
Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-25-21 Full episode B&B 25th February 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-25-21 Full episode B&B 25th February 2021


  1. At least give Flo a job at Spencer, ugh... and her 'poor me, I'm such a sweetheart really!' routine is boring.

  2. Thanks Bob. Will Thomas do the right thing, now in real life Vinny would go to jail for changing them. Is there a happy ending for once on a soap? Thomas is great w his new self.

  3. I bet Paris overheard Thomas on the phone with Vinny. Whatever happens I hope Thomas dosent come out looking like the evil one.

  4. I still dont think Vinny has changed it but im fed up with the Hope pity party.
    Where was Steffy support when Hope was pregnant with Beth??
    Thank you Star xxx

    1. Mandy I'm fed up with whiny people like you. Always hating. Never cheerful, always nagging. Haters gonna ha-hate....

    2. Says the person who slags Steffy off every chance while saying anyone who does approve of the spoiled rich brat Hope or her mummy the true Queen of cheating, scheming and home wrecking Brooke is the Blessed Mother!

      I am very cheerful, Hope got what she deserves for stealing a married man from his wife and daughter, you know it’s called Karma. Hope had no remorse for sleeping with a married man, she justified it because he was her first boyfriend and she felt entitled to be with him.

      Steffy is with a good man who loves only her and is willing to raise another man’s child. Wait until they find out the baby is really theirs. Finn will be a wonderful husband and father.

  5. It is amazing how much vinny's beard grew overnight ..the way it grew it would be to his chest in a week... another blooper

  6. I hope vinny had nothin to do with although it look so this would just bring hope and liam together again and thats borin i like finn with steffy and wat will liam pay for he would get away with cheating because hope the fool would take him back and we back again

    1. Steffy, the queen of cheating, got away with cheating all the time. So stop whining and nagging. Boo hoo

    2. seem to have a good handle & observation of the storyline...I agree with you in your approach concerning Steffy...why is it that a lot of viewers don’t see how Steffy’s character portrays a privileged bitch...she if anyone is the queen of cheating...let’s not forget manipulating too...Hope is not perfect far from but Steffy is worst...

    3. What utter rubbish you are both talking! Brooke is the queen of cheating ! She’s literally cheated on everyone she’s ever been with! Steffy cheated once with Bill and once with Liam. Hope was sleeping with Wyatt and Liam at the same time and she slept with Liam when he was a married man with a pregnant wife!!! Hope was a spoiled little rich girl who had everything handed to her. She HFTF because her mummy was worried she abusing pills and Ridge ignored his daughter who worked her way up from the mailroom, like the rest her brother, who went to University and constantly have to prove themselves. Hope’s nothing but Brooke’s daughter, she is so utterly clueless about fashion and her inclusivity is BS. Steffy makes mistakes and owns them and tries to do better l! Brooke and Hope take zero responsibility and blame everyone else for their troubles!

  7. I hate how they strong things out EVERY SINGLE EPISODE....Jeeze that's so old. Will they ever stop doing that?? 🤦‍♀️

  8. I think that they have made it perfectly clear that Vinnie changed the results..

  9. With the exception of Hope and Flo, the wardrobe was much better for the other characters today. Loved Steffy in blue! Fitting actually since JMW just had her baby boy on the 21st of February! Congratulations!

  10. Hope for the Future clothing line is a joke. Can the writers please stop pushing this whole inclusivity & womens empowerment BS. Hope opening up to katy is one thing but infront of Paris, PLEASE. You could literally just watch on Fridays and not miss anything. The show moves that slow. Maybe get Amazon Originals writers

    1. Totally agree! It’s so ridiculous! Hope it’s called Karma, you keep whining that’s Steffy is having another baby with Liam. You forget she was his wife for years when she got pregnant with Kelly, you on the other hand got pregnant with Beth by sleeping with a married man who had a wife and baby! Hope was the other woman and now is so shocked that the man she cheated with would cheat on her! What a joke! I have no sympathy for her at all. I

  11. Shoutout to the person who said all along that vinny messed with the paternity test results!

  12. It was obvious from the second Vinny came back to town that he was going to switch the tests. Bell is not at all subtle and all the foreshadowing gave it way.

  13. Ein Drogendealer arbeitet in einem Krankenhauslabor,wie lächerlich!!!
