one happy family. Fin will reveal it's really his baby and Hope will not forgive Lame and he’ll be alone.

  10. Karma but you Gooey now you know how Steffy really felt. thanks my star xxx

    1. Reallly? Steffy the queen of cheating get's her karma now. I hope she loses Finn now!!

  11. Well fuck...like I said before this is how it would go down but was hoping it wouldn't. I guess 2020 continues like we dont need anything joyful in our lives lol!
    Now I can see Vinny happily telling Thomas he switched the results to make his buddy happy for a chance with Hope. Thomas will be furious because he has worked hard on changing his style. But he will probably crack a smile right at the end of the episode..lol.
    Liam deserves a big pile of 💩 dumped on his life...but he will tell Steffy he wants to be there in her and babys life. Steffy will leave out of town to clear her head, hopefully Finn will follow her....( Shes about to give birth in real life, a boy).
    Brooke is being Brooke demanding and righteous as if shes never crossed any lines before...bitch please LMAO!!😂

    1. We can hope Thomas has really changed and he comes clean!

    2. Shacar 1209, haha Brooke always got comments on her doings. Now it's her turn to give the comments back!! Yessss

  12. steffy and liam cheat on their partners and now have to pay for it, i hope that finn and hope get together and get a baby together.

    1. This baby is Finn's, the test result had been tempered, it's a soap, they always switch paternity tests in soaps

  13. I am just too distracted by what Hope is wearing!!! And she has a fashion line?

    1. No. You are not too distracted. For the last 2 days (well most of the time), her outfits are just horrible. And she's working for a fashion designer. What are they thinking?? I know! To get a rise out of us! lol

    2. I know! In fact lately most of the clothes the characters are wearing are either eyesores (Steffi and Hope) or completely ridiculous (Paris and Zoe) clown outfits. And that jacket Thomas is wearing...NO straight man would wear that thing..And as far as Xende goes, that poor man looks like a drag queen...

  14. They dress her like a little girl. It’s awful! Horrible sense of style. Steffy on the other hand, always looks fabulous!!

  15. Hope needs to kick Liam to the curb and finn needs to get the hell out of there while he still has a chance. Steffi still acting like she is a victim, give me a break.

    1. Absolutely she does always play the victim...she is the one that always starts the trouble anyway...can’t say it enough...she feels privileged and free to do whatever she wants...never ever takes responsibility...

  16. hope needs to keep a backbone and leave liam to the wolves, he put his happy stick all over town now, he knows action have consequences, run finn run, i told my sister if i saw brooke and ridge on the street, i'd run to the other side of the street and stop running til i get home, they had sex with everbody in town, nasty nasty

    1. That says long about the mental health of the writers... and BraT Bell who seem really deranged.
      That's the message Bell is giving about people in the US. They absolutely don't know what love is, what being faithful is. They cheat all the time, can't be trusted and can't live more than 1 seconde without jumping in someone's bed... That what is nasty

    2. Sushi, it’s called a soap opera for a reason!

  17. Steffi is a whore. I never realized that. Any woman who needs a BLOOD TEST to figure out who impregnated her...is a whore. I feel sorry for this Dr. Finn; he seems like a decent guy, way too good for this fucking bimbo. When he met her she was a PILL JUNKIE...Now she gets knocked up by that scumbag while dating Finn; I know she's hot, but why is he sticking around? Steffi and Liam are slimy, selfish people who ruin other people's lives for their own pleasure. And the fact that airhead Hope has stayed with this philandering dirt bag for so long, just proves that she is a victim. she deserves everything that she gets.

    1. Brooke is an alcoholic who paternity all her children and slept with her father in law, son in law, brother in law, daughter’s boyfriends, every guy in the show! Hope got preggers with Beth while Liam was married to his very pregnant wife! Pot meet bloody kettle! Hope is no victim, it’s called Karma!!

    2. Paternity tested, she never knew who the daddy away and lied about it over and over.

    3. Ali baba Ali baba you talk trash. And doesn't belong here. Everybody in their right mind knows how it works in soaps. Hou don't need calling names. And Hope doesn't deserve any of what happened through the years. Nut then again she is naïeve and Steffy has her karma now. Great!!!

  18. Hope should had said to Liam..."Come here Baby [holding out her arms] & when he approaches......she reaches up and slaps the total H*LL out of him & then said 'Leave...Get Out Now!'

  19. Hope ought to kick Liams worthless ass out he is a piece of shit he belongs with Steffy two pieces of shit toghether he can't keep his pants zipped and she can't keep legs closed a real whore.

    1. And St Brooke who has had to have EVERY one of her kids and Hope who got pregnant with a married man as well when she thought she was pregnant and didn’t know if Lame or his own brother were the father are such paragons of virtue!!! Please!!! Take your hate elsewhere it’s boring.

    2. Every one tested that is.

  20. Well I’m still a STEAM fan and I’m glad Liam is the father of Steffy’s baby
