Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-26-21 Full episode B&B 26th May 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-26-21 Full episode B&B 26th May 2021


  1. Bill needs to sit down and shut up.

  2. well hypocrite Hope is gona keep quiet? Should not liam be asking Steffy for advice? Thank you my star xxxx

    1. Why would Liam ask steffy for advice??!?!
      This storyline has nothing to do with JMW character smh

  3. Thank you, Bob.

    I am so sick of Bill. And Hope, are you dumb? Bill may have covered up the accident, but what's Liam's excuse for not coming forward to the police? He is just as guilty so stop saying that it is all Bill's fault. I wish Hope would decide to keep the secret. Let her withhold information from the police about an ongoing investigation. Let her betray her friend, Thomas. Let her become an accessory. It's about time she fell off her soapbox.

    As for Zoe, I really hope I don't have to see her for much longer. This woman is as clueless as can be. She wants to know how Shauna and Carter got together yet it never occurs to her that her bff, Quinn, who was spending a lot of time with Carter supposedly trying to get him to forgive Zoe, had ample opportunity to sleep with him. Instead, she'd rather believe that Quinn's best friend slept with Carter even though she has never seen them in the same room together. I mean, c'mon, it's not that hard to put 2 and 2 together.

    1. Hope has forgiven alot of people that hurt her. She is not a bad person but when it comes to Liam she makes bad judgements. I wish he would be out of her life. The writers need to give thomas a life also with a new woman who loves him. They can keep thope friendship.

    2. It's blatantly obvious why Liam didn't go to the police. HIS FATHER!

    3. Jeeze ELLE....HATE HOPE MUCH🤣🤣🤣

    4. Totally agree Elle.

  4. I am so sick of the writing and outfits. Im so upset by how they are writing Hope. Carter going back to Zoe is also ridiculous. Am I suppose to forget the stuff liam said to steffy? As someone who supported Lope I am not over what he did. I dont even care that he will go to prison.He also let Hope believe that he was tormented over the affair. There are people on twitter gushing over their reunion. I wont be one of them. Liam is awful.

    1. You see, Hope craves attention, Liam's attention particularly. Liam was sending her flowers and notes everyday. Then the accident happened (unbenknownst to her) and the flowers, notes and attention stopped. Hope was all well and good to kick Liam out and tell him that his betrayal was difficult to forgive. But as soon as Liam stopped paying her attention, ALL was forgiven. She even forgot that Liam admitted to telling Steffy that he loved her. That's why she's dumb. Liam will always play her for the fool that she is.

  5. is scott leaving the bold and the beautiful?

  6. Yes take the guy who plays Liam off of the show. Is Wyatt is so much more interesting.

  7. Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
    Say nothing and it'll torment you ...but maybe eventually it would go away ...or say something and deal with imprisonment. Either way ..a decision has to be made. Glad hope is standing by Liam.

    But bill was wrong for doing what he did.

    Don't care about Shauna Quinn, carter and Zoe. Waste of time!

    1. Liam needs to change his tune. He needs to stop saying "I've killed someone" and start saying "I've killed someone and covered it up." So let's see...

      Involuntary manslaughter - 10 to 15 years
      Covering it up - 5 years
      Accessory to Bill's cover up - another 5 years
      Being spineless - LIFE. Lollll.

    2. Elle 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

  8. You guys the show would get boring if Steffy was the only female on the show! Hope and Liam haven’t decided what they are doing yet, unless you guys know something others don’t! I think if you guys want to become writers maybe they will hire you to do better!

  9. I like Wyatt and I like Wyatt and Flo and Hope and Thomas. I don't see anything special about Steffy. She slept with Hope's husband and betrayed Finn.

  10. And Hope slept with Steffy’s husband and pregnant with Beth! Your point is? Hope is a spoiled pampered princess. One never sees her with Beth. Steffy goes straight to Kelly as soon as she leaves the office. Hope is just plain boring. Liam is a dirty dog. Steffy brings light and energy to the show like Quinn.

    Zoe is hopeless. Get her off the show.

    1. I agree, Hope put all caused of this madness, by not being honest with Liam about her feelings for Thomas!!! Hope knew hiring Thomas and "LYING" about Thomas having the Meghighan was a strained on her Marriage!!!! Hope is just like her Mother, Brooke!!! Liam, have been through MADDINESS for years because of his commitment to Hope!!! Liam, If you go to jail, Hope will be with Thomas less than a few months!!!! Just saying!!!

    2. Really, Carter Allowing Zoey an Explanation about your life when you were no longer with her, knowing the ONLY reason she wants you back because Zande turned her down!!! Carter, the way she is acting questioning Shana should tell you that you made the right decision to stay away from her!!! Carter, you are back in a relationship with a woman that wants to be with Zande!!

  11. The mistake was to don't call police and ambulance on the place of accident and turn it to a crime. But Bill has a point. Liam and hope live like inside dream. hope think that they will go to police and after what ? go back home and play with kids cuz he confessed now after long time? girl open your princess eyes! liam will be arrested on the place and will go to jail the same bill. Think realistic way what will happen later. be clearly aware of what is waiting for you people..

    Maybe Bill will take it all on his chest to protect son cuz was bills car, no cameras and noone will know that liam was a driver, but that time don't have sens to confess if liam won't go to jail and pay what he did cuz how he can sleep quiet, he will still be a liar.

    Queen and Carter stuffs will go out earlier or later. will be a mess 👍🏾

    1. Hope and Liam are living in a dream world if they think that Liam should not go to the police about the accident. They can think about their boring life all they want, but they need to do what is right. With all the stuff that Bill did - tampering with a crime scene, destroying evidence, withholding information - it's more than likely that he would get the brunt of the charges/conviction/sentence anyway. Liam will probably get off with a slap on the wrist.

    2. I didnt say better dont go to the police. I said that the way how Hope is thinking is such a dream if she think that Liam is innocent inside that action. He could confess long time ago

  12. Quinn, you are trying to hold on to a man that wants to be with Brooke!!!!! Eric, hurt a lot of women for years because of his love for Brooke, including Stephanie, the Mother of his children!!!!

  13. Writers, Publisher's it is time to bring back Taylor, Thorne, Phylica, Christian, the Forest Family!!!

  14. OH MY GOSH!!! These story lines are soooooo boooooring!!! Maybe it's time to end this soap opera....

  15. How quickly forget ...Hopeless stayed quiet when Thomas accidently fell at Foresters wanna stay quiet NOW ..Brooke Eric and Hope are just as guilty as ALL others !!

  16. Did u all forget Thomas killed Emma by hitting her car n it went off cliff? He’s a killer n should be in jail. He’s a low life phoney. End this soap opera it’s boring and has been for years with outrageous storylines that go on for yrs. Amen

    1. Tell me about it Nellie for some reason everyone forgot the evil Thomas has done .not forgetting Vinny was the one who gave steffy drugs his own sister

    2. Noone forgot things which Thomas has done. If you could read all comments before few eposodes you could see as we were writing about that action with Emma

    3. I do not remember him hitting her car. She was panic driving and lost control of her car and ran off the road. Thomas saw the whole thing and left her there instead of calling 911. However, he did not hit her car.

    4. He didnt hit the car, yes, he didnt do nothing to kill her but he left her for die and make even sure that she was really dead. No call no help nothing, just go like nothing happened and live like innocent person till now. I hope one day this will get out

  17. Between hope and Brook characters I don't know who more hypocrite!! First of all Thomas run Emma off the road and left her there to die and still living life like it never happened. He drugged Liam drink to get him to sleep with steffy before . We all know by now Bill is a Villian if it was someone else Bill wouldn't have drove away but since Liam said who Vinny he immediately went in to protective mode like a parent would which of course was dumb. But I think this whole thing was set up for Liam to get out the picture and I think the person responsible is Thomas or Finn , why was Vinny on the dad stretch walking right after being released 🤔.....and of all people the hit him was Liam and Bill remember Thomas new Liam was over at hope that night and Bill was there aswell. I see where this sorry line is going.

    1. I think you could be right, Thomas said he was with Douglas but he could have asked that neighbor next door who has a boy that is Douglas’s friend to watch him while he went out and fought Vinny and pushed him in front of the car!

  18. Thomas never ran Emma off the road she wasn’t paying attention, driving too fast and talking in the phone. Neither Thomas nor Vinny was that upset. Liam is the one making threats. I think it was drug related or $Bill. He maybe backed over Vinny to make sure he was dead before he drove away.
