Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-5-21 Full episode B&B 5th May 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 5-5-21 Full episode B&B 5th May 2021


  1. Zoe is wrong. Carter doesn't love her any more. Quinn successfully healed him last night. 😂
    And Quinn schouldn't talk to Shauna at her home or on the phone if she wants to keep the secret. 😂

    1. Ur rt...but It's not a secret anymore when she tells someone.

    2. Haha she did :)
      yea, I remember how they had the same conversation over and over again when it came to Vegas... until someone overheard them.

  2. Jeez....Spineless Carter! Just man up & walk out! You do not have to continue listening to annoying Zooy with her same begging pathetic wants!
    All this saccharine redundant verbiage regarding Vinny has gone on
    long enough as well...... too damn tedious to listen to!
    Including Liam's "if only & what if's" !

  3. Watch out Quinn, Shauna might steel your man!

    1. There's nothing to steal. Quinn has already lost her man.
      Quinn should give him to Shauna and take Carter.

    2. Yep thts exactly wht will

  4. And Thomas should stop whining about Vinnie.
    If Vinnie was alive his "best friend" would let him rot in jail without a word.


    1. at least if vinny wasn't dead and he was in jail thomas could have gotten back on track and helped him stop all this drug shit. but thomas lost his childhood best friend and he blames himself in a way

  5. Hope you look like you made that dress from your curtain

  6. Hope, she really lives in her world, a fairy tale world, it's not possible. How does this young woman who calls herself an adult, who has a brain and who knows that her husband always has and will always have feelings for his ex-wife. How can she be so naive, still blinded by the signals. Liam isn't horrified by his night with Steffy (it was quite the opposite according to his confessions). It's that he's still hiding something he did, but he hasn't told his so-called "wife" yet. If, Hope is like that, so naive, really not in reality, it's because of Brooke who keeps overprotecting her and who never let Hope grow up alone and never made her own decisions.

  7. Brook is not a mother figure! Cause any mother who wants her daughter to go back to a man who cheats on her with his ex wife every opportunity he gets is not a good mother. Brook is so use to going after everybody's husband especially the Forrester men. And please stop that zoey, Quinn, and Carter story line. And yes Shawna is gonna be the next woman in Erics life.

  8. Liam makes a real man look bad!!! He's a punk!!

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  10. Thomas's vibe is wierd like maybe Scheming or hiding something. I think the writers might add him to b involved w Vinnies death. He probably pushed him into the road. We shall see...Shauna will definitely end up w Eric if Quinn and him split. No DOUBT ABOUT🤣

    1. Thomas is not being odd... his best friend was run down and left to die alone on the road. You would be cross and upset as well if that was your bestie. Even if they weren’t on speaking terms.

      Only Liam had a visceral reaction to what Vinny did. Thomas and Finn got in their punches and moved on. Both focusing on telling Steffy and Hope the good news and getting on with life.

      I think the idea that Sheila Carter was involved is quite probable. Especially if Finn turns out to be her son. She’s quite mad and has killed and attempted to murder so many people. It would be in character for her to do it.

      Hope was beyond ridiculous with Liam again. Thomas was correct to warn her and since Douglas is affected by Hope’s poor choices he has every right to be concerned!

      More hideous outfits today. Zoe is acting like some 13 yr old that if she insists long enough Carter must forgive her and provide a second chance.

      Carter is too clever to fall for that again. He created and ideal of what he believed Zoe to be, that person never existed and being Quinn brought that home for him. When he looks at her he’s remembering his night with Quinn, they are no way over yet.

      If you listen to Zoe when she talks to him it isn’t about how much loves him and how great he is, it’s about what he does for her etc. All me me me me me!!! Self centred cow doesn’t even care if she’s hurting Carter with her demands. She only thinks she’s all that and a packet of crisps!

      Her ordering Quinn around is ridiculous. Zoe who??? LOL

      Shauna and Quinn the walls have ears especially around the Forrester mansion... seriously??

      Liam is just plain boring and Wyatt may not be the most clever of fellas but even he knows something is really off.

      Hanan, totally agree with you!

    2. totaly agree with you too

  11. Think i prefer Shauna and Ridge ...jus that it would leave brooke open to go after the husband of some poor unsuspecting soul!!

    1. Poor poor Katie, Brooke will bounce back to $Bill in a heartbeat. He do what he always does and forget Katie exists and worship at Brooke’s feet.

      I could also see Brooke making a play for Carter just to prove she can take him from Quinn. She may try to string Eric along too just to keep as many men panting after her as possible. She does need her adoring public after all.

      If Sheila is back she may out Quinn and Carter in an attempt to get her own painting back over the fireplace again.

      Shauna would much better with Ridge. I see trouble looming for Brian’s Ridge. Her nasty comments to and about Thomas are clearly making Ridge more and more disgusted with her. She’s always been hateful towards Ridge’s children now she doesn’t even try to hide it.

      She keeps going on about Steffy too like it’s her fault Liam pursued her, refused to go to his wife, lied to her and deliberately slept with his ex to get even. Unlike what Ms ha hater keeps saying, Steffy wasn’t in any way trying to get back with Liam or chasing him she was minding her own business with Finn and told Lame to go home to Hope over and over.

      Her tirades against Thomas are so hypocritical given all the shady and sometimes violent things Brooke has done over the years to keep Ridge from his children and take him to herself. All the while, she was cheating with others on the side and spewing hate. Dump the harpy tramp and be with a woman who has a heart to give you Ridge.

    2. Oops Brooke and Ridge stupid mobile phone thinks it’s clever changing words 😂

    3. Ridge can't dump his destiny. 😂

  12. How come they all appear to share the same office? that design office is used in every scene....sometimes Carter is working there...then Zoe, then Quinn ...Paris...come off it
