Friday, April 23, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-23-21 Full episode B&B 23rd April 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-23-21 Full episode B&B 23rd April 2021


  1. Im pissed off. I like Hope and this episode makes me so angry. Im currently taking a break from Lope since he cheated. I cant believe Hope fans want her back with liam.The guy had sex with Steffy and to top it off they were talking about almost reuniting from it. What the heck? I like MA and AN chemistry. I think bold should address Emma situation first.They shouldnt allow him to wait on Hope either. Bill isnt holding a gun at Liam's head so why isnt he talking to the police. The excuses made for him is pathetic.

    1. I totally agree with what you just said. Lope already back then with Kim Matula, they were boring, but now it's worse. Hope who does not take a decision to separate properly and for her own good. Liam who has lost a lot of charisma since the producers put him with Annika. There are even comments that said Lope looks like a sibling trying to play couple. Annika has so much better dynamics and an incredible chemistry with Matthew. And Brooke who follows her daughter's love life like a little puppy. She is truly in a total obsession with Hope's married life. At least Taylor was smart enough not to be there almost every day at Steffy's when she was with Liam. Liam didn't tell Hope what he did to Vinny. It just shows that he doesn't trust Hope. Hope is going to kick him out when she gets the truth.

    2. I completely disagree. Kim Matula and Liam were great together until the Ho Steffy started interfering. What I saw on today's episode was great chemistry with AN & SC. Unlike the Finn and Steffy scenes which were too corny and hard to watch. I fast forwarded all of their engagement scenes ugh!

    3. @Angela, Kim Matula was really good when she was with Wyatt. Hope is not my favorite character and she never will be. Yet the old Hope was freer, more fun and grown up with Wyatt. And the news is more mature and thoughtful being with Thomas. Yes, Steffy to interfere, but who took off her ring and fled (Hope), who offered the ring to another (Liam), and who continued to operate Steam's first marriage after the revelations of the facts and tricks. petty things that Steffy committed to Aspen (Liam). So Lope’s failure is not entirely 100% Steffy’s failure. And weirdly, you forgot that Liam when he went with Steffy had his ultrasound when she was still pregnant with Kelly. He admitted that he fell in love with her the day he saved her from drowning. Remember me, who Liam was with when this event happened. Liam was in a relationship with Hope at the time. Liam was supposed to be "Love" and "Couple" with another, but he fell in love with Steffy. Annika whom I respect has a better dynamic and chemistry with Matthew and the two actors are really good when they have scenes together. Annika and Scott are clearly not looking good on screen. The character of Annika when she is with Scott becomes again a little girl of this mum who does not know how to make decisions without Liam thinking and for her own good.

  2. Well Hopeless Hope..... you now deserve everything that happens to you!

    1. Agree yawn, Hope fans will be cross in a minute when he breaks her heart all over again... it’s only a matter of time.

  3. Yes, Liam and hope back together i love that couple.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Ugh seriously??? They just made Hopeless weak. She has no self respect letting Liam cheat and lie to her and take him back because she’s lonely. Liam is sad and unhappy so all is forgotten? Brooke will be happy and Hope will be miserable and deserves it for letting Lame off the hook. I’m all for forgiveness, but letting him cheat and no consequences is just taking the easy way out.

    I agree Lope has no chemistry at all, for me they never did. I cannot fathom why anyone would want Liam with Hope or Steffy. He’s a narcissist cheater. He should be alone. Why wouldn’t one want more for Hope? Liam will only hurt her over and over.

    How bloody boring, so what Katie forgives Bill and takes him back and Donna gets Eric again and all the Logan are happy yawn yawn yawn.

    Really Bell wise the hell up! This Logan show is useless, stop insulting out intelligence and give us a good story line for the Forrester family for a change.

    1. Maybe you need to find another show to watch if you don’t like this because the Logan’s aren’t going anywhere! They are only Eric, Ridge, Steffy that are real Forrester’s left.

    2. So Thomas isn’t a real Forrester?? Or Douglas who will be 17 next week LOL ( rapid aging syndrome) Kelly is a Forrester grandchild and so will Steffy’s new wee baby when it arrives. Thorne, RJ, Felicia, or Bridget and Rick (half Forrester) are if they ever bring them back. Zende is an adopted Forrester.

      Maybe allow others to have their opinions and Hope to see more on the screen than Logans. There are plenty of characters that could be enjoyed on here. Bring back the Fashion and rivalries we’re missing some good old fashioned showdowns between the Houses of Forrester and Spectra, who’s next? Maybe a handsome fella from a rival fashion house to be Hope’s new love interest? There are loads of storylines and characters just waiting to show up!

  6. In the words of Ramona Singer, everybody "CAAAAALM DOOOOWWWWN, TAAAAKE A XANAX"

  7. Missing the entertainment part it’s getting so pathetic.. they used to have great storylines on B&B maybe get some new writers? Time for Sheila to pop up again 😂

  8. I expect more from Hope and Katie... ditch Bill and Liam! You ladies are worth more!

  9. This is why I cant respect Hope. She has no self respect. She knows something is wrong (as always) but she's determined to keep her head up Liam's ass....with her Alice in wonderland dress minus the apron and stockings

    1. True what an ugly dress omg her wardrobe was really nice once upon a time what’s with the wardrobe now so ugly

  10. Hope's dress was really pretty. However, she must have lost her mind to go back with the pathetic, whiny cheater. She and Thomas make a much better couple; Hope and Thomas are enjoyable together and seem to enjoy each other.

  11. I know the older actors need to make way for younger ones at some point, so the sotry lines need to transtion to make this generation from and centre, however Thorsten Kaye can act them all out of the ball park and we seem to seeing less and less of him. The writers really need to ask themselves is this script worthy of this actor; I know money makes the world go round and actors need to live too, however it must be quite difficult for veterna actors like John McCook and TK to perfrom the poor quality dialogue being assinged to them.

    Also the irony of Hope working in a fashion house and looking as through she is dfressed from a charity clothing bin isnt lost on the audience.

    1. Buwhahaha love this! 😈😈😈

  12. Zoe's outfits are terrible! I can't believe that she is a model or still works there.

  13. Hope's dress is really cute and she looks good in blue.

  14. Paris is cute but her hair is terrible.

  15. Who else but Brooke would want a constant cheater like liam for their daughter??!!he's a carbon copy of her....i agree he is NOT suitable for Steffy or Hope...probably better for both Quinn and Thomas if they had "cheated ...jus saying

  16. I would just like to jump in the screen and punch Bill. This whole situation is his fault. He shouldn't have done anything he did. And just sit there and tell Liam to move on and get over it is ridiculous. We all know the truth is going to come out and he's just making it all worse. Bill is an asshole and I can't stand him. I don't know why the writers can't make it so Liam just tells the police exactly what happened. Liam himself knows that's what he should do. And then Liam and Hope are going to get back together with Liam keeping this from her? Seriously? And I hope that they're not going to drag this out forever.

  17. Could you please fix the show?

  18. Please make hope's hair blonde again!!!! Of course Kim Matula was the best!!
