
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th March 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th March 2021


  1. Thank You Bob Klod🤗 stay safe

  2. Thank you! The ending was sad because of Hope. Liam deserves it. She deserves better. Annika is such a great actress. Bill and Brooke need to stop. Liam is a douchebag.Why is Flo getting a happy life? She should be in prison.

    1. I agree Annika is a fantastic actress. I am such a fan.

    2. I to agree that Annika is such a good actor I like how her said good bye Liam. She should have said to Liam kick rocks. 😆 🤣

    3. I agree Flo should be in jail

  3. now Thomas gonna try everything good for him. liam gonna try to go back to steffies lol

  4. Finally, can't believe that Liam would try and make her feel guilty as if he did nothing wrong :O Thanks Bob :)

    1. Yes!! Finally!! Look at him trying to say he needs help with conflict etc... dude bye

  5. Jesus Hope...just say..."You need to get out now leave me alone!"

  6. Brava Hope! At last you understand that Liam will never be devoted to you as you are to him. I hope Brooke can accept her daughter's decision and don't treat her like she's a little child who does not know what she wants for her life. The only thing left to put the cherry on top of this situation is to see Liam go over to Steffy for comfort (like he did the last time) and see her and Finn gushing about their engagement, then to look over at the wall and realize that the picture of him and Steffy has been taken down!

  7. this story line is getting old as shit same bullshit everyday

  8. I hope that Hope won't change her mind tomorrow.
    And after the first step she really could make the second too and tell Brooke to mind her own business.
    If Hope was my daughter I wouldn't wish her someone who clearly loves two women.
    And they should stop blaming Thomas for Liams mistake. It wasn't Thomas who sent him to Steffy's bed.
    Hopefully Hope will end up with Thomas at least for some time. Just to make Liam and Brooke mad and I can't imagine a better way.
    Now it's Liam's turn to go to Milan for a decade or two.

  9. Flo has such a cute outfit on. She looks great in it, just as she always does. So glad that she and Wyatt got back together!

    1. Flo is boring and completely useless. Wyatt's Siamese twin. Can the guy do anything at all without her?

    2. @Hundi
      thanks, she's only been following Wyatt for some time, she's no use to this girl.

    3. Her outfit is nice. She needs to stay working at forester. Maybe she forgot she has a jobthere since she is so acustomed to following Wyatt around like a lost puppy. Maybe Bill should have given her a job instead so she could be with wyatt 27/7. LOL

  10. Great episode, Annika is an awesome actress!...BTW why do they dress flo like a school girl, she looks ridiculous!?

    1. i have said the all along about sev of them! and a famous designing firm they dress down?

  11. Tell me, I am the only one who has not poured any weapons and has no sadness for this couple. Sorry, but Hope has finally made the right decision for her and only her. I'm not a fan of Hope's character at all, but she still opens her eyes to Liam's feelings for Steffy. Let's be honest, Liam hasn't fully told Hope about the conversation he had with Steffy that night. He watered down his conversation and only said what suits him so he could be forgiven. This couple should never have come back together after Hop's comeback in 2018. I agree Steffy made the biggest mistake she made with Bill, Liam also caused horrible things between Hope, Sally and Steffy. First, the kiss, rather two kisses (he didn't tell Steffy, the kiss he had with Sally on the jet), second, believing a lie from Bill and running to Hope to sleep with her on a misunderstanding, third, of not being able to keep her private parts in her pants between Hope who was a supposed friend and his wife Steffy "Fiancé too" and playing on the feelings of the two. And many other things. Hope should have known since arriving that Liam was going to do her Liam again and I think she was really stupid to have listened to her mother telling her to do what she could to be with Liam. Whereas it was very complicated and there was Liam's first family in the middle. We're not going to look back on the past, but it's time for Hope to see other things to stay single. She was starting to annoy me with her ideology of marrying Liam.

  12. Dont feel sorry at all
    She destroyed Steffy happy family and now she knows how Steffy felt
    Now liam will go straight to Steffys
    Thank you My Star xxx

    1. Hope didn't destroy anything. Liam did.
      How many times has Thomas tried to get Hope? They were even married and he couldn't get her into his bed because she loved Liam. Liam also could have said no to Hope. Or Steffy for that matter. But he loves them both and most of all he loves himself.

    2. You forget that Hope was messing around with Liam when he was with Stephy?? Seems that Hope doesn't remember either, she's no better than Strong!

    3. No better than Stephy.... Sorry auto correct

  13. Brook rock that out fit I love it

    1. I agree! Ridge's comment was spot on! Brooke still got that young ready body! No wonder the men can't get enough of it lol.

  14. Well done Hope. It takes gut to do what she did.

  15. Video has been removed. I hope it’s back soon, so wanting to see Hope give Liam the heave ho.

  16. I wish Brooke would accept Hope’s decisions and not undermine her confidence. Her comment that Hope choosing anything other than staying with lying cheat Liam is a mistake just floored me.

    Hope showed a lot of strength telling Liam to go.

    I did have issues since some of those memories were of her and Liam while he was still married to Steffy. Which is inappropriate considering she’s talking about Liam’s cheating.

    However I’d love to see Liam alone, and Steffy and Hope moving forward with their lives.

    1. The only memory was when he proposed to Hope before the annulment the rest were not when he was with Steffy

    2. Emmm the scenes in the dressing room he was with Steffy, the lovemaking scenes he was still married to Steffy as well.

  17. Why is flo always tagging along behind wyatt. What's her purpose anyway. Time for some trouble in that paradise.

    1. Agree. She's totally boring.

    2. Totally agree. This character has no skills or anything to add to the show.

      She just props up the Logan sisters so they get a whole week of episodes about only them. Yawn!


  19. Lets hope Flo is the one they kill off! One very useless and disliked character.

  20. Lets hope Flo is the one they kill off! One very useless and disliked character.

  21. Like you shouldn't go to Steffy that night 4 years ago Bill and you destroy her marriage to your son. But all the blame is on her.

  22. Finally but they need to be clear when they are speaking are they done or wat and why is flo evenin there wyatt and flo are so borin
