
Monday, March 1, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st March 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st March 2021


  1. Sinn is soo cute😍 can’t wait until the truth comes out & it’s Finns😍

    1. When did Vinny meet John Finnegan at Steffy's?

    2. I don't think he did but thats what they saying

  2. I bet Vinny is Finn’s younger unknown half brother who resents him growing with Daddy, Mummy etc and wants to get even with him. Vinny so switched the tests.

    So bored of the Flo Logan sisters storyline...yawn!!!

    Sinn was beyond adorable today. I’m glad Steffy is having a good pregnancy this time with a supportive partner not like last time where Bill, Brooke, Hope and Liam made her life hell.

    Can’t wait to Sinn to find out this is their wee bairny.

    1. How many times are Steffy and Finn going to say, oh I'm so grateful that you are in my life. And the way she says it...., Ugh.

    2. The slut should be grateful; most guys wouldn't stick around to raise another guy's bastard..and Steffi must know that.

    3. Steffy is nothing but a whore no one bothers to mention she screwed two men of which neither is married to.

    4. Just like when Hope was sleeping with brothers Wyatt and Liam? Thought she was pregnant and no idea who the daddy would be? Or her delightful mummy Brooke who paternity tests for every one of her children because she was sleeping with at least two men at the time, father and son, brothers, son in law, daughter’s boyfriend’s and the lost just goes on! Have to laugh when you all rant about Steffy and Bill, how is that different than Brooke sleeping with Ridge and Eric at the same time? Oh wait, all Logans are angels no matter what they do. Please!

  3. The truth is on the way coming out. It's the Dr child.

  4. Interesting, seems weird we might get Finn to be Dad so quickly where would the storyline go? Thanks Bob


  5. Frankly, I find Brooke great but great hypocrisy. This woman did the most monstrous things to her children, her sister, the wives of the men with whom she slept or sued. She lied, she manipulated, she played with other people's feelings and she did exactly, see worse what Flo and Thomas did. I remind you, that she knew very well that at the time that Taylor was pregnant and that she was expecting Thomas. She knew the father was Ridge, she hid the truth from him, she orchestrated a false bedtime, she orchestrated a false pregnancy and miscarriage, she knew when she was going to say yes to Ridge that he had a son. She playing with Ridge and Taylor's feelings. She hid for almost 1 year that Thomas was Ridge's son. And madam, is unhappy, plus she forgets that she has been forgiven a million times for what she has done to others. I really liked Katie's talk about how they also made mistakes and were forgiven more than once

    1. brooke will always be the s from the valley lol

    2. You always say that because there is no defence for Brooke’s actions or say anything she does is okay because Ridge is her destiny. Brooke is a narcissist and hurts everyone around her with impunity.

    3. Well said Hanan, glad someone else remembers the reprehensible things Brooke does and is always gets away with it!

  6. that ofc with flo and katie etc is like land of the giant amazon ladys

  7. I could be wrong, but I really don't see them making Finn the father unless they plan to make him a permanent character on the show. This storyline can go so many different ways. Guess we'll see.

    Thanks for the upload.

  8. Wyatt, you are going to get what you deserve for Hurting Sally for Flo. Flo took fifty thousand dollars to keep Liam and Hope baby a secret. Also, recently she gave Summer info to hurt Sally, when Wyatt refused to give Summer info to hurt Sally. Flo, is a CROOK, and what she participated in to keep a child from a parent, knowing the parent is her cousin. Flo maddiness is WORST than what Sally Ever did. Just saying!!

  9. Brooke don't trust Flo because she knows maddiness. Brooke have hurt, deceive, lied, manipulated for years and years. Brooke know people like Flo, because it takes one to know one!!!!! Just saying!!!!

  10. Damn, that look that passed between Finn and Vinnie made that episode worthwhile. i always found Vinnie to be an interesting character...(I also think he's the sexiest guy on B&B) and I'm glad they are adding dimensions to his character..

    1. Vinny the drug dealing, Paternity test swapping sleeve ball? Yet you hate on Steffy? Ali, watch from the beginning, Brooke is the slut not Steffy. Your precious Hope was in a dressing room with her legs wide open while Liam’s wife was home caring for their daughter! Hope slept with Liam and his brother Wyatt at the same time and thought she was pregnant. Keep your nasty mouth to yourself.
